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Chapter 161 Why I Give You a Chance

Chapter 161 Why I Give You a Chance

Shen Lin was called out by Aunt Chen!

He really didn't want to get up, but Aunt Chen's knock on the door directly woke him and the sleeping Lu Xiaorong out of their sleep.

Glancing at his newly bought seagull watch, Shen Lin found that the time was only 06:30, and he felt a little depressed.

Lu Xiaorong was lying on his arm, looking at Shen Lin with wide eyes.When Shen Lin looked at her, Lu Xiaorong felt his face turn red.

This guy insists on letting himself wear the pajamas he bought. The pajamas are comfortable, but why does Lu Xiaorong feel that they don't look like serious pajamas?

"Go and see who's coming, I'll change clothes." While speaking, Lu Xiaorong pulled the thin quilt that covered him.

Although Shen Lin really wanted to have some tenderness with Lu Xiaorong again, but the constant knocks on the outer door forced him to put on his clothes to open the door.

"Aunt Chen, what's the matter with you this early in the morning?" Seeing that it was the landlord who knocked on the door, Shen Lin could only bear it, although he felt uncomfortable.

After all, the current him cannot afford to offend the landlord.

Besides, Aunt Chen was very kind to him and Lu Xiaorong, and was a very good elder, so Shen Lin maintained due respect for Aunt Chen.

Aunt Chen looked at Shen Lin with sleepy eyes, and knew that she had disturbed others' rest, but as an older generation, she didn't feel any guilt.

"Shen Lin, there are quite a few people waiting for you downstairs. I asked them to come up, but they all declined saying it was inconvenient, so I had to wake you up."

Aunt Chen's words stunned Shen Lin for a moment, he looked out through the window of the corridor, and saw twenty or thirty people standing at the entrance of the corridor, and all of these people were familiar faces.

These guys actually found a home.

"Okay Auntie, let me ask what's going on." Although Shen Lin's dream was disturbed, he still thanked Aunt Chen very politely.

After all, this matter has nothing to do with the landlord. If he can enthusiastically inform himself, this kind of love must be remembered.

"Shen Lin, you don't need to be polite, we are not outsiders." When Aunt Chen said this, she glanced outside and said, "I'm going out now, do you want those people to come up, I'll send you a message .”

Shen Lin didn't want to go downstairs at this time. Hearing what Aunt Chen said, he said bluntly: "Then please tell them, whoever wants to come up, just come up. My door is open, so you're welcome. "

Aunt Chen agreed and walked downstairs.Although she didn't know what these people were looking for Shen Lin for, but from the looks of these people, Aunt Chen felt that these people came to ask Shen Lin to do something.

Otherwise, their expressions would not be so cautious.

After sending Aunt Chen away, Shen Lin returned to the room. At this time, Lu Xiaorong had already changed his clothes.Seeing Shen Lin approaching, she said with concern: "Shen Lin, what does Aunt Chen want from us?"

"Those regretful people have come to our house!" Shen Lin pointed out the window.

Lu Xiaorong looked out through the window and saw a dense crowd of people. She hesitated and said: "Shen Lin, people have already found our house, you say..."

Shen Lin understood what Lu Xiaorong meant, he pondered for a moment and said: "Xiao Rong, you just saw their pitiful side, but do you know how they will treat you if I don't come back?"

"I'm not angry that they came to ask for money, but before I was sure that I would not come back, they eagerly exchanged the rent receipt for your IOU."

"This kind of behavior is hateful, it will encourage a bad atmosphere, and people will deceive people when they are good!"

Looking at Shen Lin who was fuming, Lu Xiaorong gently hugged his arm.Although Lu Xiaorong felt that these people were a little pitiful, listening to Shen Lin's words filled her heart with warmth.After all, the husband did this because he felt sorry for himself and was wronged!

"Honey, let them pay a price." Lu Xiaorong said softly.

Shen Lin gently stroked Lu Xiaorong's hair and said, "Okay, since my wife said so, I'll give them a chance."

While the two were talking, there was a light knock on the door, Shen Lin said please come in, the door was slowly pushed open, and Sister Luo walked in.

As the first merchant to give him rent, Shen Lin's impression of Sister Luo is still very good.

Facing Sister Luo, Shen Lin did not speak ill, but said with a smile: "Sister Luo is here, please sit down."

Sister Luo was a little embarrassed when facing Shen Lin.Although she had countless explanations for her behavior in her mind, she was very clear about one thing. It was a bit too much for them to force Lu Xiaorong to write down the IOU.

After all, Shen Lin said that the problem would be solved in three days, and the time hadn't passed yet, so they made such a thing because of a rumor.

If I were Shen Lin, I might be even more angry than Shen Lin.

Sister Luo nodded towards Lu Xiaorong who was standing aside, and then said guiltily: "Boss Shen, I know we really did something wrong with this matter."

"This time, in addition to apologizing to Boss Shen and Xiaorong, I also want to talk about the rental shop."

Shen Lin didn't make a sound, but Lu Xiaorong, who was standing aside, looked at Sister Luo who was a little embarrassed, and quickly helped Sister Luo pour a glass of water.

"Boss Shen, I didn't think about what happened this time, so that it caused a lot of trouble for you and Sister Xiao Rong."

Sister Luo held the water glass, didn't drink it, and said embarrassingly: "No matter how good the reason is, it can only be regarded as an excuse. I won't talk about these."

"I hope to continue renting Boss Shen's shop. Of course, the rent price cannot be the previous two thousand."

Sister Luo laughed at herself when she said this: "If we want to take back what we gave up, we will always have to pay a price, don't you think so?"

Shen Lin kept smiling without saying a word.

"Boss Shen, I hope I can continue to rent Shop No. 2000. The rent will be increased by [-] yuan on the basis of [-] yuan."

After Sister Luo stated her conditions, she looked at Shen Lin nervously. She knew that she was the weaker party now.

If Shen Lin doesn't agree, then besides adding money, she has no choice but to move out of Paris Street.

She didn't want to give up Paris Street, but if the rent continued to increase, it would be too much for her to bear.

Shen Lin didn't answer right away, when Sister Luo's heart began to sink, Shen Lin finally spoke: "Sister Luo, if I take back these shops and rent them out for two thousand and five, do you think they can be rented out? "

Sister Luo said without hesitation at this moment: "Yes."

"Since that's the case, why do you think I still want to rent it to you?" Shen Lin's voice was calm, but there was no doubt about it.

And these words made Sister Luo's heart fall to the bottom all of a sudden.

ps: The second update, there will be two updates in two hours, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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