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Chapter 162 The Gap Between Shen Lin and Shen Lin

Chapter 162 The Gap Between Shen Lin and Shen Lin
Originally, in Sister Luo's heart, she actually felt a little uncomfortable about raising Shen Lin's money this time.

After all, no one would think too much of money.

Just because I did one thing wrong, I took out 500 yuan for nothing, which made Sister Luo feel extremely regretful.

But Shen Lin's words made the reluctance in her heart disappear all of a sudden.

Why should I give it to you!
Shen Lin's words were very ordinary, but these words shattered the last line of defense in Sister Luo's heart.

Although Shen Lin and her are also acquaintances, this kind of acquaintance is based on cooperation first. Now, what Shen Lin said made Sister Luo suddenly feel the distance between the two.

She thought of many reasons, but soon, Sister Luo realized that her reasons were not convincing at all.

Just when Sister Luo didn't know what to say, Shen Lin suddenly said: "Sister Luo, this house can be rented to you as you said, but I want to make one point, that is our friendship, and only this time Chance."

"Next time, even if you add more money, I will not cooperate with you."

At this moment, Sister Luo felt as if she had gone directly to heaven from hell. Looking at Shen Lin with a calm face, she couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude in her heart.

"Boss Shen, don't worry, I can assure you that such a thing will never happen again in the future."

"If something like this happens to me again, I'll..."

Sister Luo said a lot of grateful words, and finally left Shen Lin's house. When she was walking on the stairs, what she thought about was still the conversation between herself and Shen Lin.

Sister Luo at this moment slowly came to her senses.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that Shen Lin's success was not unreasonable, and there was really a big gap between herself and Shen Lin.

Among other things, just take today's incident as an example. She was still feeling a little uncomfortable, but now, facing Shen Lin, she felt more panic, more of a gap, more of a If you add money to others, it is your blessing if they agree...

Amidst the flashing of thoughts, Sister Luo finally just sighed.

"Sister Luo, how are you doing?" Wang Ergui was the first to run up to ask after seeing Sister Luo coming down.

Although they gathered together again, the aura of last night had completely disappeared at this time.

What they thought was actually one thing, whether Shen Lin could accept their conditions.

Sister Luo waved her hand and said, "Boss Shen agrees, but don't feel wronged. Boss Shen agrees because of our previous friendship."

"You have to remember that once these favors are used up, they will be gone in the future."

Adding money is still a matter of affection. Although Wang Ergui agreed with Sister Luo's words on the surface, in fact, he still felt a little slanderous in his heart.

But as Wang Ergui walked into Shen Lin's house in person and talked with Shen Lin for a few words, he was stunned by Shen Lin's "Why should I rent it to you?" Wang Ergui had to accept a fact.

That is, he was able to rent the shop this time, and he was really grateful to Prime Minister Shen Lin for being able to pull the boat. After all, at this price, he could easily rent it out. Cheap.

one, two, three...

In just over an hour, more than 20 people left Shen Lin's home one after another. No matter what they were thinking, at least they all left with full gratitude on their faces.After all, the big stone weighing on my heart has finally fallen to the ground.

Wang Ergui didn't have time to discuss with his companions, and he still had to open the business. For him, the 500 yuan was thrown away for nothing, and he must earn the 500 yuan back as soon as possible.

Stepping on his [-] bars, Wang Ergui roared away from the family courtyard of the hardware machinery factory as if he was flying an airplane.

"Brother Ergui, wait a minute." Just as he was turning the corner in the alley, a figure suddenly stood in front of him.

Wang Ergui slammed on the brakes, so he didn't knock down the person who rushed out, but his car almost fell to the ground because the brakes were too tight.

"You..." Just as Wang Ergui was about to swear, he saw that the person blocking his car actually knew him, and it was Boss Li not far from his shop.

Boss Li is very good at building relationships, among other things, they have a pretty good relationship after opening a store together these days.

But when he saw Boss Li, Wang Ergui thought of one thing, that is, Boss Li was the one who first went to Shen Lin to quit the lease.I have been in contact with him a lot, what should I do if Shen Lin has an opinion on me?
"Haha, brother Ergui, you don't even know me, do you?" Boss Li took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it to Wang Ergui while speaking.

Wang Ergui really wanted to say, I really don't know you, but thinking that Boss Li is also a capable person, if he offends him badly, there will be future troubles.

So he reluctantly took the cigarette, and asked Boss Li to help light the fire, then smiled and said: "Boss Li, look at what you said, I was riding a bicycle a little fast, and I didn't see you clearly!"

"Boss Li, you are waiting for me here, is there something wrong?"

Boss Li chuckled and said, "Brother Ergui, I heard that Shen Lin charged each of you with an additional rent of 500 yuan. Is it true?"

Mentioning the 500 yuan, Wang Ergui felt a little bit of a toothache. He gave almost a month's profit to Shen Lin.

"Yes, Boss Shen said, give us another chance. After all, we made a mistake, so we have to express our sincerity of repentance to Boss Shen."

Boss Li snorted and said, "This Shen Lin is obviously because of him, so there are so many disturbances, but he made these losses on us honest people."

Looking at Boss Li who was filled with righteous indignation, Wang Ergui thought to himself, we are all honest people, but you are obviously like a duck in the water, the surface is calm, and the river is throbbing with joy!Whether you are an honest person or not, only God knows!

As for his complaints about Shen Lin, Wang Ergui wisely chose to shut up.In his opinion, at this moment, to go along with Boss Li and complain about Shen Lin, it is simply an old birthday star eating arsenic and looking for death.

"Brother Ergui, do you think that if I take the initiative to increase Shen Lin's rent by 200 yuan, will he forgive me?" Boss Li quickly changed the subject when he saw that Wang Ergui didn't answer.

"Boss Li, I think, since Boss Shen has forgiven us, he should be able to forgive you as well." Wang Ergui hesitated for a moment, and said against his will.

"However, you must show enough sincerity!"

Boss Li had a smile on his face and said, "Thank you, brother Ergui, for your guidance. This time, I feel more confident."

"I'm going to find Shen Lin right now, our store will be opened together."

While talking, Boss Li has already left in a hurry.Looking at Boss Li who was walking windily, Wang Ergui let out a sigh in his heart, but at this moment, what he thought most was whether Shen Lin would let Boss Li go so easily.

ps: The third update is here, please support the big guys, there is another update, write it now.

(End of this chapter)

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