Chapter 1716 The Path I Chose
When I heard that Mi Yuan was getting married, I was very happy to have supper at night.

Although Mi Yuan has left the unit of Lu Daqing and others and came to MiKe Electronics, Mi Yuan's personality and her ability make her still an old friend of everyone.

Shen Lin and others have always been very concerned about this old friend's marriage.

Now that my old friend has finally gotten married, I am still very happy to hear about it.

Either way, it's a great thing.

But no one noticed that as Mi Yuan's best friend, Sister Dan's performance was somewhat unsatisfactory at this time. When drinking, she looked worried.

Shen Lin also had many scenes of getting to know and interact with Mi Yuan in his mind at this time.

Although he had never had any thoughts about Mi Yuan, and he even blocked some of Mi Yuan's thoughts with his own hands, when he heard the news that Mi Yuan was getting married, his mood was a bit complicated.

It is like a piece of rough jade that I am familiar with. It has been placed in a familiar place and can be seen at any time. Suddenly one day, this piece of rough jade is about to be taken away!

There was loss, sadness, and a hint of reluctance. Fortunately, Shen Lin's reason reminded him not to show such emotions, otherwise, what would Mi Yuan think?

Mi Yuan is a good girl, she deserves a better life and a better future.

"Director Shen, the man in my family plans to come to Yangcheng for development in the future. I heard that we are going to set up a trading company and the headquarters will be located in Yangcheng."

Mi Yuan had been quietly paying attention to the changes in Shen Lin's expression, but from Shen Lin's expression, she could not see anything strange about Shen Lin.

This made her feel extremely sad, and she felt a deep sense of frustration.

Perhaps, in Shen Lin's eyes, she is nothing. To put it nicely, she is a friend of his; to put it worse, she is just a migrant worker who gets paid and does things for others, nothing more.

Feeling sad, she finally carried out her plan.

She didn't have much time, so she couldn't waste this opportunity.

Naturally, Shen Lin would not refuse Mi Yuan's request.In terms of work, Mi Yuan is very suitable for this job.

Even if Mi Yuan didn't say anything, Shen Lin was still prepared to put Mi Yuan in the trading company he was about to establish.

What's more, the person Mi Yuan will marry in the future will also work in Yangcheng.

"Mi Yuan, don't worry, I will definitely arrange this matter for you."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin pondered for a moment and said, "How is your preparation for your job now?"

"If it's difficult to arrange, I can also help."

"I know a few people here in Yangcheng."

Hearing Shen Lin's offer of help, Mi Yuan was both grateful and sad.

She could feel that Shen Lin's words completely treated her as a friend.

However, she didn't want to be his friend forever.

Sister Dan looked at the calm and calm Shen Lin and thought to herself, do you really not know?
However, according to what Mi Yuan said, he seemed to really not know.

For a moment, Sister Dan's face showed a hint of helplessness.

She knew that it was best for her not to speak at this time, but she couldn't help but said: "Mi Yuan, Director Shen has already said that if you need help, just ask."

"Don't be polite to Director Shen. Some words may be difficult for us to say, but for Director Shen, it may be a piece of cake."

"Don't even think about who invited Director Shen to dinner tonight."

Li Qingbo also followed: "Isn't that right? Director Shen is a distinguished guest now. If there is any problem, it can be solved very easily."

Mi Yuan is naturally very clear about what Li Qingbo and Sister Dan said.

She couldn't help but glare at Sister Dan.Li Qingbo didn't know anything. For his own good, he naturally didn't want to lose this opportunity, but what about Sister Dan?
She knows everything and she still says these things.

I don’t have another person to begin with, so where can I find this person?

But at this time, everyone had said this in front of Shen Lin, and she could not refuse directly.

He smiled and said: "Director Shen, I'm not sure yet whether he needs help. Let me go back and ask. If he needs help, I will report to you."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Okay, you can call me anytime."

At 11:30 in the evening, because there was still something else to do, everyone dispersed early after enjoying themselves.

Shen Lin, Li Qingbo and others left in the car, while Mi Yuan and Sister Dan said they needed to eat and planned to walk back.

Because they lived very close to each other, Shen Lin and others allowed the two of them to walk back.

After Shen Lin's car left, Sister Dan said with some dissatisfaction: "Mi Yuan, you... why did you suddenly talk to them about this? Are you really married?"

"Sister Dan, I think this opportunity is quite good." Seeing Sister Dan's scolding, Mi Yuan said with a smile: "Besides, if we don't say anything at this time, a sudden marriage in the future may arouse his suspicion."

This person naturally refers to Shen Lin.

Sister Dan opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say anything.

And Mi Yuan continued: "What's more, this will also stop some thoughts."

Mi Yuan didn't say what she was thinking about. She didn't know whether it was Shen Lin's thinking or her own.

Looking at Mi Yuan's expression, Sister Dan sighed and said, "Then who do you want to marry?"

"There is no need to look for this person at all." Mi Yuan said with a smile: "I will find a time to say that I got married while traveling, and I went abroad."

"Just come back and bring you some wedding candies."

Listening to Mi Yuan's plan, Sister Dan shook her head helplessly and said, "You are really too worry-free and sensible."

"Okay, even if you get married and find someone, what will happen when the child is born? You have to go to work and take care of the child. Can you handle it?"

"My mother's illness prevents me from seeing the child, but I can hire a nanny at home."

Mi Yuan said softly: "The salary at MiKe Electronics is quite good. I think as long as we invite a relative here, everything will not be a problem."

"Sister Dan, why don't I give this task to you and find an acquaintance."

Looking at Mi Yuan who looked like everything had been planned, Sister Dan paused and said, "Are you really not going to tell him?"

"I won't say it anymore. Sometimes I think about it and I think this is pretty good."

"After all, this way it doesn't disturb his life, and the main reason why this happened is because of me." Mi Yuan said: "Since he doesn't know, it's better not to know."

"After all, it was me who was wrong in this matter."

Sister Dan wanted to say that Shen Lin did not suffer in this matter, but looking at Mi Yuan's appearance, she still shook her head and said: "You, you usually seem to be easy to talk about, but you are really stubborn. But even a few cows can’t pull it over.”

"Hey, I won't talk about you anymore, but Mi Yuan, as a eldest sister, what I want to tell you is that you can't hide this matter forever."

Having said this, Sister Dan shook her head and stretched out her arm to hold Mi Yuan's arm.

Mi Yuan glanced at Sister Dan and said: "Sister Dan, among our old colleagues, please help me hide it."

"Director Li and Director Lu are very careless and have many things to do. Please help me fool them. As for the others, you just need to spread some news."

"This shouldn't be difficult for you."

(End of this chapter)

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