Chapter 1717

Shen Lin returned to his residence, took a simple shower, and got ready to sleep.

Ordinarily, after two drinks and the fatigue of running around this day, Shen Lin should be able to fall asleep as soon as he lay on the bed.

But at this moment, Shen Lin was tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

Mi Yuan is getting married!

Isn’t this a bit too sudden?
And the scene in the dream, unknowingly, appeared in his mind again.

It's a dream!

Shen Lin decided that this was a dream!

And Mi Yuan also proved to him that this was a dream, but Shen Lin felt that this dream was too real, too...

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Shen Lin sat up from the bed.

He wanted to ask Mi Yuan about the situation in her dream, but after taking two steps back and forth, Shen Lin stepped back again.

Mi Yuan has already said that nothing has happened between the two of them, and... and Mi Yuan is about to get married.

If you still ask this kind of question, it is a very rude thing in itself.

In the end, Shen Lin stopped himself from walking out.

Lying on the bed, Shen Lin tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. He didn't know when he fell asleep.

The next morning, Shen Lin was woken up by the alarm clock. It was already past nine in the morning.After briefly washing up, Shen Lin saw Fang Xiaomei who was waiting for him.

"Director Shen, there is breakfast below. Do you want to go out to eat or have someone buy it for you?" Fang Xiaomei came to Shen Lin and asked familiarly.

Shen Lin said: "Let's take a walk. We've had enough time in the room."

Fang Xiaomei agreed and walked out of the hotel with Shen Lin.

Outside the hotel, there are many shops and stalls selling various snacks, and people are coming and going, making it extremely lively.

"Boss, let's have a bowl of Laoya Vermicelli Soup!" Shen Lin found a place to sit down and said to the boss.

"By the way, Xiaomei, would you like a bowl? This old duck vermicelli soup is very good."

Fang Xiaomei had already eaten before. When she heard Shen Lin's invitation, she quickly waved her hand and said, "Dr. Shen, please spare me. I'm a little fat these days!"

"Then I have to eat it by myself." Shen Lin said with a smile: "When I first came to this trade fair, I thought the Laoya Vermicelli Soup here was good."

"That's still the feeling now."

As a bowl of Lao Ya vermicelli soup was served, Shen Lin casually chatted with Fang Xiaomei, who was sitting opposite, while eating.

"Xiaomei, have you seen Mi Yuan's partner?"

Fang Xiaomei shook her head and said, "Dr. Shen, it was the first time I heard about it yesterday."

"Tsk tsk, there are many people in our company who are pursuing Sister Mi Yuan, including several P6-level elites, and some even let it slip that they won't marry anyone other than Sister Mi Yuan!"

"It's good now, these guys should give up."

Looking at Fang Xiaomei who looked like a gossip, Shen Lin couldn't help but ask: "There is such a thing. Come on, tell me who it is?"

"Director Shen, I mostly listen to what others say."

"But I think the news I heard should be true."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Why do you think what you heard is true?"

"Director Shen, you group bosses like to chat together. We little secretaries also chat together when we have nothing to do."

At this point, Fang Xiaomei said in a low voice: "We secretaries, although we don't talk as much as you, we all talk about things around us."

"The person who told me the news should not lie to me about this matter." Looking at Fang Xiaomei who looked confident, Shen Lin couldn't help but laugh.

As the business of MiKe Electronics increases, Cheng Zhenyuan, Lian Shaofeng and others all have their own full-time secretaries.

If the heads of each business department form a circle, then their secretaries can also form a circle.

Shen Lin is the boss of MiKe Electronics, and as his full-time secretary, Fang Xiaomei has become a leading figure in the secretary circle.

Looking at the proud Fang Xiaomei, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Secretary Fang's reputation is great. Naturally, I don't dare to deceive you about this matter."

"Director Shen, the people in the company who are pursuing Sister Mi Yuan include Manager Chen who is in charge of marketing in the PHS Business Department, Manager Li in our Mi Ke Advertising Department, and..."

In one breath, Fang Xiaomei named seven or eight people.

If these seven or eight people were given the same adjective, it would be young talents.

Shen Lin was very impressed by the names of these people, because these people were the company's key training targets.

And everyone’s salary income is calculated based on annual salary.

Such a person, in the eyes of many people, is a golden turtle son-in-law.

Shen Lin finished the vermicelli in the bowl and couldn't help but said: "Xiao Mei, these people you mentioned are so good and capable, why didn't Mi Yuan choose one, but chose one from outside the company?"

Fang Xiaomei couldn't answer Shen Lin's question.

She spread her hands and said, "Director Shen, I really can't answer you. How about I call Sister Mi Yuan and let her answer you."

Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "Forget it, who can explain things like feelings clearly?"

"By the way, when Mi Yuan gets married, remember to inform me that since we are just friends, I have to give you a gift."

Fang Xiaomei smiled and said: "Dr. Shen, maybe Sister Mi Yuan will invite you to be the officiant without me remembering it."

"After all, you are the signature of our MiKe Electronics."

After chatting with Fang Xiaomei for a while, Shen Lin changed the subject and said, "Do you have any plans for today?"

"Over in Yangcheng, the leader in charge of urban construction called his secretary and said he wanted to invite you to take a look around and see the city."

"And let me introduce to you the development plan of the city here."

Shen Lin naturally understood what the introduction was for.

In fact, in this regard, he had already made up his mind and determined his position.

But Shen Lin, who was invited by others and had nothing to do, smiled and said, "Okay, just give me a call and say we'll visit in half an hour."

After Fang Xiaomei quickly remembered Shen Lin's arrangement, she continued: "By the way, when Sister Mi Yuan goes to the trade fair today, let me tell you that if you have time, you can go to the trade fair to guide the work. .”

"I won't get involved in the trade fair."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mi Yuan is capable enough. As long as she follows our established strategy, there will be no problem."

Having said this, Shen Lin continued: "Ask Mi Yuan to give me a summary of the daily situation, and I will take a look."

"Okay, I'll tell Sister Mi Yuan later."

Fang Xiaomei agreed while saying: "By the way, Mr. Shen, does Sister Dan have any objections to me? I greeted her today, but she was a bit indifferent to me and too lazy to talk to me."

Shen Lin thought about Sister Dan and Fang Xiaomei, and smiled and said: "Probably not. You are not very familiar with her. I think it is possible that when you greeted her, she was distracted and thinking about other things." thing."

Fang Xiaomei didn't take this matter too seriously. After all, Sister Dan was not his boss.

The reason why she mentioned this matter was not only to chat, but also to give Shen Lin a vaccination.

What did the provincial sister Dan say to her?

(End of this chapter)

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