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Chapter 1718 Let’s hold on for one more minute

Chapter 1718 Let’s hold on for one more minute
One day, two days, three days...

Time passed day by day, and the time for the end of the trade fair became closer and closer.

Shen Lin's main job these days is to conduct inspections and negotiations at the invitation of all parties in Yangcheng.

As the conditions matured, the investment agreement for Mihu City was signed.

On the second day after signing the agreement, Shen Lin got on a plane and went to the East China Sea.

The only people who knew about Shen Lin's departure were Mi Yuan and a few others. As for the others, they didn't know that the person in charge of MiKe Electronics had left.

Sunege didn't know that Shen Lin had left.

In fact, even if someone told Suneg that Shen Lin had left, he would not believe it.

In Suneg's view, saying that Shen Lin left was just a smoke bomb. In fact, Shen Lin not only did not leave, but was still waiting for him to take the bait.

After all, it was impossible for Shen Lin to leave without reaching one-third of the previous orders.

He has to wait for him and others to negotiate again.

"Mr. Suneg, can I come in?" Jayne's voice came from outside.

Suneg still liked Jayne very much, a subordinate who knew how to advance and retreat and was discerning. He smiled and said, "Mr. Jayne, of course you can come in."

"I said, there is no need to be so polite between the two of us."

Although Sunege said it very politely, Jayne knew very well that Sunege, who appeared to be extremely open-minded on the surface, was actually a thoughtful person.

Once a small detail goes wrong, he may not say anything on the surface, but behind the scenes, you have to be careful of his hidden tricks.

Therefore, when dealing with such a smiling tiger, you must be careful and cautious.

"Mr. Suneg, here are the order status of Mihu Electronics yesterday and the prices of their products." Jerry came to Suneg's room and respectfully handed over the materials in his hand.

Sunage took the materials, looked at them twice, and said with a smile: "Dear Mr. Jayne, I believe you have seen that our poor Mihu Electronics had no orders yesterday!"

"Hahaha, it's really pitiful!"

"But God, please forgive me for being harsh. Who gave them the courage to increase the price of their products by another 20.00%."

"Tsk, tsk, if you raise prices so casually, only fools will buy their products!"

Jayne didn't speak, and still stood aside obediently.

But at this time, Jayne didn't quite agree with Suneg's words. He had already vaguely felt something was wrong.

It's been like this for a while, but instead of lowering its prices, MiKe Electronics has increased its prices like this. This is a clear sign of a hard fight!

But if they insist, their mission will not be completed.

But will MiKe Electronics really give in?

"Mr. Jayne, how long will it take until the trade fair ends?" Sunage looked over the materials and asked Jayne.

Jayne said respectfully: "Mr. Suneg, there are still three days of this trade fair."

"In three days, we should go back."

Sunage stood up, waved his arm and said: "Mr. Jayne, within three days, you will witness that we will use one-third of the price to take everything we have."

As he spoke, Sunage waved the price list of MiKe electronic products.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a knock on the door. When Suneg heard the sound, he frowned slightly.

For his part, he didn't like the sudden visit.

But he still glanced at Jayne, and Jayne quickly opened the door.

"Mr. Suneg, I just got the news that Shen Lin is gone." The short and fat Mr. Takeda came in. As soon as he entered, he said to Suneg.

Sunage frowned.He suddenly stood up from his seat and said, "Mr. Takeda, what you heard are rumors, how could Shen Lin leave?"

"At this trade fair, he still has at least [-]% of the agreements that have not been signed. If he just walks away without caring about it, how will they be able to sell the products of Mihu Electronics and how will they be able to complete their mission."

"I think this is a smoke bomb released by MiKe Electronics to fool us."

"We should ignore this matter."

Mr. Takeda glanced at Suneg and said: "Mr. Suneg, I very much hope that your judgment is correct, but our branch in Donghai saw Shen Lin in Donghai."

"It can't be wrong."

Mr. Takeda's words made Suneg's face become serious.

Sunege felt that it was impossible for Shen Lin to leave here. After all, there were still many things to do at the trade fair.

The more times like this, the more people with decision-making power like Shen Lin are needed to be at the helm.

But Shen Lin left unexpectedly.

How can this be?

"Mr. Takeda, maybe Shen Lin just left here temporarily. His purpose of doing this is to cause us to cause chaos."

"Think about it, if he didn't want us to know that he left, it would be completely impossible for us to know about his departure."

"Your branch will not see him either."

Sunage calmed down and said decisively: "The more times this happens, the less likely we are to be chaotic."

"I feel that our opponent is causing us trouble at this time."

"And the more this happens, the less we can make decisions easily."

Mr. Takeda hesitated and said: "Mr. Suneg, do you mean that we treat it as if we don't know?"

"Yes, we pretend we don't know. What we are competing for now is patience."

"If we lose our patience, we will lose miserably this time."

"You don't want to buy MiKe Electronics products at this price." As he spoke, Sunage handed the thing that Jayne handed him towards Takeda.

Takeda looked at the price on the form and frowned heavily.

Naturally, he cannot accept this price, and naturally he is not willing to buy things at this price.

Therefore, he pondered for a moment and said: "Mr. Suneg, I think we should talk to Shen Lin and come up with a price that is acceptable to both of us."

"Otherwise, if the time is delayed, we will not complete the procurement task, and we will have no way to explain it after we return."

Listening to Takeda's words, Sunage cursed a fool in his heart.

He smiled and said: "Dear Mr. Takeda, I know what you mean, but what I want to tell you is that once we initiate this negotiation, we will be the ones who give in."

"Listen to my advice and let's hold on for two more days."

"In two days, they will come to us."

"Now, what we have to do is stay calm."

Takeda left. After sending Takeda out the door with a smile, Sunege said unceremoniously: "I really don't know how there could be such a fool as Takeda."

"At times like this, he needs to be patient. He wants to surrender. Doesn't he know that once he surrenders, he will be at the mercy of others."

"Idiot, what an idiot."

Listening to Suneg's curse words, Jayne wanted to ask, are you really sure that MiKe Electronics will surrender?
But he didn't dare, so he said goodbye carefully and left.

But in his heart, he was full of expectations for two days later.

(End of this chapter)

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