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Chapter 176 The Opportunity I Have Been Waiting For

Chapter 176 The opportunity you’ve been waiting for
At eleven o'clock in the morning, Shen Lin drove his motorcycle tricycle like a gust of wind, and returned to Linrong Electronics' store.

At this time, there were four big bags of apples behind his tricycle.

Each of these apples is as heavy as six or seven taels, and the red skin makes tempting people want to take two bites.

"Brother, where did you come from?" Just as Shen Lin was about to enter, Guangzi walked out of the shop.

While speaking, he even handed over a cigarette graciously.

Both Photon and Qiangzi played well with Shen Lin in the past.It's just that Photon is shrewd and tactful.

It is precisely because of this that although Shen Lin is close to Photon, he also keeps a certain distance.

Shen Lin smiled at Guangzi and said, "I went to the second match factory, you don't have to go to work today?"

"What kind of work do you do? The things you produce can't be sold, and you haven't been paid this month." Photon complained again and again.

As a temporary worker, and a temporary worker in the tertiary industry, the payment of wages is not guaranteed at all compared with regular workers.

"Won't Lao Bai in the factory give an explanation?" As Shen Lin spoke, his eyes fell on a store that had just been listed on the opposite side.

The sign was an old wooden board with a lot of paint peeling off, and on it was written crookedly large characters in red paint: Civil and Military Department Store!
Looking at the signboard, Shen Lin glanced at the signboard on his side again, and a smile appeared in his eyes.

As for the signboards in his row, they were all carefully designed by Shen Lin.Not fancy, but simple and elegant, people can't help feeling very high-end when they look at it.

On the other hand, no matter how you look at it, they all feel low-end.

At this time, Guangzi was full of thoughts on how to get Shen Lin to give him a hand. Following Shen Lin's gaze, he looked at the civil and military department store, and couldn't help baring his teeth.

This civil and military department store is really not an ordinary joke, and the difference from Shen Lin's side is really too far.

Speaking of which, the two sides are not of the same size at all, so how can they be compared!
"Brother, Lao Bai doesn't care about us, he just manages the wages of regular workers, but I heard from my mother that life in the factory is not easy now, and even the banks are unwilling to lend to our factory. Their wages this time , or borrow money from the head office.”

Speaking of this, Guangzi said with a trace of emotion: "Brother, what do you think is going on now? Why can't even the big factories pay their wages?"

Of course Shen Lin knew what was going on, but he didn't have time to discuss this matter with Photon.

But after looking around, he said to Photon, "Go, sit inside, let's have a good talk."

Photon is very happy to do this. He came here today mainly to deliver the things he collected at this time to Shen Lin.

This time he received a big item, a broken karaoke machine, which gave him 20 yuan, which made him very excited.

But he envied Qiangzi even more. Qiangzi was here with Shen Lin, where the wind and rain could not blow, not to mention a fixed salary for one month, and he could still share it at the end of the year.

One month's salary is more than that of the oldest master in the factory. Thinking about it, Photon is envious.

So at this time, Guangzi also had the idea of ​​going to Shen Lin to do it.

After entering the room, Qiangzi, who was packing his things, hurriedly said, "Brother, Xu Ruibing came just now, and he said that Director Song arranged for him to tell you that it has been confirmed that the big leaders of the city have come to inspect our place."

After listening to Qiangzi's words, a smile appeared on Shen Lin's face.Regarding Du Beikang's matter, Shen Lin thought about several methods, but other methods were too slow. Only this method was the fastest and most effective.

However, this approach has the highest degree of uncertainty.

Now, Xu Ruibing's message reassured Shen Lin a lot.However, at this time, there was Photon after all, so he told Qiang Zi that he understood, and took Photon to the lounge behind.

It is said to be a lounge, but in fact it is a square table, a few low stools and a single wooden bed, all of which were made from leftover wood during the renovation.

Shen Lin sat down on the stool casually, then picked up the thermos and poured a glass of water for Guangzi, saying: "Guangzi, drink water."

Guangzi picked up the water glass and said, "Brother, I can't stay in the third industry anymore. Look, can I find a job with you!"

"Brother, don't worry, I can't guarantee anything else, and I will definitely not cause trouble to my brother!"

Looking at the sincere face of Guangzi, Shen Lin said silently: "Guangzi, now my store already has Qiangzi and the others. If I need more people, this store won't be able to handle it!"

Hearing this, Guangzi was very disappointed, and at the same time, he regretted it in his heart. Some time ago, when Shen Lin invited himself, why did he not agree, so that now he wanted to follow Shen Lin, but was rejected.

"Well, when I have a place here, I'll be the first to find you."

Shen Lin took a sip of water and smiled at Photon.

Photon hurriedly refilled Shen Lin with water. Even without this promise, he still lives on Shen Lin now.

Among other things, the money he charges for old electrical appliances to Shen Lin to exchange in a month is twice as high as his salary.This is also the reason why he can live comfortably without paying wages in their small tertiary factory.

"Photon, did you find anything about what I told you last time?" Shen Lin said casually.

Photon was taken aback, and he hesitated for a moment and said, "Brother, arranged for me to pay attention to the white-eyed wolf's trafficking, that...that, these days, I have been paying attention, but I didn't find anything."

Seeing Guangzi's hesitation to speak, Shen Lin's face suddenly became gloomy, and Guangzi wanted to hide it from him, but he was not good enough.

It's clear that he didn't take this matter to heart, but now he comes here to talk nonsense.

"Photon, since you are not interested in doing this, then don't do it." Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "Go and do your work."

Shen Lin's attitude suddenly became very indifferent, which made Guangzi's face change suddenly.At this time, he still didn't understand what Shen Lin meant.

Shen Lin clearly wanted to tell her that the relationship between them was gone, and he would go wherever he felt cool.

How could he accept such a result!
He knew very well that once he left, he might not even have the business of buying and selling second-hand electrical appliances.At that time, the gap between him and Qiangzi will become even bigger.

"Brother, brother, I was wrong. I shouldn't slack off the things you arranged. Don't worry about that. I will help you keep an eye on it in two days. If there is any trouble at the white-eyed wolf, I will tell you as soon as possible. you."

"Brother, please, give me another chance."

"If you know your mistakes, you can correct them. You are still a good brother. Photon, you just need to put your heart into it in the future!"

ps: The second update, please support me
(End of this chapter)

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