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Chapter 177 Someone needs to stand up

Chapter 177 Someone needs to stand up
After talking with Shen Lin for more than ten minutes, Guangzi left with a trace of embarrassment on his face.

Although Shen Lin didn't say any harsh words to him, even Shen Lin's attitude was very friendly.But Guangzi had a feeling that if he didn't do a good job, then he might not be able to take over work from Shen Lin in the future.

Shen Lin is going to bite the white-eyed wolf!

In the past, Guangzi felt that he knew Shen Lin quite well, but now, he realized that the gap between himself and Shen Lin was not so big.

Just when he was worrying about not getting a full-time job, Shen Lin already had a status and wealth that far exceeded his own.

Among other things, he felt that he would not be able to keep up with the rent in this street for the rest of his life.

And from the fact that Shen Lin bit the white-eyed wolf and didn't let go, he felt Shen Lin's vengeance even more.This has already left the hardware machinery factory, and he still does not forget to plot against the white-eyed wolf. Just from Shen Lin, he is a little afraid of Shen Lin.

It seems that I can't delay this matter any longer!

Shen Lin didn't send Photon, he has many choices now, if Photon doesn't do this, Shen Lin can find someone else to do it.

So photons are not that important to him.What's more, after the beating just now, he believed that Photon would definitely give him a satisfactory answer.

"Qiangzi, how many things did Photon send?" Shen Lin came to the store and asked with a smile when he found that Qiangzi had already packed most of the things.

Qiangzi said: "Brother Shen, Photon sent five radios, an old tape recorder, and a karaoke imported from abroad. I estimated the price and gave him a total of 40 yuan."

40 yuan is a worker's salary for one month, and the last time Photon came to deliver things was a week before Shen Lin's opening.

In other words, Photon earned 100 yuan in ten days.

Although this kind of thing also has an element of chance, but at least one month, you can get 40 yuan, which is quite a lot compared to the price of less than [-] yuan per catty of pork.

Shen Lin nodded and said: "Okay, you look at the shop, I'll go out for a while."

Shen Lin said he was going out, but he didn't go far, but turned directly into Sister Luo's No. [-] shop.At this time, in the No. [-] store, there were more customers than Shen Lin's No. [-] store. After all, Sister Luo's main business was clothing.

The women who come to visit Paris Street will basically come to the store to look at the clothes, and as long as the economic conditions allow, they can't help but buy two.

I have to say that Sister Luo is very good at doing business. The clothes not only have many styles, but also have first-class vision.In addition, the clothing store is located on Paris Street, so it is quite face-saving to say it.

Sister Luo couldn't do it all by herself, so she asked a cousin from her hometown to help, but even so, the two of them were often too busy to eat.

Seeing Shen Lin coming, Sister Luo hurriedly put down the work in her hands, greeted Shen Lin with a smile and said, "Boss Shen, good brother, why do you have time to come over today?"

Although she was forced to pay five hundred yuan by Shen Lin, Sister Luo didn't hate Shen Lin too much in her heart. She felt that if she was in Shen Lin's position, she might do the same.

After all, they have gone too far in this matter.

More importantly, the profits of these two days have already recovered her losses, so Sister Luo is in a good mood.

"Sister, I have something to tell you, are you free now?"

Sister Luo originally wanted to say, I'm very busy, didn't you see that I was busy running around in the shop!

But she couldn't say that, after all, it was Shen Lin who came.

"Boss Shen, why don't we go outside and talk about it?" Sister Luo's shop had no place to rest at all.

Shen Lin said: "Let's take a look on the road." Although Sister Luo didn't know what kind of medicine Shen Lin was selling in his gourd, she knew one thing very well, that is, no matter what Shen Lin's idea was, she was now All he could do was follow Shen Lin's arrangements.

After all, the connection between her and Shen Lin is too tight now.

"Did you see the shop opposite?" Shen Lin pointed at the civil and military department store, and asked Sister Luo with a smile.

For the civil and military department store that is not far away from her, how can Sister Luo not see this very low-grade civil and military department store at first sight.She frowned and said, "Brother, this cultural relic department store is too outrageous. Their decoration will lower the grade of our Paris Street as a whole."

Sister Luo has felt an effect in the contact with customers these days, that is, in the eyes of many people, the things bought in Paris Street should be higher-end than those in other places.

What's more, even if the things on Paris Street are a little more expensive, they are willing to buy them.

And once a small store like Wenwu Department Store across the street opens, the grade of the entire Paris Street will drop, and at that time, her interests will probably suffer losses.

Even before Shen Lin approached her, Sister Luo already thought of asking Shen Lin to report this matter and ask him to deal with it.

Shen Lin nodded and said: "Sister, although I built this street, you can feel the benefits brought by this street."

Shen Lin's words were straightforward, and Sister Luo didn't refute, but nodded and said: "Yes, I can feel that many customers think our street is very high-end."

"Some goods, even people did not counter-offer."

If you don't counter-offer, you will naturally make more profits.

Shen Lin looked at Sister Luo who was dissatisfied, and felt that his arrangement might be smoother than he thought.He didn't hesitate anymore, but directly said to Sister Luo: "Sister, I called you here because I have something to talk to you about."

"I have received a notice that tomorrow a major leader of the city will inspect our street."

What Shen Lin said surprised Sister Luo, but looking at the prosperous scene of Paris Street, Sister Luo showed a clear expression on her face again.

Paris Street is so prosperous, isn't it normal for leaders to see it, if no one comes, that's wrong!

"At that time, the leaders will basically go deep into the grassroots and listen to the voices of the merchants. I hope you can tell the leaders what you just said."

"Let the leaders understand what our merchants really want."

Sister Luo was stunned for a moment, she understood that if she did what Shen Lin said, then she would offend the merchant opposite!
But looking at the crooked and tattered signboards of Wenwu Department Store, and seeing the dilapidated walls that were not decorated at all, Sister Luo immediately made up her mind.

Even if Shen Lin doesn't arrange for this matter, she still has to talk about it.

After all, it hurt her interests.

"Boss Shen, don't worry, if I have the chance, I will definitely say what I just said."

Hearing Sister Luo's assurance, Shen Lin nodded and said, "Sister, don't worry, there is definitely a chance."

While the two were talking, they saw two figures walking over from the opposite side, smiling.

ps: Three updates today, please support!

(End of this chapter)

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