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Chapter 178 You Are A Fucking Talent

Chapter 178 You Are A Fucking Talent
It was Du Beikang and Boss Li who came!

"Hahaha, Boss Shen, you are such a busy person!" Du Beikang immediately laughed when he saw Shen Lin.

Shen Lin was full of resentment towards Du Beikang. After all, this guy was also one of the culprits who wanted to annex his Paris Street.

Although Ye Yichen had already been arranged, Shen Lin felt that it was not enough.This guy who wants to borrow chickens to lay eggs is his next target.

"Is there something wrong with Boss Du?" There was no room for relaxation between the two sides, and Shen Lin was too lazy to make false claims with him.

Sister Luo, who was standing beside Shen Lin, felt that she had no place to put her hands. Just now, she was discussing with Shen Lin how to deal with Du Beikang. Bei Kang was standing right in front of her, which made her face a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, Du Beikang's goal is not himself.

"Hahaha, Boss Shen, I'm here to say hello." Du Beikang glanced at the passers-by and said cheerfully, "From now on, our two families will I'm doing business on the same street, Boss Shen needs to take care of me!"

When Du Beikang said this, he cupped his fists towards Shen Lin, looking very complacent.

For Du Beikang, the trick Shen Lin gave Ye Yichen made him feel that he had lost a lot. He felt that Paris Street was almost his, but Shen Lin took it back abruptly.

This obviously cut off Du Beikang's fortune!

For Shen Lin, Du Beikang hated him so much that his teeth itch.

Coming to look for Shen Lin now, also felt provocative.

Shen Lin looked at the proud Du Beikang, and said meaningfully: "Boss Du, don't worry, I will take care of you, and I will never miss you!"

Although Shen Lin's words were very peaceful, Du Beikang felt a swish of cold air emerge from the bottom of his heart.

He was even a little apprehensive.

Don't look at this young Shen Lin, his brain is definitely good, if one day he thinks of a crooked trick, maybe he will come up with something!
He, Du Beikang, thinks that he is quite accurate in judging people. Don't look at Shen Lin, who is usually not humming, he is definitely a powerful character.Once you provoke him, there will be absolutely no good fruit to eat.

"Hahaha, then I'm here, so I would like to thank Boss Shen for taking care of me." Although his heart was a little chilly, Du Beikang didn't want to lose the battle. While talking, he said to Boss Li beside him: "Old Li, you Why don't you say hello to Boss Shen?"

Boss Li is Boss Shen's follower, and he was shut down at Shen Lin's place a while ago, how could he be in the mood to say hello to Shen Lin.

Hearing Du Beikang's greeting at this time, he said almost immediately: "Boss Shen, you have been so proud of your horseshoe recently!"

Having said that, he pointed to a shop where the wall had been broken and the signboard was being put up: "Boss Shen, have you seen it? This is my old Li's shop."

"Hey, the No. [-] position that Brother Du gave me, tsk tsk, I don't think it's worse than your position, and what's more, Brother Du gave me a friendly price!"

Speaking of this, he said in high spirits: "Look at my signboard, it's not impressive. Let me tell you, my signboard cost a total of five hundred yuan."

Boss Li stretched out his palm, his face was full of boasting.

Five hundred yuan, when the per capita salary is just over 40, is definitely a sum worth boasting about.After all, this is almost the price of a domestic color TV.

Shen Lin looked at Boss Li's big signboard of Wanke leather shoes, which was one and a half meters high, painted in red, and written in black, and didn't know what to say for a while.

This signboard is simply a big upstart; hanging together with the cultural relics department store next to it, this picture is a perfect combination of urban and rural style.

Shen Lin looked at Boss Li with a smug face, and felt that this self-proclaimed guy was really speechless.

"Haha, I still have to say hello to Boss Shen, as you can see, my side is a little too sunny."

Boss Li saw that Shen Lin was silent and thought he had been suffocated by his boast. He was not willing to be polite to such Shen Lin and was very straightforward: "Boss Shen, have you seen the two sticks over there? I'm going to prepare Build a shed in front of my store." "In this way, when customers come to my place, they can enjoy the shade and I can also increase my business area."

"Hey, Boss Shen won't have any objections?"

Looking at Boss Li who was eager to show everything about himself, Shen Lin felt that this boss was really cute.

Not to mention the plaques with such a huge difference in painting style, but also a black plastic shed at the entrance of his store.

Combined with his own plan, this is simply a gift!

"Boss Li, this street is not wide in the first place. Once you build a shed like this, there won't be much room for people to walk." Sister Luo who spoke, although her shop is not directly opposite to Boss Li's, but it is not close to her. Far.

At this time, Sister Luo was filled with righteous indignation.

She was discussing with Shen Lin just now how to deal with the opponent, so after seeing Du Beikang, she still felt somewhat guilty.

But now, Boss Li's magical operation made her guilt disappear completely, and she couldn't help but blame her.

After all, this is related to her business, and if people do not work for themselves, heaven and earth will destroy it.How could she be willing to do this kind of behavior at the expense of others!

Mrs. Luo's words made Boss Li's face show a trace of complacency, and he said indifferently: "Sister Luo, why are you talking so much? Let me tell you, my old Li didn't take your place!"

"Why, you are a policeman in the Pacific Ocean, you can take care of everything!"

Seeing Boss Li's rascally attitude, Sister Luo was really angry, but at this moment, she didn't know what to say.

Du Beikang didn't approve of Boss Li's building a shed at first, but when he saw that Sister Luo was blushing with anger, she suddenly felt happy!It's a good idea.

"Hahaha, Sister Luo, even if you are unhappy in your heart, you can only bear it. Because I only need to agree to things like building a shed."

"Even if your Boss Shen doesn't agree, it's useless."

While speaking, Du Beikang smiled at Shen Lin and said, "Boss Shen, do you think so?"

"That's right, I didn't rent your side, so naturally I can't stop you, and this road doesn't belong to our family either."

While speaking, Shen Lin smiled at Sister Luo and said, "Sister, let's go."

Although Sister Luo felt uncomfortable, she could only swallow her anger at this moment. She nodded towards Shen Lin, and the two turned and left.

Du Beikang and Boss Li looked at the leaving figures of Shen Lin and Sister Li, and smiled at each other, feeling extremely happy.

And when Shen Lin and Sister Luo came to Shen Lin's shop, Sister Luo couldn't hold back anymore: "Boss Shen, brother, I did this, I can't just watch these two bastards , ruined our good street!"

"Even if it doesn't work this time, I'm going to make a special report."

Shen Lin looked at Sister Luo's angry look, nodded immediately and said: "This is the best, but Sister Luo is a little bit alone, it is best to contact a few more trusted merchants."

"Okay, I'll do it now." Sister Luo promised, and left in a hurry.

ps: the first update, please support

(End of this chapter)

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