Chapter 189
The morning sun came in through the window, Shen Lin opened his eyes, and Lu Xiaorong curled up in his arms like a contented fish.

Last night, after the two of them had dinner, they imagined the appearance of the child again. Lu Xiaorong said meaningfully that the baby is now four months old, and then he fixedly looked at Shen Lin and stopped talking.

How could Shen Lin's youthful body withstand such teasing?What happened next was not only a matter of course, but also planned for a long time. Shen Lin just hugged Lu Xiaorong, and the whole person fell completely!
Shen Lin recalled everything that happened these days, and he felt that this was the life he wanted after rebirth.

This rebirth has brought him a lot, but for Shen Lin, the most important thing to him is still the warmth of home!
However, Shen Lin would never allow those things that he earned by sweating. Someone would just take them away for no reason in the name of family affection.

Get up quietly, cook millet porridge, Shen Lin is going to make egg and vegetable pancakes for Lu Xiaorong.

I peeled a carrot, cut it into small dices, put eggs and shallots, stirred it into batter, brushed the pan with oil, boiled the oil, poured the batter, and slowly fried it until it became golden yellow, looking full of appetite.

Shen Lin felt that his cooking efficiency was getting higher and higher!

Lu Xiaorong woke up, saw the breakfast on the dining table, stepped forward to kiss Shen Lin, pretended to be angry and said: "It's all your fault, you made me so fat!"

"Report to my daughter-in-law, it is my duty to raise her well!"

The two laughed and calmed down, Lu Xiaorong suddenly asked worriedly: "Husband, can I really ask for money these two days?"

"Don't worry about that. I will give your cousin the first ax today. I estimate that he can last for two days. If he can last for three days, I think your cousin is a good man!" Shen Lin Hugging Lu Xiaorong who was wearing pajamas, he said with a smile.

"If you don't get the money back, are you really going to give up on the street opposite?" Although Lu Xiaorong looked radiant after yesterday's nourishment, he couldn't help but frowned when he thought about the money. .

"Xiaorong, the 2 yuan is not a big deal to me at all. I was going to give it to the cotton and linen company after asking for the money from your cousin. Since you are still worried, I will let you see How did your husband collect 3 yuan, no, [-] yuan in one day while collecting debts."

While speaking, Shen Lin held Lu Xiaorong's hand and said, "Haven't we already said that, I'm here for this matter, you just need to take care of yourself!"

Lu Xiaorong wanted to say something else, but Shen Lin dragged him to wash his face.However, she was still a little hesitant. Apart from asking for debts, Shen Lin had no other way to get 2 yuan in one fell swoop.

The fragrant vegetable omelette, oily salted duck eggs, soft pumpkin and millet porridge, and a small dish of cold choy sum made Lu Xiaorong feel addicted and satisfied.

"Boom boom boom!"

Before breakfast was finished, when Shen Lin was preparing to pack the dishes, there was a knock on the door.

Shen Lin frowned when he heard the knock on the door, which was not at all gentle, as if he was coming to make trouble. He was in a good mood now, and he didn't want anyone to disturb his and Lu Xiaorong's life.But he had already reached the door, so he opened the door anyway.

The dark-faced Chen Hongying was looking at him coldly.

"Mom, why did you come here so early? Have you eaten yet? Would you like some more?" Seeing Chen Hongying, Shen Lin immediately understood that the reason why the mother-in-law came here early in the morning might be related to yesterday's debt.

There were thousands of thoughts in his mind, but on the surface he looked enthusiastic.

"Eating at your house, I'm afraid I can't afford it." Chen Hongying snorted, and sarcastically said to Shen Lin: "Your family has a big business, we little people, how can we eat so much!"

Speaking of this, she pointed at Lu Xiaorong and said, "Lu Xiaorong, I really didn't expect that such a white-eyed wolf like you was born!"

"Shen Lin is an outsider, why does he think I can't control it, but what about you, how can you do such a thing? That's your cousin, you just ran to the house after you borrowed the money. It's only three days, you can't take it easy, where do you let your mother put this old face?"

"Tell me, when you were a child, you grew up with your grandma. How did your uncle treat you? How did your grandma and grandpa treat you?"

"Ah, now that you are well-off and have a few cents in your hand, why have you forgotten all these kindnesses!"

"Don't forget, you were the one they pissed and shitted." Chen Hongying has a loud voice, and this time she came with a lot of anger. For a while, the whole room was full of people who were talking about her scolding Lu Xiao Rong's voice.

Shen Lin really didn't expect that what he faced this early in the morning was the violent storm of his mother-in-law.Of course, he couldn't let Lu Xiaorong face this scene alone.

He quickly protected Lu Xiaorong and said, "Mom, this matter is not what you think, it happened for a reason..."

"Shen Lin, you are the big boss. I can't talk to you now, and I don't want to talk to you too much. I will teach my own daughter a few words, so I don't need to ask you for instructions?" Chen Hongying turned to Shen Lin impatiently. Waving his hand, he interrupted unceremoniously: "Why, you also deprived me of this right!"

Looking at the menacing Chen Hongying, Shen Lin scratched his head for a while. Although he was a reborn person, Shen Lin felt that he was very overwhelmed by such an unreasonable mother-in-law.

"Mom, this matter is actually all because of me, I happen to..."

Before Shen Lin could explain, Lu Xiaorong suddenly grabbed his hand: "Don't talk, let me tell my mother today."

"Mom, don't worry. I went to my uncle's house yesterday because I felt that my uncle's house was not an outsider. That's why I went. What's more, my cousin promised to pay back the money in three days!"

"Shen Lin wants to contract the shop of the cotton and linen company across the street in Paris. On the day he borrowed money from his cousin, he spent the whole day on this matter. I didn't know that he was in a hurry to use the money, so he lent all the money at home to him. Cousin. I found out about it when he came back and forth at night, and I wanted to ask my cousin for money, but Shen Lin said he was afraid that you would lose face, so he didn't let me go. "

"We are in a hurry to use the money, and we are not idle, so why can't we ask for money."

When Lu Xiaorong said this, he said angrily: "What's more, when my cousin said that the money was not enough, we said other things first, and now we only need 2 yuan. The money, can't we just ask for it?"

Thinking of the attitude of his uncle and cousin, Lu Xiaorong became even angrier and said, "But you don't know, when I went to ask for money, what kind of attitude did uncle and cousin have, as if I lent them money, but I was wrong!"

"Cousin said there is no money, let us figure it out, how can they be like this? Mom, did your uncle tell you something when you came here so early in the morning?"

The aggressive Chen Hongying had originally come here to inquire about the crime, but at this moment, after hearing her daughter's explanation, she felt that her daughter seemed to have been wronged.

The son-in-law was in a hurry to use the money, and he didn't want it until three days later.I heard that if you don't get your hands together, it only costs [-] now. Speaking of which, that's really the best of humanity.

What's more, the loan period of 8 yuan has already arrived!

However, Lu Xiaorong's attitude made Chen Hongying unable to get off the stage. She pointed at Lu Xiaorong and said, "Lu Xiaorong, your wings are stiff, right? I can't control you, can I?"

"Do you know how embarrassing your mother's old face is? You still want me to go back to my mother's house, ah, really pissed me off!"

Listening to Chen Hongying's words, Shen Lin knew that the mother-in-law's arrogance had gone down, and immediately pulled Lu Xiaorong's hand. Although she didn't speak, the meaning was very clear, that is to give the mother-in-law a step down.

Unfortunately, Lu Xiaorong sullenly refused to say a word.

Seeing Lu Xiaorong's appearance, Shen Lin was helpless.Although he didn't agree with Chen Hongying in his heart, he didn't want Lu Xiaorong to get angry because of Chen Hongying.

After all, the baby in the wife's womb is in a critical period of development.

"Mom, this is all..."

"I'm not your mother!" Chen Hongying stood up, turned and left angrily.But before leaving, she said loudly, "I'll help you get back this money."

"You need 2 yuan urgently now, right? I'll ask you for [-] yuan."

(End of this chapter)

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