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Chapter 190 The True Turning Face and Denying People

Chapter 190 The True Turning Face and Denying People
"How could my mother be like this? We obviously did nothing wrong, we just focused on protecting her natal family!" Lu Xiaorong said helplessly as his mother slammed the door away.

Seeing Lu Xiaorong who was so angry, Shen Lin felt a little distressed, patted his wife's head lovingly, and comforted him: "Forget it, don't you know my mother's temper? It's like straw, just a little Come on, there's no need to argue with her!"

For Shen Lin's intimacy, Lu Xiaorong did not resist, on the contrary, he leaned on Shen Lin and said affectionately: "Honey, I found out that I did something stupid."

"I shouldn't have lent money out at all, making people inside and out."

Looking at the annoyed Lu Xiaorong, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Forget it, there is no medicine for regret in this world, just be more careful in the future."

"When I borrow money, I wish I could be a grandson, but when I pay back the money, I become a father. No wonder some people ridicule that money and wives are not allowed to be borrowed. Unfortunately, there are many people who understand this principle, but few who can really stick to this principle , do you know why? It’s all one word, it’s too shameful!”

After hearing Shen Lin's words that my wife and money are not allowed to be borrowed, Lu Xiaorong couldn't help but burst out laughing. While drawing circles on Shen Lin's chest with her fingers, she said expectantly: "Husband, what do you think I Can Mom ask for the money?"

"I hope our mother can come back, after all, I don't want him to be difficult." Shen Lin smiled and said: "If your cousin gives money, I will allow him not to try my tricks."

Lu Xiaorong clenched his fist and said, "My mother's words are very useful in their house, I think I can get them back."

"Yes, you can ask for at least 2 yuan."

Looking at his daughter-in-law, Shen Lin felt that he had to get 2 yuan quickly, otherwise Lu Xiaorong would be a little bit in trouble.

Shen Lin stayed with Lu Xiaorong for a while, and then went downstairs. Lu Xiaorong went to work at the radio station, while Shen Lin rode his motorcycle tricycle towards Paris Street.

Shen Lin, who had already made plans in his heart, was not bothered by too much money. He was more reminiscing about the warmth of last night.

Although everything was a matter of course, Shen Lin still felt grateful to his mother-in-law in his heart. If she hadn't asked Lu Xiaorong to lend the money, it would have taken some time for Lu Xiaorong to open up to him.

Chen Hongying didn't know that her daughter was full of expectations for her.

At this time, Chen Hongying was sitting opposite to her other Chen Hongbing, while her nephew, nephew and daughter-in-law were eating breakfast.

"Brother, I went to quarrel with Xiaorong and Shen Lin today, and I told Lu Xiaorong, if it wasn't for uncle and grandma, how could she be a little girl today, so eager to ask for money is ungrateful!" Chen Hongying said Very tactful.

After all, this is her natal family, and she not only has to worry about her brother's thoughts, but also her sister-in-law's face.

Chen Hongbing snorted and said, "Hongying, it's enough for the child to teach him a lesson. After all, he is his own child. I think it's Shen Lin who is making trouble. Otherwise, Xiaorong wouldn't be like this."

"In the future, you have to teach this son-in-law a good lesson."

Seeing her brother's expression of not caring, Chen Hongying suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

It's obvious that you owe our family money, but you, especially my brother, are the ones who seem to be reasonable. Who is this arrogant look for?
But although he felt uncomfortable, his elder brother was his own elder brother after all, so Chen Hongying finally swallowed the breath and said: "Brother, I also checked the situation at Xiao Rong's house. Xiao Rong is a man, is it true?" It takes 2 yuan."

"Brother, at the beginning of Yong Ge, it was said to be borrowed for three days, and now three days have passed. Since Yong Ge didn't join hands, it's hard for me, a nun, to pay it all back, but I think we should give [-] yuan first. They also help."

After finishing these words, Chen Hongying took a long breath. He felt that he had never said such polite words in his life.In Chen Hongying's view, by saying this, both her brother and her nephew must give her face. But what she didn't expect was that her brother just snorted and didn't speak.

"Guy, it's not that I don't pay it, but I really don't have it now? Don't worry, I will return it to them as soon as my payment comes back." Chen Yongge said, "Guy, you don't think that I want to pay for it, do you?"

What her nephew said made Chen Hongying angry. He has never been a loser. This time, because he is his natal family, he endured it all the time, but he did not expect that his natal nephew would be like this. You ungrateful animal.

"Yong Ge, what are you talking about here? When you borrowed money, how did you tell your cousin, why, now you can't pay back the money, and you still say such stupid things."

Chen Yongge looked at Chen Hongying, who had a gloomy face, and didn't speak again. He had already made up his mind that he would not return the money for a while, and naturally he would not make any changes because of his aunt's two words.

He didn't say a word, but her mother couldn't stand it, and Chen Yongge's mother, who threw the chopsticks, said directly to Chen Hongying: "What's the matter, Chen Hongying, you have some money to come here to show your prestige, let me tell you, borrow Give us Yongge money, you want interest."

"Hmph, now Yong Ge's business has encountered a little difficulty, and you are here to press for debts. Do you want to force me and your brother to death?"

"Our mother left early, otherwise, let him see how his good daughter persecutes his son."

Chen Hongying felt that her stomach was as uncomfortable as a tornado. She spent all her heart and soul for her natal nephew. When she borrowed money, she almost turned against Lu Xiaorong.

But she didn't expect that in front of her sister-in-law, she would gain such a reputation, which made her furious.But looking at her elder brother and sister-in-law who faced each other coldly, she finally said patiently: "Brother, sister-in-law, I just want to let Xiao Rong's family's business run."

"Hehe, for your daughter and son-in-law, are you going to force your nephew to death? Let me tell you, get the hell out of me now. I don't have a sister-in-law like you." Chen Yongge's mother is like a hairless The eagle looked menacing.

Such an attitude made the muscles on Chen Hongying's angry face tremble continuously. She was not someone to be easily provoked in front of everyone. The reason why she was so talkative this time was not because she was her mother's family. .

"Sister-in-law, I respect you as sister-in-law, so I can talk to you properly. If I don't respect you as sister-in-law, what are you? Brother, what did our father say at that time, our surname is Chen, so spit, it is A nail, you have to keep your word."

At this point, Chen Hongying pointed to Chen Yongge and said, "He said three days, now we only want a part, what's wrong?"

"What's the matter? You're forcing my son, your nephew." Chen Hongbing knocked on the table heavily with the pipe and pot in his hand and said, "Okay, you leave immediately, just treat me as if I don't have a sister like you."

"If I leave, I will ask for money before leaving." Chen Hongying's voice broke out in a fight. He had never been wronged like this before, and he must get it back today.

In just a few minutes, Chen Hongying quarreled with her brother and sister-in-law, and some old grievances accumulated over the years broke out like a tidal wave. If it wasn't for the neighbor who heard the movement, the family would almost fight .

But after being persuaded by the neighbors to open it, Chen Hongying, who was originally high-spirited, suddenly collapsed on the ground. She looked at the closed door of her sister-in-law's house. At this moment, she felt extremely wronged and uncomfortable.

But this kind of grievance, she still can't say it.

What made her even more uncomfortable was that the 8 yuan loaned by Lu Xiaorong suddenly disappeared.

If he doesn't want to come back, can Shen Lin come back?
(End of this chapter)

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