Back to 84: Getting rich from collecting rubbish

Chapter 191 We have plenty of people

Chapter 191 We have plenty of people

Paris Street is still lively!

As soon as Shen Lin stopped his motorcycle tricycle, people kept saying hello to him.

"Boss Shen, have you had breakfast? Come and have some with me!"

"Boss Shen, I just asked someone to import a batch of clothes from the south. They are really high-quality and cheap. Do you want to bring two for your younger siblings?"

"Boss Shen..."

Shen Lin smiled and responded to these people who greeted each other.He put the tricycle at the side door of his shop, and then walked into the shop.

"Brother, you're here." Qiangzi was packing things in the store, and next to Qiangzi, a little brother who used to follow Shen Lin was also helping Qiangzi wipe the table.

When the two saw Shen Lin, they both greeted him warmly, but Shen Lin always felt that their eyes were a little evasive.

Could it be that there are lipstick marks on his face?It shouldn't be, after all, Lu Xiaorong didn't use lipstick in this period.

Could it be that because I nourished my daughter-in-law last night, she looked particularly radiant today?Shen Lin subconsciously looked at a mirror placed in the store.

In the mirror, although I was wearing denim short-sleeves, it looked rustic no matter how I looked at it, but this rusticity was mainly due to my 21st century gaze.

If you put it in this era, the young man is still quite handsome, and there is nothing wrong with the others!
Feeling more and more puzzled, Shen Lin said to Qiangzi, "Qiangzi, what happened?"

"No, brother, it's okay!" Qiangzi shook his head again and again, and hurried away.

Shen Lin looked at the boy from the hardware machinery factory again: "Xiangzi, what did you say to Qiangzi just now?"

"Brother, I really didn't say anything. I just sent five second-hand radios, and Qiangzi has already seen them."

Xiangzi became even more flustered. While waving his hands, he said hastily, "Brother, I...I have something to do, so I'll go first."

While talking, Xiangzi left in a hurry.

Seeing the strange behavior of the two, Shen Lin became more and more curious, what's the matter?Qiangzi must be hiding something from him!
Poured himself a glass of water, then said to Qiangzi, "Qiangzi, are we brothers?"

"Brother, you are my real brother!" Qiangzi hurriedly said, "Brother, if you hadn't helped me, I wouldn't be where I am today!"

"That...that I have already contacted my dad, and he said that there is still 2000 yuan at home. If you use it now, I will get it right away!"

Qiangzi's sincere statement made Shen Lin dumbfounded: "Qiangzi, who told you that I am short of money now?"

Qiangzi hesitated for a while, and finally said: "That...that your money, didn't my sister-in-law lend it to relatives?"

Shen Lin couldn't help but pinch the tip of his nose, no wonder others called his mother-in-law "Big Loudspeaker", it didn't take much time to broadcast this information!
"Qiangzi, what did my mother-in-law say, please tell me about it."

Qiangzi really didn't want to say it at this time, but under Shen Lin's gaze, he still had to say: "Brother, your mother-in-law went to his mother's house this morning to ask for debts, and had a fierce quarrel with your uncle and aunt in the community." Dun, I heard that I almost made a move!"

Shen Lin really didn't expect that his mother-in-law could do things so quickly, and he was only wasted an hour at home, and her old man actually made a fuss at his uncle's house.

"I heard that your mother-in-law even called her nephew a white-eyed wolf. Now many people know about it." Qiangzi saw that Shen Lin didn't speak, so he said softly: "Brother, about lending money to relatives. , don’t blame your sister-in-law, she didn’t know that you would be in a hurry to use money.”

"What's more, there are quite a few people in our factory who have said that they will no longer lend money to relatives in their hometown, but once they come to the door, they still feel a little embarrassing."

"Even my mother, who borrowed it once, regretted it once. I guess her intestines are full of regrets, and she still has to borrow it in the end. Otherwise, she won't be able to go back to her hometown."

Qiangzi used his mother as a metaphor to reassure Shen Lin, which meant that such a thing was not a special case.

Shen Lin understood Qiangzi's kindness, he patted Qiangzi's shoulder and said: "Okay, this is an emergency for relatives, how can I blame your sister-in-law?"

"Brother, my dad has already gone home to get the passbook. After a while, he will send over 2000 yuan. Let's make it together. 2 yuan is not a problem." Qiangzi rubbed his hands and said with a smile.

"Okay, your father saved the 2000 yuan for you to marry a daughter-in-law, you'd better let the old couple save it."

Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "Isn't it just 2 yuan, I can get it out."

"Brother, if you treat me as a brother, don't hold on, that... that Aunt Hongying has already said that all your money has been lent to his nephew."

Qiangzi blushed with anxiety: "Brother, you don't think I've helped you less?"

"What's missing, it's not that I don't have money, Qiangzi, my daughter-in-law's cousin wants to renege on the debt, let's go get the money back later. Besides, brother, I will tell you one more thing, that is to earn the 2 yuan , For me, it’s really not a big deal, it’s just a day’s work, and I can earn it.”

Qiangzi ignored what Shen Lin said later, and he rolled up his sleeves and said, "Brother, I'll call some brothers. If your cousin doesn't pay back the money, let's deal with him properly."

"Clean up, the crackdown was just now, you still want to go in!" Shen Lin stretched out his hand on Qiangzi's head and said while speaking.

Qiangzi touched his head and said, "Then...then why do we need money?"

Directly ordered: "Okay, don't say anything, get me a big piece of paper."

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"Why? Of course it's for money. I found out that if you don't get money, you guys who worry about it and work hard, maybe you will make something for me!"

"By the way, you call Photon and the others to me again, and say that anyone who is not at work will come, and I will take care of the meals."

Qiangzi agreed and ran out. In Shen Lin's shop, there were basically electrical appliances, and there were really no such things as large paper.

Shen Lin looked at Qiangzi who was leaving in a hurry, and couldn't help shaking his head. Qiangzi is good at everything, but his heart is a little too real.

Just after Shen Lin let out a sigh of relief, Li Jiashun walked in with five or six young men with simple faces and ragged clothes.

These people are all strong and strong, but from the appearance, they seem a bit simple and honest.They are no strangers to Shen Lin, after all, they have checked Paris Street more than once when it was being renovated.

For Shen Lin, these people are full of respect.

Li Jiashun turned to Shen Lin and said, "Boss Shen, I heard that someone has reneged, so I'll bring someone over to see if there's anything I can do for you. Just say it, we have plenty of people."

(End of this chapter)

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