Chapter 1954: Timing of listing

After sending away the reporter who was interviewing him, Shen Lin stretched his body.

For him, today's interview was not too tiring. After all, Shen Lin had already prepared for the content of the interview.

He already knew that Juying Company's Juying [-] was basically a copy of the MiKeyi operating system. Shen Lin would naturally not be stingy in praising them before they were released.

As the saying goes, the higher you lift, the harder you fall.

Shen Lin had just praised the Juying[-] operating system, but next time, when most people discovered that the Juying[-] operating system was actually a plagiarized version of MiKe[-], I believe it would be ugly. Definitely not Shen Lin.

"Director Shen, Mr. York Hansen's phone number."

Fang Xiaomei came over with the little spirit and said in a deep voice.

What does York Hansen have to report to himself?With thoughts flashing in his mind, Shen Lin answered the phone.

"Boss, this is Old York. I wish you a happy day." The greeting from York Hansen came from the receiver of the phone.

As Shen Lin arranged more and more things for York Hansen, the frequency of calls between the two became more and more frequent.

York Hansen didn't know who he heard it from, so he didn't mind being polite to many people, so every time he talked to Shen Lin on the phone, he basically had a routine greeting.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Hello Mr. York, I wish you a happy mood every day."

After the two exchanged a few words, York Hansen said in a deep voice: "Director Shen, our MiKe Software Development Company has completed the registration and is almost ready to go public."

"But I heard from some friends that Juying Company is preparing to launch their operating system Juying [-]."

"If we promote the listing of our MiKe Software Development Company at this time, then it is very likely that the stock price will fall."

"This will be very detrimental to us."

After listening to York Hansen's report, Shen Lin recognized York Hansen's intelligence capabilities a little more.

He pondered for a moment and said: "Mr. York Hansen, I completely agree with your judgment."

"Let's pause for the time being to go public, but we must be prepared for the listing."

"I believe our time to go public should be just over a month from now."

York Hansen heard that Shen Lin was going to be listed in more than a month, but he didn't agree with it.

After the launch of Juying Company's Juying [-] operating system, the most influential thing was one month after it went on the market.At this time, when the company is promoted to be listed, aren’t there very few people who will buy it?
This is of course extremely detrimental to the company's long-term development.

After pondering for a moment, he suggested to Shen Lin: "Director Shen, I think if we have no other assurance, it is best to wait for a while."

"In the one month after listing, Juying Company will definitely carry out overwhelming promotion. If we..."

"We have ways to deal with it." Shen Lin said: "Mr. York, just handle the listing matter."

"As for the rest, leave it to us!"

Hearing what Shen Lin said was full of confidence, York Hansen did not dare to say anything more, which made Shen Lin unhappy.

He said in a deep voice: "Director Shen, I feel relieved when you say this. I will make arrangements now to try to get MiKe Software Development Company to go public as soon as possible."

After hanging up the phone from York Hansen, Shen Lin began to think about the listing of MiKe Software Company.

Shen Lin is not too positive about going public.

For example, if MiKe Electronics wants to go public, Shen Lin can completely make it meet the conditions for listing through a series of operations.

But Shen Lin was not prepared to let it go public at all.

The main reason why software companies are allowed to go public is because this company is basically burning money.

Although the future returns will be huge, it also consumes a lot of money when it is free.

Only by going public can the company's capital chain flow healthily. "Dudududu!"

Just as Shen Lin was thinking, Shen Lin's phone suddenly rang.

After picking up the phone and taking a look at it, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Dad, why did you remember to call me?"

Shen Xingye is still in Dongzhou. Although he is no longer in charge, he is very happy to go to the hardware machinery factory where he worked for most of his life.

Just a while ago, Shen Xingye called Shen Lin and said that he had been arranged by his superiors and that he should continue to shine.

Shen Lin did not stop Shen Xingye's matter.

After all, the arranged things are not too busy, and you can also find something for your bored dad to do.

"Shen Lin, I have something to tell you." After the call was connected, Shen Xingye said in a deep voice.

Hearing Shen Xingye's seriousness, Shen Lin immediately became serious.

He was familiar with his father's temper. If he talked to him like this, something must be wrong.He immediately smiled and said, "Dad, if you have anything to do, just arrange it."

Shen Xingye said: "Shen Lin, my aunt's cousin called and said that your aunt seems to be dying."

"It's too late for me to rush over now. You can go take a look for me."

"Their home address is over Songshan."

Dad's great-aunt?

Shen Lin was a little confused, because in his memory of his previous life, he seemed to have such a relative, but in fact he didn't have much contact with him.

Especially after Shen Xingye passed away.

"Dad, I have a lot of things on my hands recently. How about letting my brother go? I'll send him a car." It's not that Shen Lin doesn't want to go, it's just that there are too many things on his hands.

Shen Xingye waved his hand and said, "I just called your brother. Your brother has gone on a business trip and is currently out of town."

After hearing what his father said, Shen Lin knew that he couldn't shirk it.

He immediately said: "Then I'll go. It just so happens that I'm going to the branch to inspect it these days."

Shen Xingye said: "Shen Lin, this matter must be handled as a serious matter."

After Shen Xingye's instruction, Shen Lin hung up the phone.

Although this kind of thing is really a trivial matter to Shen Lin, since Shen Xingye has arranged this matter, Shen Lin, as his son, must do it well.

So after Shen Lin hung up the phone on Shen Xingye, he said to Fang Xiaomei: "Xiaomei, is there anything else that I need to handle today?"

"Director Shen, there are a few more things. First, General Manager Lan Weidong wants to report to you on the management issues of Mi Ke City; second, the opening of Mi Ke City in the East China Sea; and the third thing is... …”

In one breath, Fang Xiaomei reported seven or eight things clearly and neatly.

After listening to these things, Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "Let Lan Weidong and the others come up with a solution to these matters first, and then I will come back and take a look at them."

"Also, please make arrangements for me. I will go to Songshan today."

"Also, if there is any emergency, ask them to call me."

"We'll leave in half an hour."

Fang Xiaomei said: "Okay, Director Shen, I will make arrangements right away."

As Fang Xiaomei left, Shen Lin rubbed his head. He really had no impression of Songshan's relatives, but there should be nothing wrong with him going this time.

I'll go over there for a visit, and I should be able to come back tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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