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Chapter 1955 Director Shen’s Influence

Chapter 1955 Director Shen’s Influence
After driving for two hours, Shen Lin arrived at Songshan.

The streets of Songshan were still very clean. After Shen Lin arrived at Songshan, he immediately rushed to the hospital.

In a separate ward, Shen Lin saw his aunt lying on the bed.

My aunt basically stopped talking and lay quietly on the bed.

Accompanying him in the ward were a man in his 50s who should be called his cousin and a woman in her 40s.

My cousin showed extreme enthusiasm for Shen Lin's arrival.

From the chat, Shen Lin knew that basically all of this cousin's family was engaged in the education industry.

The circle was very simple, and from the look on his cousin's face, Shen Lin felt that the other party simply regarded him as Shen Xingye's son.

As for the others, Shen Lin didn't feel it.

Shen Lin still liked this feeling very much.

After all, he came here just to visit his relatives.

From his cousin Qi Zhiguo's words, Shen Lin knew that his aunt was not seriously ill, but simply old. Although she was still receiving infusions, according to the doctor, she just needed time.

Shen Lin said some words of concern and prepared a heartfelt message before preparing to end the visit.

But just when Shen Lin was about to say goodbye, the closed door of the room was suddenly pushed open.

A young man who looked to be in his 20s walked in angrily.

He didn't notice Shen Lin sitting in the room at all, and angrily said to Qi Zhiguo: "Dad, Dr. Qin said that we should complete the discharge procedures for grandma as soon as possible."

"He said there was no point in living any longer."

"I see, they are doing this purely to allow us to free up this ward."

"Humph, I don't know who it is, but I want to move here as soon as possible!"

After saying these words, he saw Shen Lin and Fang Xiaomei standing beside him.

For Shen Lin, the young man's first reaction was that he seemed to have seen this person somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

At the moment when he was puzzled, Qi Zhiguo had already introduced: "Mingzhe, come and meet, this is Shen Lin, the second son of your uncle Xingye's family."

"Shen Lin, this is my son Mingzhe, who works in our city now."

Shen Lin!

Hearing these two words, Qi Mingzhe suddenly realized why he felt familiar with this person when he saw him.

He suddenly froze!
He never expected that he was related to the famous Director Shen!

How can this be?

But looking at the look on Dad's face, it seems that this relationship is not fake at all.

Looking at his father, he seemed to have no idea what these two words Shen Lin meant.

"You...are you really Mr. Shen Lin and Mr. Shen?"

Qi Mingzhe was so surprised that he stuttered a little.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "I should be the one, that's the name written on the ID card."

Shen Lin's joke made Qi Mingzhe's face turn red.

He looked at Shen Lin blankly, and after a while he murmured: "Dad, you... why didn't you tell me earlier that there are relatives between our family and Director Shen?"

Qi Zhiguo looked at his son a little confused.

Is there anything different about Shen Lin?

Because he did not live in the same city, and the way of communication in the past basically relied on writing letters, Qi Zhiguo knew that he had two cousins ​​in Dongzhou, one named Shen Xingye and the other named Shen Xingjia.

However, he really didn't know what the two brothers' sons were called.What's more, he has always been a teacher and his life circle is relatively small.

Although he has been using MiKe Electronics products, he doesn't know the name of the big boss of MiKe Electronics.

After all, there was no Internet at that time.

"What is it, Director Shen?" Qi Zhiguo looked at Shen Lin and said, "You two know each other?"

When Shen Lin heard his cousin's question, he really didn't know how to answer it.

Just when he was a little embarrassed, Qi Mingzhe said excitedly: "Dad, Director Shen is the big boss of MiKe Electronics, the legendary richest man!"

Hearing the title given to him by his cousin Qi Mingzhe, Shen Lin quickly waved his hand and said, "Brother, I don't dare to be the richest man."

Qi Zhiguo still knew about MiKe Electronics. Looking at Shen Lin, who was similar to his own son, he found it difficult to accept it for a while.

"Shen Lin, are you really the boss of MiKe Electronics?"

"Cousin, MiKe Electronics is a company founded by me and a few friends." Shen Lin knew that at this time, there was nothing to hide, so he simply admitted it generously.

Although Qi Zhiguo was surprised that his relative was a big boss, he had no other feelings.

People of his generation pay more attention to living their own lives.

What's more, now that his old mother is still lying in the hospital bed, he has no intention of gossiping about Shen Lin.

Qi Zhiguo just praised the products of Mihu Electronics for a few words, but Qi Mingzhe smiled and said: "Cousin, are you not angry if I call you this?"

"Why am I angry about this? You should have called me cousin." Shen Lin said with a smile.

"Cousin, the hospital is urging grandma to be discharged from the hospital. Although grandma's condition is similar everywhere, we still hope that she can stay in the hospital. After all, this way my dad can feel at ease. However, I just sent the person I can find I’ve searched them all, but still can’t keep them.”

"Brother, can you make a phone call and ask for mercy?"

Qi Mingzhe asked tentatively.

Shen Lin looked at his aunt lying on the bed and said to Fang Xiaomei, "Xiaomei, do we know anyone in Songshan?"

"Director Shen, here in Songshan, we only have agents for a few products, and the MiKe Electrical Appliances Mall has not yet opened here." When Fang Xiaomei came here, she had obviously done her homework, so after hearing Shen Lin's question was immediately followed by an answer.

Qi Zhiguo heard Fang Xiaomei's answer and said to Shen Lin, "Since you don't know him, forget it."

"Mingzhe, tidy up, let's go through the necessary procedures, and then..."

Shen Lin felt from Qi Zhiguo's expression that he still tended to stay, and there was nothing he could do about the current arrangement.

He sighed and was about to ask someone to talk.

At this time, Qi Mingzhe said: "Brother, it doesn't matter if you don't know anyone, as long as you can let me borrow your name."

"We here have been recruiting investment recently. I heard that the higher-ups have always wanted to connect with MiKe Electronics. We have to attract you here no matter what."

"Do you think this will work? I'll report the news that you're here. In this case, someone will naturally come to see you."

"My grandma is hospitalized. These are all small things. They will be solved by then."

Shen Lin looked at Qi Mingzhe's expectant look and understood Qi Mingzhe's idea in his heart, and he probably had his own ideas as well.

After pondering for a moment, Shen Lin's eyes fell on the aunt lying on the hospital bed again, and finally said: "Mingzhe, you can do it, if you can give my aunt more treatment..."

Just before Shen Lin finished speaking, the door was pushed open, and a nurse wearing a mask came in and urged: "Family members of the patient, please hurry up and clean up. According to the arrangement, you will be discharged from the hospital this morning. .”

Qi Mingzhe said: "We understand, please wait a moment."

The nurse glanced at Shen Lin and others, then turned and left.

At this time, Qi Mingzhe said to Shen Lin: "Brother, don't worry, I will never make it difficult for you."

(End of this chapter)

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