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Chapter 1956 Prepare to give a big gift

Chapter 1956 Prepare to give a big gift

Since Shen Lin agreed to Qi Mingzhe, naturally he couldn't leave immediately.

He was sitting on the chair in the ward, chatting with Qi Zhiguo.

Basically, it's all about the family's gossip and the current situation of some people they know in common.

Just after chatting for a few minutes, Qi Mingzhe ran over excitedly and said, "Brother, I just received a call from our director."

"He said that arrangements have been made from above, and the big boss in the city will rush over immediately."

"I have told you countless times that I will never let you go!"

"They'll be there in 5 minutes!"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "I know, let's do this. Since they are coming, we will go out to greet them later."

Having said this, Shen Lin walked towards the door.

As Shen Lin's secretary, Fang Xiaomei naturally knew that her boss was not in a good mood at this time.She immediately said: "Dr. Shen, it's better for me to go there."

While talking, she and Shen Lin came to the door together.

Qi Mingzhe glanced at his father and said, "Brother, I'll go with you."

Shen Lin looked at Qi Mingzhe who was quickly following him, smiled and said, "Okay!"


At eight o'clock in the evening, Shen Lin's car drove out of Songshan.

After drinking some wine, Shen Lin, who was a little tired, lay on the seat behind and rested quietly.

Fang Xiaomei handed Shen Lin a bottle of water and said, "Dr. Shen, are we sure we want to invest in Songshan?"

"I haven't determined this yet." Shen Lin pondered for a moment and said, "But I think their attitude towards attracting investment and maximizing the release of discounts are very sincere and worthy of recognition."

"I'll ask Mr. Lan Wei and Dong Lan to send someone over to check it out. If it's suitable, we can open our electrical appliances store here."

"If it's not appropriate, talk about it later."

Rubbing his forehead, Shen Lin couldn't help but said: "I thought I had a good control over my drinking capacity, but I didn't expect that I still drank a little too much."

Fang Xiaomei hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Director Shen, we have received news that Juying Company's press conference will be held in the afternoon five days later."

"And you can be sure that Mr. Yabo will come in person."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Wouldn't it be a good time to come over? Aren't they going to hold a press conference here? Then let's give them a big gift!"

"By the way, is Lawyer Zhang ready?"

"It's ready." Fang Xiaomei said: "Lawyer Zhang said that she has been in contact with a law firm in the United States about this matter."

"Therefore, you can file a lawsuit with Juying Company at any time regarding their plagiarism."

"However, Lawyer Zhang also said that this kind of thing is not an easy matter, and it is very likely that there will be a tug of war."

Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "I know this. Just let Lawyer Zhang be responsible for safeguarding our rights and interests."

"As for the rest, we can just arrange it ourselves."

While the two were talking, Mr. Yin was sitting in a study room, quietly sipping tea.

Opposite Mr. Yin, sitting was Shuangjing Kazuo.

At this time, Kazuo Futai seemed to be thinner than before, but his whole person gave people the impression that he had become more capable. "Mr. Yin, I think your speech just now was very good."

"If our two companies and Mr. Yabo's Juying Company can join forces, we will definitely give MiKe Electronics a good look."

"But focusing on attacking the computer industry of MiKe Electronics will be of great benefit to both of you."

"But this matter is of no benefit to us!"

Looking at Kazuo Shuangjing with a calm expression, Mr. Yin said with a smile: "Mr. Shuangjing, I know that many of Mike Electronics' industries are the same as those of your Shuangjing Consortium."

"If MiKe Electronics is allowed to develop in computers and operating systems, I'm afraid it will be more difficult for you to withstand MiKe Electronics' attack."

"That's why we proposed the alliance."

"As for the current situation, although on the surface it seems that we are benefiting from it, Mr. Shuangjing, you are an expert in business management."

"You should know very well that when an enterprise is strongly consumed in a certain aspect, its overall strength will decline uncontrollably and rapidly."

"And when that time comes, it will be your Shuangjing Consortium's opportunity."

"Mr. Shuangjing doesn't understand what I said, right?"

Shuangjing Kazuo said calmly: "This is the truth, but Mr. Yin, I have no confidence in whether you can defeat Mike Electronics in the computer field."

"What's more, we have to pay a lot for this matter."

Having said this, Shuangjing Kazuo said: "I generally won't do a business that is too loss-making."

Looking at Kazuo Shuangjing with a determined expression, Mr. Yin hesitated and said, "Mr. Shuangjing, if you have any requests, feel free to put them forward."

"Mr. Yin, I know that your company's computer production still has some capacity problems. I hope I can help your company."

Mr. Yin looked at Kazuo Shuangjing, who had a calm face, and wondered what he didn't understand?This production capacity difficulty is just an excuse. The other party wants to take advantage of the opportunity to get involved in their own company.

Even if you can always control the holding, the other party will probably be unable to lose it.If the branch gets too big, it will break, and if the tail gets too big, it won't be able to swing. Everyone has known this throughout the ages.Why do you Kazuo Shuangjing think that I would willingly fall into this pit?
Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel bitter in my heart.I'm annoyed by Kazuo Fusui, a scheming guy. This wishful thinking is really good. If you do this, isn't it just a villain's move to take advantage of the situation?You are so cunning, does your father know?
However, after hesitating for a long time, Mr. Yin finally gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

Now that MiKe Electronics is coming fiercely, what he has to do is to deal with MiKe Electronics first. As for the rest, he can only talk about it later.

"Mr. Shuangjing, I am very happy to cooperate with you."

"However, I think this method of cooperation still requires both of us to sit down and have a good discussion."

Kazuo Shuangjing said with a smile: "Mr. Yin is very happy to cooperate with Mr. Yin. I believe that this time, I will not be disappointed again."

While speaking, Kazuo Shuangjing raised the water glass in front of him.

Mr. Yin hesitated for a moment, and finally raised the water glass in front of him.

The two water glasses clinked together, and the two people reached an agreement.

"Mr. Yin, when Mr. Yabo's press conference is held here, I think it is better for the two of us to go to the platform for him. This will not only reflect our support for Mr. Yabo, but also highlight to some people Let’s take a look at our strength.”

Kazuo Shuangjing put down his water glass and said: "I have always felt that there should be many people who oppose MiKe Electronics, but so far, many people have not shown it."

"We can take advantage of this press conference to invite more people. I think after our strength is shown, an alliance should be formed very quickly."

“At that time, there will really be strength in numbers.”

Mr. Yin looked at Kazuo Shuangjing who was smiling, nodded and said: "Mr. Shuangjing, you are still thinking far ahead, then we will do as you say!"

(End of this chapter)

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