Chapter 1957

At seven o'clock in the evening, Xiao Guoke, who was already in the second grade of elementary school, was eating with Lu Xiaorong and watching TV with his eyes wide open.

"Mom, when will the new season of Mi Ke Paw Paw Team be released? I've watched it twice now."

Xiao Guoke looked at the Mi Ke Paw Team playing on the TV and asked Lu Xiaorong with some dissatisfaction.

Lu Xiaorong served the dishes and said with a smile: "Didn't your father tell you that the uncles and aunties of the Mi Ke Paw Paw team are working hard, and the new season will be released as soon as you are on vacation in the winter. Paw Patrol cartoon.”

"By the way, I heard that the Mi Ke Paw Paw Team is also preparing to release a Lunar New Year movie, which seems pretty good!"

Hearing what Lu Xiaorong said, Xiao Guoke suddenly became energetic. He looked at Lu Xiaorong with a hint of expectation and said, "That's great."

"I'll definitely tell my dad later. When their movie comes out, I want to watch it first."

"Okay, okay, let's talk to your dad when Dad comes back." Lu Xiaorong tapped his right finger on Xiao Guoke's forehead and said with a smile.

Xiao Guoke was naturally helpless against Lu Xiaorong's bullying, and his eyes fell on the TV again.

At this time, the TV screen that was originally playing cartoons suddenly changed and turned into an advertisement.

"... Juying operating system makes life more exciting..."

After listening to the above introduction, Xiao Guoke couldn't help but said: "Mom, didn't you say that the MiKe operating system developed by dad and the others is the best?"

"Why is it said on TV that this Juying software is better!"

Lu Xiaorong knew something about the situation of Juying Company.

She smiled and said: "Guoke, this kind of business matter is not something you can understand at your age."

"You just need to remember that your father will naturally handle this adult matter."

Having said this, Lu Xiaorong continued: "Guoke, do you think dad is the strongest?"

"Dad is naturally the strongest. I believe that dad will definitely win." Xiao Guoke waved his fist with confidence.

Looking at Xiao Guoke's appearance, Lu Xiaorong couldn't help but laugh.

At this moment, the screen on the TV changed and Mr. Yabo was introduced.

"...Mr. Yabo studied at the famous Hefei University. He has always liked computer technology. When he was in his second year of college, Mr. Yabo..."

Listening to this introduction, Xiao Guoke couldn't help but said: "What's so great about Mr. Yabo? He started a business before he graduated from college, and my dad started a business before he went to college?"

Listening to his son's words, Lu Xiaorong couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and a tired Shen Lin walked in.

Lu Xiaorong looked at Shen Lin's appearance and said with concern: "Shen Lin, you are very busy at work. I think you should take a rest."

Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "It's okay. You still don't know about my body. It's just that I didn't have time to rest at noon today."

Having said this, he said to Xiao Guoke: "Son, why are you so angry just watching TV?"

"If you don't like this TV show, we can just change the show. Is it worth fighting against a TV show?"

Xiao Guoke came to Shen Lin and said, "Dad, it is said on TV that there is someone who is better than you. I think they are just bragging."

"You're talking about starting a business without graduating from college. Dad, didn't you start a business without going to college?"

After hearing Xiao Guoke's words, Shen Lin coughed.

Although he really wants to say that your dad is better than that person, but for him to start a business without going to college, it means that he has no chance to go to college.

"Although my father did not go to college, he paid attention to learning every day." "It is precisely because of learning that he was able to compete with Mr. Yabo, who started his own business before graduating from college."

"Knowledge is power, you must remember that, Guoke."

After chatting with Xiao Guoke for a while, Shen Lin's eyes fell on the TV show.

The deeds of Juying Company and Mr. Yabo are still being introduced on TV. Many things are similar to some content in later generations.

For example, Mr. Yabo's first business was to compete with more than a dozen companies and win. For example, how Mr. Yabo persuaded his parents to support him in dropping out of school to start a business, such as...

While Shen Lin was watching silently, Lu Xiaorong had already said: "Shen Lin, Juying Company and Mr. Yabo have spent a lot of money this time. Look at this."

While talking, he handed Shen Lin many magazines.

Readers, intimates, guides...

There is basically an article about Mr. Yabo in these magazines.

Although the titles of the articles are different, the basic content is written according to the introduction on TV.

Of course, many places look more sensational!
After Shen Lin read it quickly, he smiled and said, "It's a good publicity method."

Lu Xiaorong said: "Juying Company is coming hard this time, let's not worry about it, right?"

Shen Lin smiled at Lu Xiaorong and said, "We are ready for the little things. Don't worry, he can't win."

Lu Xiaorong was naturally full of confidence in Shen Lin, but thinking about the articles she had read, she couldn't help but feel a lot more worried.

In business, most of them are direct competition.

And Juying Company has already taken the lead before it officially takes action.

In Lu Xiaorong's view, this kind of preemption is very clever. It not only moisturizes things silently, but also makes it difficult for people to feel disgusted.

Lu Xiaorong said: "I also have some famous friends now. Today I invited them to help make a special episode to promote our MiKe operating system."

"Anyway, it's just a matter of owing them a favor."

After listening to Lu Xiaorong's suggestion just now, Shen Lin instinctively wanted to object, because if he did so, Lu Xiaorong would owe others a favor.

Although with Lu Xiaorong's current status, returning these favors is not a problem.

But from Shen Lin's heart, he didn't want his wife to owe too many favors.

But seeing Lu Xiaorong's serious look, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Haha, it's different to have a powerful wife."

"Isn't Mr. Yabo here trying to establish himself as a young entrepreneurial idol and his company as a first-class software company?"

"My wife just wants celebrities outside to use our system."

“I think our system is good!”

"I believe that when Mr. Yabo sees this, he will be very angry."

Lu Xiaorong was still a little uneasy about her decision. After all, she had not discussed it with Shen Lin before. When she heard Shen Lin's words, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"As long as it's useful, I'm afraid that I've used a lot of favors and it won't be of any use in the end."

"But you don't have to look down on Juying Company too much. I've seen the company's information and it seems that they have very strong assets."

Listening to Lu Xiaorong's instructions, Shen Lin hurriedly said: "Honey, don't worry, how dare I look down on others? I have to go through them in the future..."

(End of this chapter)

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