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Chapter 1958 Work is important, body is more important

Chapter 1958 Work is important, body is more important
Lu Xiaorong was helping his son pick up vegetables. When Shen Lin said this, he immediately raised his head and said, "What on earth?"

"Haha, it's nothing, you heard wrong."

Shen Lin can't say that he will be the richest man in the future after all, because Mr. Yabo's current financial strength is still far from being the richest man.

Lu Xiaorong didn't pay much attention to this. She put the vegetables into Xiao Guokai and educated her: "Baby, mommy has said it many, many times. You can't just eat meat when you eat in the future."

"You need to eat more vegetables and take more vitamins, so that we can grow taller."

Xiaoguoke has always been very dedicated to eating meat.

However, even though she pouted, she didn't dare to completely resist the vegetables her mother brought over.

After dinner, Lu Xiaorong began to plan her video business. If this matter was placed in Shen Lin's previous life, it would be very simple.

By directly using the Internet, it can be completed very quickly, and people don’t even have to go there.

Now, although Lu Xiaorong also didn't have to go there, after communicating on the phone, the other party needed to send the CD to her.

This will waste a lot of time.

After Shen Lin tutored Xiao Guoke on his homework for a while, he returned to his study.

Although everything that needs to be done is ready, there are still many things about MiKe Electronics that he needs to worry about.

For example, product launches in winter.

With the development of MiKe Electronics, the twice-a-year press conference has almost become the standard feature of MiKe Electronics.

If Shen Lin doesn't take it seriously, none of Mi Ke's fans will.

MiKe's third-generation PHS has now been produced.

As the chairman, Shen Lin has now used the prototype and is waiting to release it at the winter press conference...

Over the past year or so, as more and more places have opened PHS services, MiKe Electronics' PHS business has grown rapidly.

Cheap tariffs and PHS prices have led to a rapid increase in PHS users.

MiKe Electronics, which has an exclusive business, naturally makes a lot of money.

According to the mid-year report, the profit from the PHS business has surpassed that of DVD players and has become the most profitable business of Mihu Electronics.

And Shen Lin, who is very clear about the market situation of PHS, naturally also knows that the good days of PHS have just begun.

At least within ten years, he can still make a lot of money.

However, Shen Lin is not planning to just do PHS. He plans to launch the Mi shell mobile phone business after PHS is stable, at the latest by this time next year.

Although Walnut mobile phones have begun to rise and have a tendency to compete with motorcycles, Shen Lin is still preparing to start another mobile phone company in Mihu Electronics.

When the time comes, it will not be unacceptable for left and right to fight each other.

The next morning, after Shen Lin drove Xiaoguoke to school, he came to Ma Yuancheng's research company.

These days, whenever Shen Lin has time, he basically stays here to take a look.

Although it was working hours, the entire research company was still quiet and there was no sound.

It looks like there is no one in the entire company, but in fact, there are people working in every closed office of the research company.

"Director Shen, you are here." The sleepy-eyed Ma Yuancheng summoned up energy to greet Shen Lin.

Shen Lin glanced at Ma Yuancheng and said in a deep voice, "Yuan Cheng, did you not have any rest yesterday?"

"Director Shen, there was a set of data yesterday that couldn't be reconciled. Mr. Qi and I studied it all night and finally got it right." Speaking of what happened last night, Ma Yuancheng's expression was full of excitement.

For Ma Yuancheng, he cares more about research.Shen Lin patted Ma Yuancheng on the shoulder and said: "Yuan Cheng, although we ask Mi Keer to complete the work as soon as possible, it is not possible for you to endure day and night like this, with no distinction between black and white."

"I tell you, this will never be allowed in the future."

"When it's time to rest, you must rest well."

"Also, Chief Engineer Qi is not young anymore. It's not okay for you to keep an old man up all night like this."

Ma Yuancheng said aggrievedly: "Dr. Shen, this... I am so unjust."

"Originally, I wanted to study this set of data tomorrow, but Chief Engineer Qi never finished it."

"I urged him several times, but he just didn't agree."

Having said this, Ma Yuancheng continued: "So I have no choice."

Looking at Ma Yuancheng with his hands spread out, Shen Lin shook his head and said, "Okay, don't make me miserable here."

"I hand over the entire company to you, and you should be responsible for everything."

"I don't care about other things, but Yuan Cheng, you still have to rest when you should. If I find you staying up all night again, I will deduct your wages."

After saying this, Shen Lin couldn't help laughing.

Ma Yuancheng couldn't help but laugh. Generally speaking, bosses hope that their employees will have endless energy and always work hard.

People like Shen Lin who have their wages deducted because employees work too hard are really speechless.

After learning about Mi Keer's progress from Ma Yuancheng, Shen Lin forced Ma Yuancheng to rest first.

"Director Shen, we have received news that Mr. Yabo will come by special plane this morning." Fang Xiaomei came over with a piece of material and said: "Moreover, Mr. Yabo will also go to Beiqing University this afternoon to open a A symposium on entrepreneurship.”

Shen Lin took the materials handed over by Fang Xiaomei and found that it was Mr. Yabo's itinerary for today.

After taking a closer look, he said with a smile: "It seems that Mr. Yabo is working very hard. He came so far and started his own activities without even taking a break."

Fang Xiaomei said: "Dr. Shen, according to the news from the United States."

"Their Juying[-] operating system has achieved good results after the launch."

"I heard that in the past few days, they have sold more than 200 million sets of CDs that store the operating system alone."

When Shen Lin heard that there were more than 200 million sets, he smiled and said, "Mr. Yabo's resentment towards me should be very great."

"If we hadn't lowered the price so low, Mr. Yabo would have made hundreds of millions of profits with these sales of more than 200 million."

"But now, Mr. Yabo can only make a profit at a loss."

Fang Xiaomei said in a deep voice: "Dr. Shen, I don't think Mr. Yabo has anything to be angry about in this matter."

"He originally copied ours. It's already good if he can sell so many copies. Why do he still think we won't let him make money?"

Looking at Fang Xiaomei who looked angry, Shen Lin smiled and did not continue to discuss this topic.

He pondered for a moment and said, "By the way, is there anything I have to deal with this afternoon?"

"No." Fang Xiaomei glanced at the itinerary in her hand and said in a deep voice.

"Since there are no arrangements, let's go to Mr. Yabo's exchange meeting and see what Mr. Yabo has to say."

After hearing Shen Lin's decision, Fang Xiaomei wanted to persuade him, but in the end, she chose to remain silent.

In fact, she was very curious about Mr. Yabo's exchange meeting.

(End of this chapter)

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