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Chapter 1959 I came here in a low profile

Chapter 1959 I came here in a low profile

Qingbei University still attaches great importance to Mr. Yabo’s entrepreneurship exchange meeting.

Not only was the notice issued in advance, but a large conference room was also prepared.

However, before the exchange meeting was held, the person in charge of the matter at Juying Company suggested that Mr. Yabo liked a less restrictive environment, so in the end the exchange meeting was held in the playground.

Naturally, Shen Lin didn't know about such trivial matters.

He wore casual clothes, put on a pair of glasses, and had his hair style changed to a younger one, so he looked like a graduate student.

When they came to the playground, although it was autumn, the sun was still bright on the playground.Seeing a service staff handing out hats, Shen Lin took another hat.

Wearing this hat, Shen Lin is basically unrecognizable.

Fang Xiaomei complained about Shen Lin's wearing of the hat, but she didn't dare to say anything more.

She didn't wear a hat at all, because not many people knew her.

After sitting down on the chair that had been set up a long time ago, I heard someone talking about Mr. Yabo.

"I read a report yesterday, saying that Mr. Yabo started his own business before graduating from college, and he participated in the bidding for the first time and was valued by a big company. It's really amazing!"

"Isn't that right? Mr. Yabo's software company started from scratch and is now one of the largest software companies in the United States."

"I heard that Mr. Yabo's net worth is more than one billion US dollars."

"According to the current exchange rate, that's tens of billions of dollars. Mr. Yabo is really rich!"

"On our side, the only one who can compare with Mr. Yabo is Director Shen."

Shen Lin didn't expect that he would be pulled out and compared with Mr. Yabo.Regarding this metaphor, Shen Lin felt helpless in his heart.

In fact, he is really richer than Mr. Yabo.

"Mr. Yabo is coming this time, and Director Shen is in danger." One of the young people who were talking said with emotion.

Others were already very concerned about the topic of Shen Lin.

At this time, when they heard this man say that Shen Lin was in danger, they couldn't help but look at the man and said, "How can Director Shen be in danger? What does this have to do with Director Shen?"

"Haha, how come it doesn't matter?"

"Mr. Yabo came to us mainly to launch his Juying[-] operating system launch conference."

"And what about Director Shen? Director Shen's MiKe operating system is now standard on computers. The purpose of Mr. Yabo's coming here is not known to everyone."

After hearing the words of their companions, many people fell into silence, but at this moment, someone also said: "I don't think Director Shen is in any danger."

"What Director Shen does is not just the operating system."

"Whether it's PHS or other aspects, Director Shen makes a lot of money."

"I heard that the profit from optical DVD players last year was hundreds of millions!"

Hearing this excuse, Shen Lin smiled silently.Fang Xiaomei, who was sitting next to him, had a little more smile on her face.

"The danger I'm talking about is not that the entire MiKu Electronics is in danger. The danger I'm talking about is actually the MiKu operating system."

"Everyone also knows that Juying Company is originally engaged in operating systems."

"This time, the operating system launched by MiKe Electronics dominated the market. It was entirely because Juying Company did not expect that MiKe Electronics would release an operating system, so the collapse occurred."

"But now, the MiKeyi operating system has basically been finalized, and Juying Company has launched Juying[-] with a sense of revenge. Needless to say, Juying[-] is also easier to use than Mike[-]."

"So, there may be a problem with Director Shen's operating system."

These words were recognized by many students.

The college students who can sit here are basically elites.So they all have their own judgments, and they are full of confidence in their judgments.

"None of us have ever seen Juyingwu operating system, how can we say it is better than Mikeyi?" The student who had just supported Shen Lin couldn't help but speak louder at this time.

He said in a deep voice: "Even if Juyingwu is good, I think I'm still used to the MiKeyi operating system."

“What’s more, maybe MiKe Electronics will launch an even more powerful MiKe II!”

Upon hearing the name Mi Keer, Fang Xiaomei looked at Shen Lin.

As Shen Lin's secretary, Fang Xiaomei naturally knew Mi Keer.

Shen Lin ignored Fang Xiaomei's gaze and continued to listen with a smile.

At this moment, there was a commotion in the crowd in front, and some people suddenly stood up at this moment.

"Mr. Yabo is here!"

"That's Mr. Yabo. It looks much shorter to me than in the magazine."

"Yes, and looking at Mr. Yabo's face, he seems much older than in the magazine!"

"How old is Mr. Yabo!"


Shen Lin also stood up and looked in the direction where Mr. Yabo came. He saw that Mr. Yabo was wearing a livid suit without a tie. He looked very easy-going.

There were many people accompanying Mr. Yabo on both sides. They introduced something to Mr. Yabo with smiles on their faces.

"Hello Mr. Yabo!"

Someone even shouted loudly.

"Mr. Yabo, what are you going to tell us today, your Juyingwu operating system?"


In response to these enthusiastic greetings, Mr. Yabo did not answer immediately, but waved to everyone with a smile.

"Students, please be quiet. Today, we are very honored to have Mr. Yabo, the founder and chairman of Juying Company, to have a face-to-face communication with us. Now, please let us welcome Mr. Yabo with warm applause. .”

Amid a burst of warm applause, Mr. Yabo waved to everyone around him and said in blunt Mandarin: "Hello, classmates, I'm glad to see you all."

As these words came out, there was another round of applause.

Fang Xiaomei raised her eyebrows when she heard the applause, and then said to Shen Lin: "Dr. Shen, this guy is always pretending."

After hearing Fang Xiaomei's complaints, Shen Lin smiled and said, "This is at least an attitude of others."

"Although your Mandarin is not very good, people are learning, so don't be picky about it."

Fang Xiaomei snorted and said: "Dr. Shen, anyway, I think he is just a weasel paying New Year greetings to the rooster, and he has no good intentions."

Hearing Fang Xiaomei's somewhat angry words, Shen Lin smiled and ignored them.

At this time, I heard Mr. Yabo say: "Dear students, what I want to talk to you about today is the Internet and the future. After I finish speaking, you can ask any questions you have..."

Internet and the future!

Shen Lin was naturally very clear about the future of the Internet, but at this time when the Internet was just emerging, hearing what Mr. Yabo said made Shen Lin still full of interest.

He wanted to hear what this future leader could say.

(End of this chapter)

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