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Chapter 1961 Reversing Black and White

Chapter 1961 Reversing Black and White

Two questions, both mentioned their names.

And he wasn’t the one who arranged it himself!
At this time, Shen Lin was speechless. He did not expect that he would encounter such a situation.

However, Shen Lin was happy to see this situation.

He even looked at Mr. Yabo with interest, wondering how Mr. Yabo would answer such questions.

After all, if you look at many things from another perspective, the results will be different. For Shen Lin, Mr. Yabo, his opponent, is another perspective of himself.

"I can't answer this classmate's question."

"After all, Director Shen and I are not very familiar with each other!"

"Although I have heard of his reputation and met him twice, we have very little interaction."

Mr. Yabo said in a deep voice after coughing.

Such an answer is certainly not satisfactory.

Many people began to curl their lips when they heard this answer.

For the students gathered here today, they really want to know how Mr. Yabo would answer this question that interests them.

But the almost no response disappointed them.

In fact, Shen Lin was also a little disappointed.

He wanted to know what Mr. Yabo, his opponent, thought of him.

But I didn't expect that Mr. Yabo didn't respond at all and just talked a lot of nonsense.

Just when everyone thought that Mr. Yabo's answer was coming to an end, Mr. Yabo suddenly said: "So what I can share with you is the different attitudes of the two of us in doing things."

"As you have just learned, I have already devoted myself to computer software design even before I graduated from college."

“And now, I’m still rooted in this industry.”

When Shen Lin heard what Mr. Yabo said, the smile on his face suddenly grew bigger.

He already vaguely understood what Mr. Yabo was going to say.

Regarding what Mr. Yabo was going to say, Shen Lin's eyes were a little cold.

"As for Director Shen Lin and Shen, I remember that when he first started doing business, he was engaged in hot and fast processing."

“Nowadays, Dong Shen’s Mi Ke covers a wide range of products.”

"For example, televisions, computers, communications industry..."

"What I want to say is that I have always felt that no matter what industry we are in, the key is to focus."

“Only by focusing can we generate core competitiveness.”

“If you don’t focus, you want this and you want to do that, then the final result is that you do something specious and ultimately make people laugh.”

In one breath, Mr. Yabo said a lot.

Although he didn't point out anything clearly, he used concentration and distraction to compare himself with Shen Lin.

But his comparison made many people sink into silence.

"Mr. Yabo, since you think you are the focused person, I would like to ask, why is your company's Juyingwu operating system plagiarized from Mikeyi operating system?" A young man suddenly stood up. Get up and ask Mr. Yabo loudly.

The young man's voice was very loud, and Mr. Yabo had just made a grand speech. For a moment, almost all eyes were turned to this man.

Immediately, these eyes focused on Mr. Yabo again.

After all, plagiarism is not a glorious thing.

Especially copying your competitors' products and then selling them yourself.

Faced with this kind of accusation, Mr. Yabo had actually been prepared for it.He smiled and said: "This classmate said that we plagiarized, which is really biased."

"Have you seen our Juyingwu operating system?"

The male student who stood up said loudly: "Mr. Yabo, it just so happens that a relative of mine came back from the United States and knew that I majored in computer science, so he gave me a Juyingwu operating system."

"As for me, after installing Juyingwu's operating system on my computer, I suddenly felt that what I installed was not Juyingwu's operating system, but Mikeyi's operating system."

"I originally thought that I had installed it wrong, but after I looked carefully, I found that I had not installed it wrong."

"What it installs is Juyingwu."

Mr. Yabo smiled and said: "Classmate, the similarity you just mentioned does exist, but it is just a simple reference."

"As far as I know, the MiKe operating system also borrows a lot of operating system software from our Juying company."

"For example, my computer, recycle bin and other functions."

"So students, you don't have to worry about such small similarities. What you should focus on is which system is easier to use."

Learn from!

Mr. Yabo said his answer lightly.

Most people at this time have basically never seen the Juyingwu operating system, so after hearing Mr. Yabo's explanation, they still have a little bit of recognition in their hearts.

After all, MiKe borrowed the design from Juying Company, and now Juying Company borrows MiKe’s operating system, which seems to make sense.

Just when everyone was silent, someone suddenly said: "Mr. Yabo, as far as I know, the MiKe operating system of MiKe Electronics has some reference to Juying's operating system."

"But based on what they learned, they also made a lot of innovations."

"It is precisely because of their innovation that the computer operating system has made a qualitative leap."

"But now, your Juyingwu operating system does not have these leaps, it is just a hard copy."

"I think if we follow your approach, no one will be researching new products."

The person who stood up was a young student in his 20s, his voice full of anger.

Shen Lin felt very touched after hearing these sonorous and powerful words.

He whispered to Fang Xiaomei: "Xiaomei, this young man has found a good one."

“Not only did he hit the mark, but he also spoke with a strong, powerful voice, making it easy for people to accept.”

Listening to Shen Lin's praise, Fang Xiaomei hesitated and muttered: "Director Shen, what I want to tell you is that this person is not one of ours."

"He...he should have stood up on his own initiative."

When Shen Lin heard what Fang Xiaomei said, he was speechless.

He simply didn't know how to describe his feelings.

Mr. Yabo's face looked very gloomy at this time. He took a deep breath and said, "This classmate, you don't know much about computers, so I don't need to answer your question."

"Wait until you make some achievements in this area, and then talk to me about whether it's plagiarism."

"We know whether it is plagiarism or not."

When Mr. Yabo said this, he nodded towards the host beside him. The meaning was very obvious, that is, let him name other people to speak.

Listening to Mr. Yabo's words, Shen Lin's eyes flashed with a cold look.

He looked at the blushing face of the young man who asked the question and couldn't help but stand up.

"Mr. Yabo, you know whether you have copied our products, and we also know it."

"I have always admired you, but what happened today makes me admire you no more!"

(End of this chapter)

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