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Chapter 1962 Just Picking Things Up

Chapter 1962 Just Picking Things Up

Shen Lin!

Shen Lin is actually here, and he is still here to listen to Mr. Yabo’s exchange meeting!
He actually stood up!

The people who were watching the excitement were a little surprised at this time.

Their eyes were full of incredulity!

For them, the current scene makes them feel as if they are dreaming.

In fact, Mr. Yabo was stunned at this time!
Although he had always regarded Shen Lin as his enemy, and his goal was to completely suppress the operating system of MiKe Electronics, he really didn't expect that he would meet Shen Lin here.

Shen Lin actually appeared here openly, so all of his previous answers to Shen Lin and himself must have fallen into his ears.

Although Mr. Yabo didn't think there was anything wrong with his answer, and he wasn't afraid that it would reach Shen Lin's ears, but at this moment, he thought that his answer was somewhat based on his own strengths and shortcomings. Xiaojiazi was angry, and more importantly, Shen Lin just sat down and listened quietly, and there was still a trace of shame and annoyance in his heart.

"Mr. Shen!"

"Hello, Director Shen! Why are you here!"

"Dr. Shen, nice to meet you!"


All kinds of enthusiastic greetings came and went one after another, and many people even gathered around Shen Lin's position.

Although Mr. Yabo's name is very famous, compared with Shen Lin, he is still far behind.

The teacher responsible for hosting the event didn't know what to do at this time.

After all, he, a small host, really couldn't get involved in the dispute between the two big guys!

Just when the host was a little overwhelmed by the commotion, Shen Lin had already stepped towards the stage.

He smiled at Mr. Yabo and said, "I have a lot of free time today. I originally wanted to listen to Mr. Yabo's lectures on computers."

"But in the end, I just couldn't bear it anymore!"

"Mr. Yabo, please believe me. I really just want to hear the content of your speech when I come here this time. I have no other intention."

Mr. Yabo's face had calmed down at this time.

When Shen Lin appeared, he thought about walking away.

He knew very well that if he walked away at this time, the one who would benefit the most would naturally be Shen Lin.

The stage he had built was left to his opponent to perform. This is something that Mr. Yabo cannot accept no matter what.

So at this time, no matter how bad his expression was, he still had to persevere.

"Director Shen, I am really honored that you can attend my lecture, hahaha..." Mr. Yabo said lightly: "But what I want to tell you, Director Shen, is that our Juying Five operation system and did not copy your product.”

"We're just learning from it."

"It's just like your company's MiKeYi operating system borrowed from our JuyingWu operating system before it was born."

Learn from!

Mr. Yabo said these two words very solemnly, as if what I said was the truth.

Shen Lin looked at the smiling Mr. Yabo and said with a smile: "Mr. Yabo, let's not argue about whether it is a reference or plagiarism."

"After all, even if the two of us say hell, no one can convince the other."

"Our company has already filed a lawsuit on this issue, and we still wait for the legal ruling."

Mr. Yabo's face suddenly became gloomy.

Although from his heart, he was not afraid of Shen Lin suing him.

Even to him, such a situation was unexpected.

But when Shen Lin said it in a place like this, it made him feel pressured.Those looks that looked over made him feel on pins and needles and made him feel uncomfortable all over.

But in this situation, he smiled and said: "Dr. Shen, as the saying goes, the pure will become pure and the turbid will become turbid. Haha, I agree with you. I think the law will tell us who is right and who is right." It's wrong."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Okay, then we will just wait for the result."

Just when both of them felt speechless, they heard someone shouting from below: "Director Shen, Mr. Yabo, since you two have come to our school and are now on the stage, I wonder if you two Can you communicate with us?"

"Director Shen, share your thoughts with us!"

"Mr. Yabo, I think you should have a frank communication with Dong Shen."

"Please both of you answer our questions together..."

Listening to the rising enthusiasm below, the teacher hosting the meeting felt sweat on his forehead.

He originally followed the process that he had planned long ago, but now that Shen Lin suddenly appeared, he really didn't know what to do.

I was at a loss, and I didn’t even know how to respond to the requests from the classmates in the audience.

Just when he was feeling uneasy, Shen Lin smiled and said, "I am very willing to answer your students' questions, and I am also very happy to have an in-depth exchange with Mr. Yabo."

"I just don't know what Mr. Yabo's business is like?"

Mr. Yabo is actually unwilling to continue, but he knows very well that if he leaves like this, in the eyes of many people, he will leave in despair.

This kind of situation is not good for you.

So after he pondered for a while, he smiled and said: "Today I was originally going to exchange some opinions with you, so I am naturally willing to stay."

"Haha, I also hope that I can exchange views with Director Shen on some issues."

"I think Director Shen still misunderstands us in some aspects."

Shen Lin did not flinch at Mr. Yabo's words. He smiled and said: "Then I hope that through today's conversation, Mr. Yabo can help me clear up the doubts in my heart."

The teacher in charge finally relaxed at this time.

In any case, the two big guys on stage agreed to communicate, which is a good thing.

So after he coughed, he said in a deep voice: "Thank you Mr. Yabo and Director Shen for being able to communicate with our classmates. Let's continue."

"If you have any questions, you can raise your hands and ask."

"I reiterate, everyone must raise their hands to ask questions. It cannot be undisciplined and scattered!"

Listening to the teacher's reminder, many students present responded: "Don't worry, teacher, we will strictly abide by the discipline."

"Teacher, I have a question! I want to ask a question."

"Director Shen, I have a question for you!"


The teacher in charge looked at the raised arms one by one and didn't know who to choose for a while. After all, there were too many people.

At this moment, he suddenly discovered that the number of people coming to this venue began to increase.

After pondering for a while, he came to the conclusion that he could not delay the meeting any longer and should end this meeting as soon as possible.

Otherwise, it won't work if too many people come, just in case some uncontrollable emergency occurs.

"Classmate, if you have any questions that you would like to discuss with Mr. Yabo and Director Shen, please ask them."

The one who was selected was a very delicate girl. After confirming that she was selected, she asked calmly and generously: "Director Shen, I believe you heard Mr. Yabo's speech just now."

"What I want to ask is, what do you think of Mr. Yabo's speech?"

(End of this chapter)

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