Back to 84: Getting rich from collecting rubbish

Chapter 1964: Really starting from scratch

Chapter 1964: Really starting from scratch

Mr. Yabo's eyes were always looking at the ice dew mineral water bottle in front of him.

If this bottle of water could be completely frozen into ice cubes, he would definitely not mind using this bottle of water to teach the talkative guy in front of him a deep lesson.

It's so nasty!

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger.This guy knows his situation very well, and it seems that he has already regarded himself as his opponent, otherwise, he would not investigate like this.

If he can tell this in public, his purpose is very clear, and it should be a sign to attack his entrepreneurial idol.

For a moment, Mr. Yabo felt a little cold.

But there were some questions that he had to answer.

Because at this time, everyone was looking at him eagerly.

If he doesn't respond, he feels guilty; if he doesn't respond, he will be seen as speechless...

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Mr. Yabo smiled and said, "Everyone, part of what Director Shen just said is true."

"I took my work to participate in a project competition of a certain company, and the person in charge of that company happened to be a good friend of my parents."

“He was very surprised to see my signature on several of the candidates.”

"Because of this incident, I even made a special call to my mother."

"After confirming that this plan was made by myself, I chose my plan among these alternatives."

When Mr. Yabo said this, he touched his nose and said: "What happened at that time seems to be a little lucky."

"However, this little luck is first based on the excellence of my plan. It also fully confirms the saying: To make iron, you need to be strong yourself."

Mr. Yabo's response naturally won a lot of applause.

But among the applause, Mr. Yabo felt that some people's applause was obviously perfunctory.

He glanced at Shen Lin, who was sitting beside him with a smile, and said in a deep voice: "Director Shen, I have always been very curious about your Excellency."

"I really want to know where you earned your first pot of gold in starting a business."

"I wonder if you can share this matter with us!"

The host teacher’s heart is twitching!
He felt that the symposium he was hosting at this time was really getting out of his control.

If it was the students who were causing trouble just now, now it's the fight between the two bosses.

Director Shen just said that Mr. Yabo’s brilliant entrepreneurial resume was backed by family help, and Mr. Shen wanted to ask about Director Shen’s first pot of gold.

This first pot of gold is not so easy to earn.

Many people's first pot of gold is not as glamorous as they claim to the public after becoming famous.

Just when he didn't know what to say, the students below began to applaud crazily.

"Director Shen, share it with us!"

"Director Shen, tell us quickly!"

"Isn't it because I can't say it?"


Shen Lin listened to the noisy sounds around him, and a smile appeared on his face.

He pondered for a moment and said: "Mr. Yabo's statement about the first pot of gold is a bit general, so I don't know where to answer it."

“For me, my first pot of gold was five dollars a day!”

At this point, Shen Lin pondered for a moment and said, "I remember that it was when I was just kicked out of the hardware machinery factory. My family's money had been almost spent. Lu Xiaorong and I didn't have two dollars in our hands combined."

Naturally, all the students present knew who Lu Xiaorong was.A famous writer with a royalties of hundreds of millions, a figure that countless people look up to.

For such a person, there is a situation where the couple's combined money does not even have two dollars. This kind of truth sounds unbelievable.

For a moment, the students around became quiet.

Although Mr. Yabo couldn't quite understand what Shen Lin said, the translator quickly conveyed what Shen Lin meant.

Hearing Shen Lin say that he and his wife's combined money was less than two yuan, Mr. Yabo opened his mouth wide at first, feeling a little unbelievable.

But randomly, he had a bad feeling.

Why did Shen Lin say this?
"The landlord came to collect the rent at that time, but I felt decadent because I was fired from the hardware and machinery factory. But the two of us always had to eat, so I thought about how to make money."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said solemnly: "At that time, I happened to see the waste collection station and found that the price of waste paper there was not low."

"As far as I know, many factory offices have piles of old newspapers piled up."

"These old newspapers are not only useless, but they also take up space. In winter, they are even taken out to warm themselves over the fire."

"So I took the courage to go to a factory and bought a flatbed truckload of used newspapers with the only five cents I had in my pocket."

“I remember it was late summer and the weather was still very hot at noon, but I felt very happy when I pushed the cart and turned the cart of scrap newspapers into five dollars.”

"Because at that time I felt that I had found a way to live my life!"

Shen Lin said it very simply, but the scene of pushing a cart of newspapers on a flatbed truck to sell in the middle of the summer caught everyone's mind.

Looking at Director Shen talking eloquently in front of him, and thinking of the time when this young man pushed a cart to sell scraps, many people present felt admiration in their hearts.

Some girls even started to have tears in their eyes.

"Wow wow wow..."

A burst of warm applause rang out from the crowd.

Many people looked at Shen Lin with even more admiration.

In the midst of the applause, Shen Lin continued: "For me, this is the first pot of gold, but in fact, the real money comes from selling scrap products. More than a month later, I took advantage of the opportunity to welcome new students in the Engineering College. When I was young, I set up a stall in front of the Engineering College."

"Every year new students enter school, they always need to buy a lot of necessities."

When Shen Lin talked about the admission of new students, everyone present was naturally very familiar with it. After all, many of them had experienced it here.

So everyone listened to Shen Lin's speech more seriously: "At that time, my life was basically on the right track by collecting waste, but I felt that it was difficult to make myself rich just by collecting waste, so I thought of a way to go there. From other places, I bought a large number of things that students need to start school."

"For example, thermos bottles, enamel jars, handkerchiefs and towels."

"Business was very booming at that time. I earned tens of thousands of yuan in one go during the ten-day school season and became a real household worth ten thousand yuan."

I earned tens of thousands of yuan in more than ten days, and it was still tens of thousands of yuan six or seven years ago.

The students present looked at Shen Lin, their eyes filled with admiration.

If the story of Mr. Yabo is a legendary experience like a genius, then Director Shen’s entrepreneurship is a down-to-earth, step-by-step journey.

Moreover, Director Shen’s efforts at that time were very down-to-earth.

Mr. Yabo was a little restless at this time. If he had known that Shen Lin would say this, then no matter what, he would not have guided Shen Lin to tell his story.

This is literally shooting yourself in the foot!

And it’s still very painful!

Now, he no longer wanted to continue. He knew that no matter what he said next, it would be wedding clothes for Shen Lin.

But it's not that easy to end it.

(End of this chapter)

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