Chapter 1965
Just as Mr. Yabo was thinking about how to end this meeting, another student stood up and said, "Mr. Yabo, what do you think of Director Shen's first pot of gold?"

Mr. Yabo cannot but answer this question.

After all, he was the one who originally asked about Shen Lin's first pot of gold.

If he suddenly stopped talking at this time, it would obviously not be justified.

So after hearing this question, he still needed to cheer up and comment on Shen Lin's entrepreneurial experience.

Of course, this review cannot be bad.

“When I heard about Director Shen’s experience of earning his first pot of gold, I felt a lot of emotion.”

"Starting a business has always been difficult. You can't just see the success of Director Shen and I, but not see our silent efforts behind the scenes."

"I deeply admire Director Shen's perseverance in the face of adversity."

"I also hope that in his future work and life, Director Shen can continue to maintain..."

In one breath, Mr. Yabo said a lot of compliments.

Although these words were not nutritious, Mr. Yabo still felt insincere and very uncomfortable when he said them.

After all, most of what he said was to praise Shen Lin.

And Shen Lin came here just to sabotage his own activities, which is really abominable.

After Mr. Yabo finished speaking, the presiding teacher was just about to speak when he saw one of Mr. Yabo's subordinates hurried over and whispered a few words next to Mr. Yabo.

Mr. Yabo glanced at Shen Lin, and then said with a smile: "Dear students, I originally wanted to communicate with you."

"But according to the schedule, I should leave now to visit a very important guest."

"So I'm sorry, I can only communicate with you here for the time being."

"I very much hope to continue communicating with you, so I will definitely come again next time I have the opportunity."

Mr. Yabo's words were very polite.

As for the students who came to communicate below, although they were extremely regretful, their schedules had been decided, so naturally they couldn't disrupt Mr. Yabo's affairs.

So everyone waved goodbye to Mr. Yabo with great regret.

Shen Lin, on the other hand, was sitting in his seat, showing no signs of leaving.

After Mr. Yabo said goodbye to several enthusiastic classmates, he saw Shen Lin still sitting on the chair and said with a smile: "Dr. Shen, I'm sorry that I can't communicate with you anymore.'

"Let's talk about it later."

"Look at you now..."

Shen Lin smiled at Mr. Yabo and said, "Mr. Yabo, just be busy with your business. I came here this time because I had nothing to do, so I came to listen to your speech."

"Now since you have something to do and can't communicate with your classmates, I will stay here."

"It just makes everyone feel less regretful, and it can also make Mr. Yabo feel less guilty."

Hearing what Shen Lin said, Mr. Yabo was stunned.

What he wants to say most at this moment is I let you go, why do you want to stay?

You are a bird occupying a dove's nest!
You are presumptuous!

"Okay!" The classmates couldn't help cheering when they heard that Shen Lin was going to stay.

Although Mr. Yabo is gone, the exchange between the two big bosses suddenly changed to Director Shen himself being here.

But this is not bad, after all, there are big bosses like Shen Lin here.

In everyone's opinion, it's enough if someone can stay and communicate.

What's more, it's Director Shen who many people admire.

"Director Shen, it's great that you can stay." "Director Shen, we like you!"

"Director Shen, thank you for thinking about us!"

All kinds of sounds came and went all of a sudden.Listening to these voices, a smile appeared on Shen Lin's face.

He waved to the cheering classmates and said, "Students, thank you for your support."

"Don't worry, everyone, I will definitely have a good chat with you today."

"But there is one thing we need to explain in advance."

As soon as Shen Lin said these words, everyone present was filled with curiosity, wondering what exactly Director Shen wanted to explain.

Just when they were confused, they heard Shen Lin say: "What I want to explain is that if we talk about dinner, I will have to eat the food in this restaurant!"

Shen Lin's extremely down-to-earth request immediately aroused a burst of laughter.

Someone even said loudly: "Dr. Shen, the braised pork here is delicious. I'll treat you to the braised pork."

"Director Shen, we have a lot of food in the restaurant. We have boiled pork slices today."

"Director Shen, I know where there is delicious food..."

Listening to the chaotic cheers, Mr. Yabo had no intention of staying.

He took one last look at Shen Lin, and then walked out quickly accompanied by the host teacher.

The host teacher seemed to think it was a pity that Mr. Yabo was leaving like this, so he said to Mr. Yabo in a deep voice on the way: "Mr. Yabo, I am really sorry. To be honest, we really want to communicate with you. It’s a pity that your time is really tight.”

"Mr. Yabo, we very much welcome your next visit."

Although Mr. Yabo didn't want to hear these words in his heart, he still had to respond because they were so sincere.

"Don't worry, I will definitely come back, haha..."

After boarding his car, Mr. Yabo's face was extremely cold, and he almost roared: "Damn it, it's so abominable!"

"This Shen Lin is simply shameless."

"Don't he know that it is immoral to disrupt other people's activities?"

No one dared to respond to Mr. Yabo's roar. The secretary and driver sat cautiously in their seats, fearing that they would be affected by Mr. Yabo's anger.

"Let's go see Mr. Yin!"

After venting his anger, Mr. Yabo regained his senses.

He knew that anger alone could not solve Shen Lin. If he wanted to make Shen Lin bow his head, he still had to rely on absolute strength.

And Mr. Yin is an important partner and an important bargaining chip for him.

The driver agreed, and the car quickly drove towards Mr. Yin's company.

The secretary also reported at this time: "Mr. Yabo, Mr. Yin heard that you were coming and said he would greet you at the door."

"We'll see Mr. Yin at the door soon."

In the past, Mr. Yabo didn't take things like welcome and drop-off seriously, but now, when he heard Mr. Yin greeting him at the door, his mood felt a lot better inexplicably.

In any case, such a gesture can at least make people feel very happy.

10 minutes later, Mr. Yabo's car arrived at the office building of Yin Corporation. Mr. Yin, who had been waiting to greet him, welcomed the new student Yabo very warmly when he came out.

"Mr. Yabo, I heard that your first trip today is to go to Beiqing University for exchange. How about this trip?"

"I believe that your exchange will definitely leave a deep impression on the students who are listening and become part of their beautiful memories."

After Mr. Yin shook hands with Mr. Yabo, he complimented Mr. Yabo with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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