Chapter 1967
Three days later, Shen Lin was in the conference room, watching the Juying Company product launch conference played on the TV.

Mr. Yabo had a bright smile on his face.

At this time, he was introducing the Juyingwu operating system to Mr. Yin.

"...I came into contact with Juying Company's software ten years ago. At that time, we came into contact with Juying Company's MCDOS operating system. After being exposed to this system, I..."

"...What I want to say here is that the operating system chosen by Juying Company has always been the best."

"So, our choice now is still the Juyingwu operating system..."

What Mr. Yin said was so emotional that it even made people feel moved to tears.

Mr. Yabo, on the other hand, began to praise Mr. Yin’s achievements, and the audience, who had been arranged in advance, naturally burst into applause...

"A bit shameless!" Lan Weidong, who was sitting not far from Shen Lin, muttered.

Today's incident has nothing to do with Lan Weidong. He is responsible for the operation of Jiale Electrical Appliances and has little to do with the MiKe operating system.

But at this time, Shen Lin was sitting in front of the TV watching the live broadcast, so naturally he couldn't hide.

Shen Lin turned to look at Lan Weidong and said with a smile: "Mr. Lan, what do you think we should do about this kind of flattery?"

Lan Weidong smiled and said: "Dr. Shen, I haven't done any research on this matter, so I won't make random remarks."

"But based on what I know about you, you won't accept this kind of loss."

"I'm sure you're ready."

Looking at Lan Weidong who was smiling, Shen Lin said with a smile: "Weidong, your answer is really not wrong at all."

"Okay, this matter won't be difficult for you anymore. Professional matters should be handled by professionals."

Having said this, Shen Lin's eyes fell on Fang Xiaomei and said, "Xiaomei, have you arranged everything for tomorrow?"

"Director Shen, it has been arranged. We will sue Juying Company for plagiarism. It will appear in major newspapers tomorrow."

"Also, our comparison of evidence regarding Juying Company's infringement has also been sent."

Shen Lin nodded and said, "Okay, I hope Mr. Yabo likes our gift."

Ma Yuancheng smiled and said: "Dr. Shen, I don't know if Mr. Yabo likes your gift, but I guess Mr. Yabo's face will not look too good when the time comes."

"When he sees this, he will never smile as brightly as he does now."

As he spoke, Ma Yuancheng pointed at Mr. Yabo on the TV.

I don’t know what he just said, but Mr. Yabo’s smile was extremely bright.

Shen Lin looked at Mr. Yabo's smile and laughed too.

Shen Lin is watching the press conference of Juying Company!

There are still many people watching Juying Company’s press conference!
In particular, some people in the computer industry were basically sitting in front of the TV at this time, watching Mr. Yabo demonstrate the Juying[-] operating system on TV.

"How come this Juyingwu operating system looks very similar to the Mikeyi operating system!" Ronaldinho asked his companions while eating in the university cafeteria.

Companion Xiao Feng picked up a piece of radish and said, "Is it possible that the Mi Ke Yi operating system is based on the Ju Ying Wu operating system?"

"Xiao Feng, can you please turn your head for a moment? Director Shen's MiKe[-] operating system was released several months earlier than Juying Company's Juying [-] operating system."

"When it comes to plagiarism, it should be Juying Company that copied MiKe Electronics!"

Ronaldinho looked at his companions with an expression of hatred for steel.

Xiao Feng patted his head and said, "That's right. I only thought that Juying Company was a big company outside. I didn't expect..."

Xiao Feng did not continue, but Xiao Luo naturally understood the meaning of his words.

Looking at his companion, Ronaldinho couldn't help but said: "Xiao Feng, others look down on our own products, we can't look down on our own products." "Humph, this Mr. Yin, I actually admire him."

"But he actually ignored MiKeyi Operating System and directly took advantage of Juying Company. It is really disappointing."

"I declare that from now on, I will not buy Mr. Yin's products."

Looking at his angry companion, Xiao Feng couldn't help but said: "This is a matter between Mi Ke Electronics and Juying Company. Why are you angry here!"

"Let me tell you, don't be upset here. There's no point in being angry."

"Isn't MiKe Electronics in a hurry? Why are you in a hurry?"

After hearing what his companion said, Ronaldinho wanted to defend himself, but he didn't know what to say.

Finally, he sighed and said, "Our products are being bullied like this, and you don't even say a word. You deserve to be plagiarized."

Xiao Feng wanted to say something, but when the words finally came to his lips, he didn't say them out.

In fact, Xiao Feng didn't feel too comfortable, but as he just said, there was nothing he could do under the circumstances.


In the office of Electronic Evening News, reporter Lao Chen was also watching the live broadcast on TV.

Being able to become a reporter for an electronic newspaper, Lao Chen is considered an insider in computer and electronic technology.

For some technical changes, we have a very clear grasp.

At this time, he looked at the changes in the Juying Five System on TV, and his eyes suddenly widened.

According to his understanding of the MiKe operating system, apart from some changes in the graphics, important things such as functions and architecture of Juyingwu's operating system are almost all plagiarized MiKe operating systems.

This kind of behavior is extremely shameful in Lao Chen's opinion.

What made Lao Chen even more unacceptable was that this kind of behavior, which was obviously a thief, actually held a press conference openly.

It's so abominable and unacceptable!

He felt extremely uncomfortable listening to the laughter on TV.

In anger, he quickly picked up the pen and started writing on the manuscript paper.

Although his power is weak, he wants to tell more people about the anger in his heart and let more people know that Juying Company's Juying Wu is an act of plagiarism.

In just ten minutes, Lao Chen wrote two pages.

"Old Chen, what are you doing?" A middle-aged man in his 30s walked into Old Chen's office and asked curiously while watching the TV playing and Old Chen writing hard.

"I am preparing to write an article to criticize those shameless people."

"Did you watch this Juyingwu press conference? Most of their products are obviously plagiarized MiKeYi operating systems, but they came to release them here."

"He also said they were all original creations."

"I've never met anyone so shameless, so I decided to write something to let them know we're not that easy to fool."

After hearing what Old Chen said, the person who walked in pondered for a moment and said: "Old Chen, I'm afraid your idea cannot be realized."

"Why, can't you send it out yet?"

"No, Mihu Company has already made preparations and sent us articles in this regard, so it is impossible for your current article to be sent out tomorrow."

The colleague smiled and said: "I think you can safely watch the live broadcast before writing."

Listening to his colleague's words, Lao Chen showed a smile on his face and said: "I knew that Director Shen was not someone who was bullied to the point of being bullied but didn't say anything."

(End of this chapter)

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