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Chapter 1968 has long been prepared

Chapter 1968 has long been prepared

Mr. Yabo was extremely satisfied with the press conference he hosted.

So after coming out of the venue, he extended an invitation to Mr. Yin, his best helper this time: "Mr. Yin, let's take my car and go together."

When Mr. Yin travels, he basically makes his own car.

But this time when Mr. Yabo invited him, he had to give him face. After all, he would have to rely on Mr. Yabo for many things in the future.

"Okay, it just so happens that I have something that I need to ask Mr. Yabo for advice."

Mr. Yin's attitude made Mr. Yabo very satisfied.

What he likes is such an obedient partner.

In Mr. Yabo's spacious car, Mr. Yin said with a smile: "Mr. Yabo, you did a great job hosting the press conference this time."

"I believe that after your press conference, no one will say that you are not as good as Shen Lin in hosting the press conference."

Listening to Mr. Yin's flattering words, Mr. Yabo showed a smile on his face.

"Mr. Yin, although this press conference has made a good start, I feel that we still cannot relax on this matter."

"In addition to the necessary advertising investment, I am also planning to improve the standards of the thank you party."

"Mr. Yin, the time is still tomorrow night, but I hope that Mr. Yin can help me find some capable guests."

"We still have a long way to go to defeat the MiKe operating system."

Mr. Yin smiled and said: "Mr. Yabo, please rest assured. I, Old Yin, dare not say anything else. I still have connections."

"This time, the person I invite will definitely satisfy you."

At this point, Mr. Yin paused and then said: "Mr. Yabo, with the liberalization of the computer market, many manufacturers are preparing to enter the market here."

"Such as Xizhi, such as Pingchu, such as..."

Mr. Yin named six or seven computer companies in one breath.

Although these computer companies are not very famous in the United States, they are also some well-known manufacturers in their respective regions.

If these manufacturers can unswervingly use Juying's Juying [-] operating system, it will be of huge benefit to Juying.

Especially now.

As soon as he thought about it, the smile on Mr. Yabo's face became extremely bright.

He said to Mr. Yin in a deep voice: "Mr. Yin, as long as this matter can be done well, I will definitely have my heart."

"Don't worry, our company has never been stingy with our friends."

Mr. Yabo's words immediately made Mr. Yin look excited.

When he reached Mr. Yabo's position, he said he was not stingy, so this consideration must be no small matter.

"Then I'll thank Mr. Yabo in advance."

While the two of them were talking, Mr. Yabo said in a deep voice: "When we hold a press conference this time, MiKe Electronics will definitely not sit back and wait."

"I think they will definitely publicize our plagiarism."

"What do you think of this, Mr. Yin?"

With Mr. Yin's eyesight, he naturally knew that many of Juyingwu's operating systems were plagiarized from Mikeyi's operating system.

He had also considered this matter a long time ago.

When he heard Mr. Yabo talking about this matter, he smiled and said: "Mr. Yabo, I don't think you need to pay too much attention to plagiarism."

"After all, most people can't explain things like operating systems clearly."

"Mike Electronics said that you copied their products, you can also say that they copied your products."

"As long as your product becomes mainstream and no one uses the MiKe operating system, and others mention it, it means they have plagiarized your work."

Listening to Mr. Yin's words, Mr. Yabo showed a slight smile on his face.

"Mr. Yin is right. With your analysis like this, I feel relieved." He reached out and patted Mr. Yin's shoulder and said, "Mr. Yin, I will ask someone to make arrangements later. Let's also talk about it in the newspaper." MiKe Electronic plagiarism.”

"This will muddy the water for him first."

"Even if Shen Lin said that we plagiarized, most people wouldn't believe it."

Mr. Yin nodded and said: "As for people in our industry, although some prefer MiKe Electronics, there are also some who prefer us."

While the two people were talking, they both laughed.

Along with the laughter of the two people, many things started to take action.

In particular, the department responsible for advertising was extremely busy because of the two people's decisions.

The next morning, Mr. Yabo woke up from his sleep after working hard all night and drinking some wine.

He felt a little sore in his body, and his whole body seemed to be falling apart.

"Hey, damn MiKe Electronics." After scolding lightly, Mr. Yabo put on his pajamas and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

Fifteen minutes later, after arriving at the restaurant in the presidential suite, Mr. Yabo began to enjoy his breakfast.

According to Mr. Yabo's habit, a newspaper has been placed next to Mr. Yabo's desk.

This is an English newspaper from yesterday that was specially found.

Mr. Yabo opened the front page of the newspaper and saw it clearly stated: "The sales volume of Juyingwu operating system exceeds 300 million units."

Looking at the large font, Mr. Yabo had a smile on his face.

300 million sets, although Mr. Yabo has always known that he can achieve this result.

But the smooth realization of his expectation still made him very happy.

But then, his expression turned gloomy.

Because these 300 million units basically make no money.

In order to snipe the operating system of MiKe, and also to stabilize its own basic disk.Juying Company’s Juying [-] operating system adopts the same business model as MiKe Electronics.

That's basically free.

Just charge one CD!
If Juying's past charging levels were followed, they would have made at least fifty US dollars in profit from an operating system.

If there are 300 million sets, it will be a profit of more than [-] million.

But now, all the profit of more than [-] million has been wasted.

The reason for all this is rice shell electrons.

Damn rice shell!

He hammered the table hard with his palm, and Mr. Yabo looked at other parts of the newspaper.

There is a lot of news in this newspaper, but Mr. Yabo is not very interested in it.

It was not until the end that Mr. Yabo saw a comment about his coming to hold the second Juying[-] operating system conference that he became serious.

The author of this review praised his behavior this time.

It can be said that his action this time was tantamount to directly attacking the vital points of his competitors.

He is even more confident in his actions this time.

According to the author's analysis, he has used two operating systems, Mihuyi and Juying[-]. In his opinion, Juying[-] operating system is much better than Mihuyi operating system.

The two are not the same thing.

In comparison, Juyingwu operating system naturally wins!
Seeing these flattering words, Mr. Yabo was happy and realized that this person should be the person arranged by their Juying Company.

But although he knew it in his heart, it was no longer important to Mr. Yabo.

(End of this chapter)

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