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Chapter 1969: Understanding Color Palette 1

Chapter 1969: Learn about the color palette

Stabilize the basic market in the United States!
Restore market share in Europe!

Then on the territory of MiKe Electronics, at least it must be on par with MiKe Electronics!
This is the goal Mr. Yabo set for himself before coming to China.

For Mr. Yabo, this goal is not so easy to achieve.

Although the Juyingwu operating system is very good, it just imitates Shen Lin's Miikeyi.The reason why Mr. Yabo dared to take it out was to compete with Mi Ke for capital.

In Mr. Yabo's view, under the pressure of absolute strength, plagiarists may not be able to defeat original ones.

After breakfast, Mr. Yabo, who changed into a suit, came to his temporary office.

The temporary office is not too big, but it is very clean.

Mr. Yabo was not very satisfied with this situation. He made up his mind to build a big office for his company later.

Only in this way can you show your strength.

"How is the response to our product?" Sitting at his desk, Mr. Yabo called over the manager Stemey, who the company had previously sent to develop business.

Stormy is in her 30s, has blond hair and blue eyes, and gives off a personable appearance.

He looked at the cheerful Mr. Yabo and felt a bad feeling in his heart.

But when faced with the big boss's questioning, he had to answer immediately no matter what.

After a slight hesitation, he decided to tell the truth.

"Mr. Yabo, I was about to report to you."

"Today we just received news from the head office that MiKe Electronics has sued us for product plagiarism."

"According to the head office, this kind of lawsuit will soon spread to Europa."

"Deputy General Manager, please take a look at this matter. How should we deal with it?"

Mr. Yabo has long been prepared for MiKe Electronics’ complaint.

In fact, Mr. Yabo was already prepared when he asked his researchers to manufacture his company's Juyingwu operating system according to Mikeyi.

When he heard Stemey's report, he frowned slightly and said, "Didn't I already arrange this matter?"

"You tell them and ask them to solve it according to a set of plans."

Stormy nodded and said, "Okay, I'll respond right away."

"By the way, Mr. Yabo, MiKe Electronics has published the lawsuit in various newspapers."

"Say we copied their products."

As he spoke, Sturmi pointed to the newspapers at Mr. Yabo's hand and said, "These are the newspapers that published Mihu Electronics' lawsuit against us for plagiarism. I checked and found that there are more than 40 copies."

"Although the contents are different, the meanings are very similar."

"I think MiKe Electronics has already prepared for this matter."

Mr. Yabo laughed and said: "Of course I have been prepared for it, but the news they reported is not of much use."

"According to our No. [-] plan, we will definitely not lose this lawsuit."

"Even on the Europa side, we will not lose."

"At this time tomorrow, Mr. Sturmi, you will see the news that we are suing MiKe Electronics MiKe System for plagiarizing us."

"When the time comes, there will be a good show to watch."

Listening to Mr. Yabo's relaxed and confident words, Stemey hesitated for a moment and then said: "Mr. Yabo, of course I believe in your judgment."

"But...but you should read their reports first."

In Mr. Yabo’s opinion, the content of the report is nothing more than that the operating system of MiKe Electronics was plagiarized by his own company, which caused huge losses to MiKe Electronics.

Then MiKe Electronics has sued Juying Company on this matter and is waiting for a fair judgment or something like that.But when Stemey handed over the check-in form for MiKe Electronics, Mr. Yabo's expression suddenly became solemn.

Because he saw that there were pictures on the news.

And the pictures are marked one by one for comparison.

For example, the first picture is the picture of the beginning of the MiKe[-] operating system, and the second picture is the picture of the beginning of the Juying[-] operating system.

At first glance, there is not much difference between the two pictures. It is just that the beginning of the Juyingwu operating system is written in English characters.

The two side-by-side pictures and the different parts are heavily marked with black boxes, and there is a note below: "This is the difference!"

Although there were only five words, Mr. Yabo's face suddenly turned gloomy when he saw these five words.

According to his plan, he should muddy the waters.

When MiKe Electronics promoted that it plagiarized their works, it also promoted that MiKe Yi plagiarized itself.

This method is not unfamiliar to Mr. Yabo.

But the current situation makes Mr. Yabo feel that his own is too simple.

Under the label of the truth in the picture, my empty words may not have much effect.

And if Mi Ke copied his own system, it would be impossible for him to repost the locations marked by Shen Lin in reverse order.

Mr. Yabo threw aside the newspaper that took up half of the page with pictures, and what caught his eyelids was another newspaper.

Although the format of this newspaper is different from the previous one, the pictures on it are not much different.

"I would like to ask Mr. Yabo from Juying Company. You are also a well-known person. Please tell me. With so many identical situations, it is not plagiarism. Could it be that they are twins?"

Although Yabo's Mandarin is average, he knows a lot about Chinese characters.

When he read the last line of the article, he felt a slap on his face.

Stemey looked at Mr. Yabo's face, and he naturally knew what Mr. Yabo was thinking at this time.

He knew that the best way for him now was to escape.

After all, Mr. Yabo is full of resentment now.

But he can't hide. After all, he is the person in charge, and there are some things that cannot be avoided.

One, two, three...

After Mr. Yabo flipped through all the newspapers, his expression slowly calmed down.

He said to Sturmi: "Mr. Sturmi, tell our partners."

"There's no need to make a fuss about this."

"The publicity we should have should not only not be reduced, but also be enhanced."

Stemi listened to Mr. Yabo's instructions, and the expression in his eyes kept changing.

He wanted to remind Mr. Yabo that there was no use in doing so, but looking at Mr. Yabo's expression, he swallowed what he was about to say.

Just when the thoughts were flashing in his mind, he heard Mr. Yabo continue: "Mr. Stemey, don't worry, MiKe Electronics can't win our lawsuit."

"So, even though he has created such a big momentum, it is of no use."

"Even if some people think we plagiarized, in the end, they still have to use our operating system."

"Don't worry about this one."

Looking at Mr. Yabo, who was full of confidence, there was a hint of solemnity on Stormy's face.

(End of this chapter)

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