Chapter 1970 Different Opinions

Mr. Yin saw these reports before Mr. Yabo.

Seeing the news that MiKe Electronics sued Juying Company in the United States and Europe respectively, Mr. Yin didn't take it to heart.

This kind of thing has nothing to do with him, he just takes a look.

However, when he saw the pictures in the newspaper, the clear comparisons, and the explanations, he finally couldn't sit still!

When it comes to plagiarism, most of the time it's the public speaking that the public is justified, and the mother-in-law saying that the mother-in-law is right!

It is precisely for this reason that Mr. Yin feels that the final result of this kind of lawsuit will be nothing.

But now, MiKe Electronics has used comparative pictures one by one to point out evidence of plagiarism by Juying Company. In this case, even if Juying Company wants to deny it, I am afraid that in the end, it will be their company that loses Just credibility.

Shen Lin's hand was really not so steady, accurate and ruthless.

Just as Mr. Yin was flipping through the newspapers one by one, the secretary walked in.

"Mr. Yin, a newspaper called just now and said that he hopes to interview you." The secretary glanced at Mr. Yin with respect in his expression.

"Why are you interviewing me?" Mr. Yin didn't even raise his head, his face was a little gloomy.

In the past, Mr. Yin was very happy to be interviewed.

But I don't know since when, he was not so enthusiastic about this kind of thing.

The secretary said in a low voice: "Mr. Yin, the caller said that they would like to ask Mr. Yin for your opinion on Juying Company's plagiarism of Mikeyi operating system."

Mr. Yin's face suddenly darkened. He knew very well that this so-called interview was actually to create trouble for him.

He occupied the stage for Mr. Yabo yesterday!
While singing and singing with Mr. Yabo, I even praised Juying Company's operating system.

In this case, if you admit that Juying Company's operating system did plagiarize the MiKeyi operating system, wouldn't you be slapping yourself in the face?

But what if you deny it?

Looking at the comparison pictures in the newspapers, Mr. Yin's face was extremely gloomy.

He knew in his heart that denying it was a simple matter of just one sentence.

However, you can deny things that are difficult to distinguish between true and false, but if you deny some obvious things, you will leave clues and sequelae.

After all, the facts are there, and if you want to deny them, you are risking your own reputation.

Don't speak out about this matter, stay silent, maybe this is your best choice.

"No!" Mr. Yin snorted coldly.

The secretary agreed and exited quickly.

However, when the secretary turned to leave, Mr. Yin finally waved and said, "Sorry, it's a bit too blunt."

"Tell the reporters for me, just say that I have too many things to do recently and I am really too busy to do anything. I will definitely discuss it with them when I have time in the future."

"So be it."

After waving the secretary away, Mr. Yin began to read the newspaper reports again.

Mr. Yin really has a headache regarding these reports.

Although he would never change his determination, he felt uncomfortable when he thought that in the future, when attending events with Mr. Yabo, he would always be asked about his views on Juying Company’s plagiarism.

This matter made Shen Lin so intuitive.

If you can't explain it clearly, no one will believe it.

And if you don't, then what you will lose is the fame you have accumulated over the years.

But I can’t dismantle Mr. Yabo!

Squeezing his forehead, he really admired Shen Lin's move.

If the person Shen Lin was dealing with was not him, he would definitely be even happier.Just as various thoughts were surging in Mr. Yin's mind, there was a knock on the door.

Mr. Yin collected the newspaper for a moment and then said come in.

Generally speaking, outsiders have to go through his secretary first to find him. Those who can come to him and knock on the door directly are his capable subordinates.

A young man in his 20s came in, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. He gave off a very quiet look.

But this young man is a young talent that Mr. Yin has vigorously cultivated.

In Mr. Yin's opinion, if he had to quit in the future, this young man would be the best successor to his position.

"Xiaomu, what can I do for you?" Mr. Yin said very affectionately.

Xiaomu said solemnly: "Mr. Yin, there is one thing that I think I must report to you."

"I read a lot of newspapers today, and they all reported that MiKe Electronics accused Juying Company of plagiarism, and this kind of report is very intuitive."

"Even people who don't understand computers can tell at a glance that Juying Company plagiarized MiKe Electronics."

Listening to Xiaomu's words, Mr. Yin's face suddenly darkened.

He looked at Xiaomu and felt that the development of the situation was out of his control.

So he waited for Xiaomu to finish and then said coldly: "So what are you going to do?"

Since Xiaomu joined the company, he has always been highly regarded by Mr. Yin.

When talking to him, Mr. Yin was always smiling.

This was the first time Xiaomu had encountered this kind of coldness, so he felt a little uneasy in his heart at this time.

But no matter how worried he was, Xiaomu was not an ordinary person after all. He coughed and said, "Mr. Yin, I think we should consider cooperating with Juying Company."

"After all, the MiKe operating system is also pretty good."

Hearing Xiaomu's words, Mr. Yin snorted and said, "Xiaomu, this matter really disappoints me."

"I have always felt that you are a sensible person who understands right and wrong."

"But now, I feel that I was wrong!"

Having said this, he stared at Xiaomu closely and said, "Xiaomu, do you know what our relationship is with MiKe Electronics?"


"And it's still a life-and-death competitive relationship!"

"As one of the managers of our company, you don't know that the current computer sales of MiKe Electronics have reached two-thirds of ours, right?"

"How long has it been?"

Having said this, Mr. Yin continued angrily: "If this trend continues, it won't take long for us to be eliminated by the market."

"When that time comes, we won't be able to find a place even if we cry."

Listening to Mr. Yin's words, Xiao Ming explained calmly: "Mr. Yin, we... although we are a bit lacking, in the long run, we should not cooperate with Juying Company. This will damage the reputation of our company... …”

"Cooperating with Juying Company is a last resort, because now, only Juying Company's operating system can be comparable to Miike Electronics' operating system."

“If we don’t cooperate with Juying Company, which company can we cooperate with?”

At this point, Mr. Yin said: "Okay, don't say anything else. You and I will attend Juying Company's celebration dinner tonight."

Xiaomu looked at Mr. Yin with a firm expression, but in the end he didn't say anything against it.

Looking at Xiaomu leaving, Mr. Yin's face became even colder.What are the criteria for selecting and employing people in a company?In his opinion, Mr. Yin, loyalty is far greater than ability.Imagine that if an employee is not loyal enough to himself, his talent will be useless most of the time, and even at critical moments, it will have the opposite effect of catching you off guard.This is one of the reasons why he values ​​Xiaomu.

In the entire company, Xiaomu is the one who listens to him the most, so what is the attitude of others towards this matter?
But no matter what these people choose, what Mr. Yin decides cannot be changed.

(End of this chapter)

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