Chapter 1972
Mr. Yin was in a state of confusion throughout the morning.

The calls came one after another, making Mr. Yin really have the urge to unplug the phone line!
But he couldn't do this. After all, the people calling were all his acquaintances and connections.Faced with accusations one after another, no matter how harsh the words were, he could only smile and swallow his anger.

Of course, as his old rival, Shen Lin is also very busy at this time!
As the highly contrasting pictures of MiKe Electronics were sent out, calls came in from all directions.

Some of these calls expressed concern, some expressed support, and of course many wanted to interview Shen Lin, the chairman of Mihu Electronics, about this matter.

Shen Lin responded politely to these calls one by one, so Shen Lin spent most of the morning answering phone calls.

"Director Shen, we just received an invitation letter from Juying Company." Fang Xiaomei came to Shen Lin and handed the invitation letter to Shen Lin.

Invitation card!

Shen Lin opened the invitation letter in his hand and saw it clearly stated that Juying Company had specially invited Shen Lin to attend the celebration cocktail party in order to celebrate the successful release of Juying [-] operating system.

The invitation letter is signed by Mr. Yabo.

"Director Shen, how about we respond to them and say that you have been a little busy recently and have no time to attend their celebration party. What do you think?" Fang Xiaomei suggested.

She knew very well that there was no good banquet. Since Juying Company invited Shen Lin, she would not be afraid of Shen Lin causing trouble at Juying Company's party.

And if Shen Lin goes over, the other party might have other methods.

So in Fang Xiaomei's opinion, the best way is to simply avoid it.

Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "They are expecting us not to go, as if we have a guilty conscience. In this way, you tell the person who sent the invitation that I will definitely be there on time."

Fang Xiaomei is familiar with Shen Lin's style of doing things, and knows that as a boss, once he makes a decision, it is basically impossible for eight cows to pull him back.

So she suggested: "Director Shen, let me inform Mr. Lan and ask him to send a few more people to go with you."

"Why, are you planning to go over there and have a fight?" Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "Your sister-in-law doesn't like to participate in such things, and Ma Yuancheng's mind is all on research."

"Okay, just the two of us will go there this time."

Fang Xiaomei was a little stunned. She didn't expect that one of her suggestions would lead to such a situation.

Director Shen and I went to Juying Company's celebration party together. No matter how you looked at it, it felt like you had entered the wolf's den.

But since Shen Lin had already said it, she couldn't refuse. In the end, she could only say: "Okay, I will accompany Director Shen."

After Fang Xiaomei left, Shen Lin picked up the invitation and continued to read it.

Shen Lin could actually memorize the text on the invitation letter. The reason why he read it was to think about the meaning behind the invitation letter.

"Boom boom boom!"

Just as Shen Lin was pondering, there was a knock on the door. Shen Lin said come in and saw Lan Weidong walk in.

Lan Weidong, now the person in charge of Jiale Electrical Appliances Mall, is a busy man. Jiale Electrical Appliances has dozens of stores, and he needs to solve all kinds of things.

So many times, it seems that he is busier than Shen Lin.

Seeing Lan Weidong, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Did Fang Xiaomei think it was unsafe for me to go by myself, so she moved me here and asked you to come and persuade me?"

Lan Weidong smiled and said: "Dr. Shen is really good at predicting things. His guess is half right. Fang Xiaomei is worried about your safety. Let me come over and talk to you. It's best not to go there."

"But I think we should go to this celebration party. If we don't go, it will make us feel guilty."

"But Mr. Shen, I think it's a bit difficult for this little girl if you ask Fang Xiaomei to follow you."

"She can't drink, and her communication skills are limited. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for you to let her pass?"

When Lan Weidong said this, he patted his chest and said, "You'd better let me follow you, haha, as long as I'm here, I'm more than enough to protect Director Shen."

Seeing Lan Weidong's expression of being at ease with me, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Okay, since you said so, Mr. Lan, then the two of us will go there." "But Mr. Lan, you have to be careful. , don’t drink too much.”

Lan Weidong said: "Don't worry, Mr. Shen, I am confident in this matter."

"I came to you this time because of the general manager of Mihu City."

With all five MiKe cities now open for business, MiKe City’s reputation has spread all over the world.

MiKe City wants to establish a separate general manager. This matter has attracted the attention of many people.

For most of the staff of MiKe Electronics, if they can become the person in charge of MiKe City, it will basically be a meteoric rise.

Shen Lin looked at Lan Weidong with a smile and said, "Does Mr. Lan have anyone to recommend?"

"Yes, Director Shen." Lan Weidong said solemnly: "I have been considering the candidate for the general manager of Mihu City these days."

"I think this person should not only have rich management experience, but also be young and powerful, able to cope with emergencies in various fields, be able to stop them when troops come, and cover up when water comes, and have an endless supply of fresh ideas and countermeasures in his head."

"Also, this person should have contact with many people and have a wide network of contacts."

"Better at making friends with people."

Lan Weidong said while observing Shen Lin's expression. When he found that Shen Lin was not disgusted with what he said, he felt that his judgment was right.

"Director Shen, I think Sun Kang, the deputy general manager of Jiale Electric, meets these conditions very well."

"Although Sun Kang used to work with Mr. Bai, he is dedicated to his work. Over the past year, he has also shown sufficient recognition for our Mihu Electrical Appliances Store."

"And his ability is also obvious to all."

Shen Lin listened to Lan Weidong's recommendation and fell into deep thought.

As the influence of MiKe City grows, it has become increasingly urgent to let MiKe City operate independently.

Shen Lin has been selecting people who can take up this important role, but he has never found the perfect candidate.

Now that Lan Weidong mentioned Sun Kang, his heart moved.

He had a lot of contact with Sun Kang and knew that Sun Kang fully met the conditions mentioned by Lan Weidong.

The reason why he never chose Sun Kang was because after all, Sun Kang had only joined MiKe Electrical Appliances Mall for a short time.

One is that it is easy to be unconvincing, and the other is the issue of loyalty.

After hearing Lan Weidong's recommendation, Shen Lin pondered for a moment: "I believe in Sun Kang's ability, but can he convince the public?"

Lan Weidong listened to Shen Lin's question and knew that Director Shen was already moved.

"Director Shen, Sun Kang is very good at management. If he can't convince the public, I think there is no need for him to be the general manager of Mihu City anymore."

"You can give him a chance and let him try it."

Shen Lin thought about it for a moment, then smiled and said, "Okay, let Sun Kang give it a try."

"But Mr. Lan, you are the person in charge of Mihu City. You cannot be the hands-off shopkeeper in this matter."

"If I find out there is any big problem in Mihu City, I won't let you go."

When Lan Weidong saw that Shen Lin finally agreed, he smiled and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Shen. If Sun Kang is not suitable, you can ask me for a question!"

(End of this chapter)

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