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Chapter 1973 The most dazzling person

Chapter 1973 The most dazzling person

The news that Shen Lin was invited to attend the reception surprised Mr. Yabo.

In his opinion, it is basically impossible to attend a celebration party held by a competitor.The reason why I invited him was purely out of a tentative mentality.

Of course, this is also a reason to attack Shen Lin in the future.

For example, I once very sincerely invited Director Shen to attend our welcome reception, but Director Shen refused.

In this case, it seems that we can take advantage of it in the future.

But he didn't expect that Shen Lin would actually participate.

Such an abnormal behavior surprised Mr. Yabo, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Shen Lin, who is so young, can make his career so prosperous, he still has a lot of skills.

I thought about it a lot, but didn't take it too seriously, because for Mr. Yabo, he has more troublesome things now.

The newspapers and magazines that had spoken so well began to refuse to publish their promotional advertisements about Juyingwu.

This situation made Mr. Yabo a little angry.

According to his logical thinking, as long as he provided money, there was nothing impossible.

But looking at Mr. Yin's solemn expression, he knew the seriousness of this matter.

"Mr. Yin, my friend." Mr. Yabo picked up the cup and took a sip of coffee. He smiled and said, "Those people said they would no longer cooperate with us. Is it because they don't have enough money?"

"In our case, generally speaking, if we have already negotiated cooperation and suddenly say that we will not cooperate, we will basically ask for more money."

Seeing Mr. Yabo talking eloquently, Mr. Yin couldn't help but complain.

You said it was your side, do you think everyone is like you?

Mr. Yin was slandering in his heart, but on the surface he said solemnly: "Mr. Yabo, my old friends, there is nothing they can do."

"After all, they have to take care of themselves and the reputation of their newspaper."

"And they said that although they signed a contract with you, there is a clear clause in the contract that they cannot make false propaganda."

"They believe you have made false claims."

"If they weren't friends with me, they wouldn't even be prepared to handle it this way."

"They said they would pursue this matter."

"That would be troublesome."

Mr. Yabo's face suddenly became gloomy. He was not afraid, but felt uncomfortable.

But after thinking about the other party's reasons, he was helpless.

Not to mention whether the lawsuit can be won or not, even if it is won, what practical significance will it have?

Although he could get some compensation, he offended everyone.

Mr. Yabo would not do this kind of thing.

"Mr. Yin, you have a saying that everyone has their own ambitions and should not force things. Let this be the case."

Mr. Yabo smiled and said: "But Mr. Yin, you must not let your guard down at today's cocktail party."

Mr. Yin nodded and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Yabo, we will definitely give you a big gift."

"By the way, your friends can't help report on the plagiarism dispute between us and MiKeyi operating system, so they should be able to sign the contract for this reception."

"After all, the news at today's cocktail party is all true."

Mr. Yabo picked up his wine glass and said with a smile: "I have already negotiated with Kazuo Shuangjing. Not only has he contacted Neon's manufacturers, but they will all use our operating system."

"And the signing is tonight!"

"There are also manufacturers such as Sanchen in the Great Cosmos Kingdom. They will also send orders."

"Today, we will complete orders for tens of millions of products in the next three years."

Seeing Mr. Yabo's high-spirited appearance, Mr. Yin felt a little apprehensive in his heart.

Kazuo Shuangjing introduced him to Mr. Yabo himself, but he did not expect that they would put him aside so quickly and start their cooperation with each other.

This situation made Mr. Yin very uncomfortable.However, he is already a member of this ship, and it is simply impossible to get off, so on the surface, he smiled and said: "Mr. Yabo, I admire your plan very much."

Night came soon, and it was extremely lively at the door of the hotel booked by Juying Company.

Under the flashing lights, cars were driving from all directions.

As the host of this cocktail party, Mr. Yabo’s smile gave people a sense of excitement.

As a guest, Mr. Yin sat in the private room upstairs and waited quietly.

"Mr. Li from Sanchen Company is here!"

"The vice president of Xizhi Company is also here!"

"Did you hear that the boss of Kangfu Company is also here!"


One voice after another, the voices continued to reach Mr. Yin’s ears.

Just when Mr. Yin was guessing when Kazuo Shuangjing would come, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Mr. Yin said casually, "Come in," and saw Kazuo Shuangai, who was wearing a suit and looking very energetic, walking in.

Seeing the young Kazuo Shuangjing, Mr. Yin felt very jealous.

This person is younger than me and has more money than me. Even in terms of influence, he cannot compare with me.

It seems that the only person who can match him is Shen Lin.

"Mr. Shuangjing, I have been paying attention to Mr. Yabo's welcome. Why haven't I heard from you just now?" Mr. Yin shook hands with Kazuo Shuangjing and asked with a smile.

Kazuo Shuangjing sat down opposite Mr. Yin and said, "I don't like to be in the limelight, so I came here quietly."

"Haha, I just said hello to Mr. Yabo."

While speaking, Shuangjing Kazuo said: "Mr. Yin, you are a professional. Do you think Juyingwu's system can defeat Mikeyi?"

Mr. Yin smiled softly and said, "Mr. Shuangjing, you actually already have the answer to this matter in your mind, so why do you have to embarrass me?"

"What's more, between two systems with similar functions, who can win depends on who gets our support."

Mr. Yin's voice was low, but the pride in his words was not concealed at all.

Kazuo Shuangjing said: "The momentum of Rice Shell is really quite strong."

"If they succeed in computer software systems, it will be more difficult to deal with them in the future."

"So Mr. Yin, you are the person who knows Director Shen best. I need you to worry more about this matter."

Just as the two people were talking, there was sudden chaos below.

Mr. Yin and Kazuo Shuangjing quickly came to the window sill and saw a young man getting out of the car.

The young man walking down looked dignified and majestic, with a faint smile on his young face.

Shen Lin!

Shen Lin is here!

Although they had just felt confident because of the alliance, when they saw Shen Lin approaching, both Mr. Yin and Kazuo Shuangjing looked extremely solemn.

Their eyes were all fixed on the young figure walking down.

"Director Shen, I am a reporter from Micheng Post. I would like to ask why you want to attend Juyingwu's celebration reception."

"Do you think Juyingwu's operating system is better than Mikeyi's operating system?"

The speaker was a blond woman with blue eyes. She spoke quickly when Shen Lin got out of the car.

As the woman asked, more questions were directed towards Shen Lin who got out of the car: "Director Shen, who do you think will win in the dispute between you and Juying Company?"

"Director Shen, I want to ask for advice first..."

(End of this chapter)

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