Back to 84: Getting rich from collecting rubbish

Chapter 1974 Don’t you think it’s scary?

Chapter 1974 Don’t you think it’s scary?
As soon as Shen Lin appeared on the scene, he came from behind and unceremoniously took away the glory that originally belonged to Mr. Yabo.

But Mr. Yabo didn't care about these.

He stood aside without saying a word, looking at the reporters he invited, and headed towards Shen Lin to surround him.

Shen Lin, on the other hand, seemed to be in such a besieged situation with ease and grace.

Faced with each question, he smiled and said: "The reason why I came here this time is purely out of courtesy."

"After all, Mr. Yabo sincerely invites you. If you don't come, it will make us, MiKe Electronics, stingy."

"Our attitude is that we will never relax when it comes to copying our products."

"But we should respond accordingly to others' sincere invitations. We still have to respond."

Of course, Shen Lin's words would not satisfy those reporters who were looking for big news. At that moment, someone asked directly: "Director Shen, are you confident about this lawsuit?"

"I think anyone who sees our statement should have confidence in us."

"After all, we have made it very clear on this matter."

"I believe everyone can see it very clearly."

Hearing Shen Lin's answer, the male reporter who asked the question loudly said: "But Director Shen, everything is possible. What if you lose?"

"Friend, what you said is so right! If even an ordinary person sees this as a lawsuit we want to win, and it loses inexplicably like this, then friend, don't you feel terrible?"

"Anyway, I'll feel shivering!"

The male reporter who quickly took notes after asking the question suddenly turned gloomy after listening to Shen Lin's words.

When Shen Lin used these two words, a trace of reverie arose in his heart.

And in the end, the thought in his heart turned into a fear.

A fear of what might happen in the future.

So he didn't ask any more questions.

Mr. Yabo naturally heard Shen Lin's words, and a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes.

This Shen Lin can really cause trouble for himself!

As for what Shen Lin said, he actually had plans in his heart and was just waiting.

Now seeing that Shen Lin had said so much, he quickly came to Shen Lin and said with a smile: "Director Shen, this is not the place to talk. There are many distinguished guests who have already entered the reception. You can also invite them inside."

Shen Lin looked at Mr. Yabo and said calmly: "Mr. Yabo, I have always admired you in the past."

"You are an idol of entrepreneurship and someone we can learn from."

"But what happened this time really made me feel very disappointed!"

"Mr. Yabo, I think you destroyed more things than you gained."

Listening to Shen Lin's heart-piercing words, Mr. Yabo's eyes flashed with helplessness. He knew very well the meaning of Shen Lin's words.

After looking at Shen Lin again, Mr. Yabo finally said with a smile: "Dr. Shen, as a competitor, I think what you said is very exciting."

"But, we are competitors."

"As the person in charge of Juying Company, I am responsible for the entire company."

"Okay, please come in!"

Lan Weidong stood next to Shen Lin and remained silent. However, he admired Shen Lin very much at this time.

My big boss really has the demeanor to quarrel with other scholars.

But at this time, he couldn't say anything.

At the invitation of Mr. Yabo, Shen Lin walked into the reception hall.

Although the reception had not officially started yet, most people were already chatting together animatedly.Shen Lin's arrival undoubtedly attracted the attention of the guests.

Although many people knew that Shen Lin was coming before Shen Lin came, they were still extremely shocked when they saw Shen Lin now.

Shen Lin is here!

Shen Lin is actually here!

He actually came to attend Juying Company’s celebration reception.

What is this situation?
Among the guests, there were also people who knew Shen Lin, but they all felt extremely confused at this time.

After all, in terms of friendship, they should say hello to Shen Lin.

But their identities at this time are very special.

The people who can be invited by Mr. Yabo to attend this celebration reception are basically the people who have been identified as close to Juying Company.

They also want to exchange a lot of benefits from Mr. Yabo.

What would Mr. Yabo think when he walked towards Shen Lin so carelessly?
Will Mr. Yabo be angry because of this kind of thing?

Although many of them felt that with Mr. Yabo's wisdom, he would never do such a thing that would cause pain to his relatives and pleasure to his enemies.

But what if?
As for those who were not familiar with Shen Lin, they all looked at Shen Lin curiously.

Look at this man who is known as the young richest man.

Just as Shen Lin sat down at a seat, a young man wearing a suit and looking very humble came over.

"Director Shen, I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon."

Seeing the smiling young man, Shen Lin also had a faint smile on his face.

"Mr. Shuangjing, I really didn't expect that the two of us would meet here." Shen Lin looked at the smiling Kazuo Shuangjing and responded lightly.

Kazuo Shuangjing smiled calmly and said: "Friends of friends are friends. Director Shen should have heard this sentence."

"So, you don't have to be so surprised by things like this."

"What do you say?"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "That's right. Your cooperation with Mr. Yabo should be a very normal thing."

While the two were chatting and laughing, Shuangjing Kazuo pointed not far away and said: "Director Shen, there will be a signing ceremony here in a minute."

"Whether it's Xizhi Company on our side, Sanchen Company on the Big Universe side, or Mr. Yin on your side, they will sign a cooperation agreement with Mr. Yabo."

“The content of the cooperation agreement is very simple, that is, they will use Juying Company’s Juying [-] operating system.”

"And this number will be 1000 million copies!"

1000 million copies means 1000 million computers, which will come with the Juying[-] operating system when they leave the factory.

This is definitely great news for the Juyingwu operating system.

But for MiKe, which is the rival of Juyingwu operating system, it is not a good thing.

Shen Lin looked at Kazuo Shuangjing who was smiling and said calmly: "Mr. Shuangjing, I feel very sorry for this kind of cooperation."

"After all, the computers produced by companies such as Xizhi and Sanchen are very good. They are really devaluing themselves by carrying the Juying[-] operating system."

"I really feel very sorry for this situation!"

"Furthermore, I have always believed that consumers have sharp eyes. Some people will forcefully fool them and impose a bunch of actions on consumers, and they will definitely be abandoned by the market and consumers."

"You do it yourself!"

Shen Lin's words were said lightly, but Shuangjing Kazuo's expression changed.

(End of this chapter)

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