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Chapter 1975 Order from powerful alliance

Chapter 1975 Order from powerful alliance

powerful alliance

He is an alarmist!

Although Shuangjing Kazuo was angry with such thoughts, Shen Lin's words just now still made his heart tremble.

What he has learned all along has told him that anything that forcibly violates the laws of the market will basically fail.

But this time, he didn't think he would fail.

First of all, the Juying system is not necessarily worse than the MiKeyi operating system. Although it is plagiarized, Mr. Yabo can definitely handle this kind of thing.

Also, their powerful alliance will never fail.

After all, they still have absolute advantages in every aspect.

"Director Shen, I appreciate your confidence very much, but what I want to say is that all confidence is based on absolute strength."

"Director Shen, although you don't want to admit it, I think your strength is still lacking."

Shen Lin looked at Kazuo Shuangai with a smile on his face and knew that it would be difficult for him to make the other party admit defeat directly just by talking.

Naturally, he would not waste any more time on Kazuo Shuangjing. He smiled faintly at Kazuo Shuangjing, and then his eyes fell on Mr. Yabo who strode in.

Mr. Yabo can be said to be in high spirits at this time.

The moment he came, he glanced at Shen Lin.

There was a hint of pride in this look, as well as a hint of provocation.

"Gentlemen and ladies, welcome to today's celebration banquet."

"Before the banquet begins, please allow me, on behalf of Juying Company, to thank everyone for coming."

As Mr. Yabo spoke, many people began to applaud. In any case, Mr. Yabo's performance just now was still very modest.

During this burst of applause, I heard Mr. Yabo continue: "Today's thank you reception, many distinguished guests came."

"Among these distinguished guests, the one I particularly want to thank is Mr. Kazuo Shuangjing of the Shuangjing Foundation."

As Mr. Yabo spoke, he gently stretched out his hand towards Kazuo Shuangjing and made a gesture of invitation.

Regarding Mr. Yabo's sudden introduction of himself, a hint of displeasure flashed in Kazuo Shuangi's eyes.

He always likes to keep a low profile.

In his opinion, it is best that only certain people know his name. As for other people, he does not like these people to know his name.

Therefore, he didn't like Mr. Yabo's introduction very much.

But if he doesn't like it, he doesn't like it, but at this time, he still has to give Mr. Yabo face.

He couldn't let his old friends become old enemies.

So he stepped out and smiled at Mr. Yabo.

Although most of the people who came to the reception did not know Kazuo Soi, this did not prevent them from finding out about Kazuo Soi's origins.

After all, those who can come here are not ordinary people, they all have their own connections.

After introducing Kazuo Shuangjing, Mr. Yabo continued: "I would also like to thank Mr. Li from Sanchen Company."

Sanchen Company is very famous. Following Mr. Yabo's introduction, Mr. Li, who looked to be in his 50s, slowly walked out and waved gently.

There are many people who know about Mr. Li.

Many people know that this Mr. Li is no ordinary person.

Therefore, everyone is full of admiration for Mr. Li.

Although Mr. Yin didn't like it a little bit that Mr. Li and Kazuo Shuangjing were ahead of him, he also knew that this was inevitable.Although he is somewhat famous, in terms of status, there is still a big gap between him and Kazuo Shuangjing.

"I would also like to thank Mr. Yin for helping us a lot with this press conference. It is precisely because of Mr. Yin's help that our press conference went so smoothly."

"Please allow me to express my gratitude to Mr. Yin with warm applause."

I don’t know if he knew that Mr. Yin was unhappy, so after Mr. Yin was introduced, Mr. Yabo started clapping his hands.

As the host, Mr. Yabo applauded, and others naturally followed suit. There was a round of applause for a while.

Almost all eyes were focused on Mr. Yin at this time, making Mr. Yin feel what it means to be the center of attention.

He enjoyed this situation very much.

After hugging his fists in all directions, he smiled gently at Mr. Yabo.

"In addition, I would also like to thank Director Shen Lin and Shen. I am very surprised by Director Shen's arrival this time, but I am also very happy."

"Although our Juying Company and Mihu Company are competitors, I still admire Director Shen very much."

"I hope that in the days to come, our Juying Company can compete with and cooperate with Director Shen's Mihu Company."

Everyone who came to this cocktail party was very clear about the grievances between Shen Lin and Mr. Yabo.

In fact, before Mr. Yabo appeared, many people were watching Shen Lin.

After Mr. Yabo introduced himself, Shen Lin smiled calmly around him. He neither waved nor said anything.

Mr. Yabo was also not angry at Shen Lin's reaction.

He also knew that he had no reason to be angry at this time.

"The arrival of all the guests is the greatest support for our Juying Company." Mr. Yabo said with a smile: "I believe that our Juying Company will be able to provide everyone with a better operating system and a better experience."

Having said this, he took two steps back.

A young woman in a white evening dress walked out slowly, and she said in a clear voice: "Today's reception is a very meaningful day."

"Because today, not only are we all gathered here together to celebrate the successful launch of the Juying[-] operating system."

“We also have to witness a big collaboration.”

Having said this, the woman looked at the small piece of paper in her hand, and then said loudly: "Next, let us invite Mr. Li from Sanchen Company, Mr. Xiaosong, the vice president of Xizhi Company... Mr. Yin to come forward together, and Mr. Yabo, the chairman of Juying Company, signed a cooperation agreement."

"This is an order involving 1000 million computers."

"After this order is signed, Sanchen and other companies will provide tens of millions of computers for their own companies with the Juying[-] operating system pre-installed when they leave the factory."

"In other words, when we purchase computers from these companies in the future, we can directly use the genuine Juyingwu operating system."

As the woman finished speaking, Mr. Li and others walked out one by one.

The signing table has been set up, and Mr. Li and others walked to the right side of the table one after another.

Mr. Yabo was sitting at the left end of the table, signing contracts one by one with great seriousness.

"Director Shen, if you had cooperated with me at that time, you might not have had a share in these contracts." Shuangjing Kazuo came to Shen Lin's side silently and said calmly.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Shuangjing, our MiKe Electronics relies on our own strength to place orders. If we only rely on this method, it is better not to do it."

Kazuo Shuangjing smiled and said nothing.

In his opinion, Shen Lin's words at this time were actually words of jealousy.

In this matter, he didn't need to worry too much with Shen Lin.

There was a burst of applause. Along with the applause, there were camera lights, and the successful signings were frozen in the photos one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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