Chapter 1976 A gift with meaning
The reception lasted until ten o'clock in the evening.

Shen Lin did not leave early, but uncharacteristically persisted until ten o'clock. Then he and Lan Weidong left the reception together with Mr. Yabo as a farewell.

The reception looked very successful.

Tens of millions of orders for Juyingwu operating system have almost illuminated the prospects of Juyingwu operating system in one fell swoop.

So at this cocktail party, Mr. Yabo has naturally become the target of many people.

Of course, as Juying Company's strongest opponent, Shen Lin also received a lot of attention.

"Director Shen, although I despise Juying Company's actions, they are really aggressive this time." Although Lan Weidong drank a lot of wine, his mind was extremely clear at this time.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Yes, with financial support, the momentum will naturally be extraordinary."

Having said this, Shen Lin smiled at Lan Weidong and said, "It's okay. Although we don't have so many orders, our current market share is not worse than Juyingwu."

"After all, we are ahead."

Lan Weidong looked at the confident Shen Lin and didn't say much.

Although he doesn't know much about operating systems, he knows that this battle is not easy to fight.

Although it was obvious that the other party had copied his own products, the alliance of so many large companies made Lan Weidong feel in his heart the difficulty of this kind of business.


If I were the person in charge of Mihu Company, I would most likely quit.

After all, there are many choices here at MiKe.

Whether it's LCD TVs, DVDs, or electric cars, as long as you make a difference, you can basically make a lot of money.

There is no need to fall into competition with a powerful company like Juying Company.

However, Shen Lin has never been a character who gives up easily when doing things. He even knows that there are tigers in the mountains and prefers the style of traveling with tigers in the mountains.

"Director Shen, I almost forgot something just now." Lan Weidong said solemnly: "Just half an hour ago, I met a senior vice president of Juying Company."

"After he knew my identity, he had a drink with me and said he had a gift for us tomorrow."

"I asked him what he meant, but he just smiled and said nothing."

"But he told me that we would understand tomorrow!"

After Lan Weidong told this matter, he said to Shen Lin in a deep voice: "Director Shen, I think we cannot take this matter lightly."

Shen Lin frowned slightly. From Lan Weidong's words, Shen Lin felt that there seemed to be something fishy about this matter.

The vice president will never get drunk here.

What he said definitely meant something.

After thinking for a while, Shen Lin waved towards Lan Weidong and said, "Mr. Lan, you don't have to worry about this matter."

"Since they said they wanted to give us something, let's go ahead and do it."

"As the saying goes, when soldiers come, we will block it, and when water comes, the soil will cover us. Let's do whatever we have to do."

"Because of their threats, we are still on tenterhooks!"

Seeing Shen Lin's confident look, Lan Weidong stopped talking.

Nowadays, MiKe Electronics does not make money from its operating system. On the contrary, it invests a lot in this aspect.

Although Lan Weidong did not dare to have any objections to this investment, he was not too anxious about this business that could not make money.

The reason why he came here was entirely to protect Shen Lin.

After sending Lan Weidong home, Shen Lin also returned home.

Lu Xiaorong was typing on the keyboard and writing something. When he saw Shen Lin walking in, he stood up and asked, "Would you like some water?" "No, I didn't drink much at the reception."

Shen Lin sat down on the sofa and asked casually: "Where is my son?"

"Asleep." Lu Xiaorong said with a smile: "By the way, there is a parent-teacher meeting at school tomorrow. Do you have time to attend?"

Under normal circumstances, Lu Xiaorong usually attends Xiaoguoke's parent-teacher meetings.

Hearing his wife ask if he had time to participate, Shen Lin suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" Shen Lin asked solemnly.

"Today my son came back and said that other students' parent-teacher meetings were attended by their parents in turn, but he was the only one. Most of the time, it was his mother who attended."

Lu Xiaorong smiled and said: "Your son also wants you to go there once."

"Then let's go once." Shen Lin said with a smile: "Isn't it just a parent-teacher meeting? I even went to the cocktail party organized by Mr. Yabo and the others."

Lu Xiaorong smelled the smell of alcohol on Shen Lin's body, frowned and said, "How much alcohol have you drank? Didn't you say you should drink less in the future?"

Seeing Lu Xiaorong's scolding look, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Actually, I didn't drink much. I just took a wine glass and gave him a drink."

Looking at the smiling Shen Lin, Lu Xiaorong asked, "How about it? Mr. Yabo didn't do anything wrong this time, did he?"

Shen Lin said: "It's really a big deal."

"He took out an agreement that had been reached a long time ago and re-signed it."

"Mr. Li from Sanchen, as well as Xizhi and other companies, signed an order agreement for 1000 million Juyingwu operating systems."

"Hey, this is just throwing money at me!"

Lu Xiaorong now also knows a lot about computers.

After hearing about these companies, I couldn't help but say: "If these companies all pre-install the Juying[-] operating system, then you will only have MiKe Electronics' own computer channel."

Speaking of this, Lu Xiaorong said: "It would be great if Juying Company's infringement and plagiarism were determined earlier!"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Daughter-in-law, let's not put too much hope into this matter."

Lu Xiaorong looked at Shen Lin with a sarcastic smile on his face, and said in a daze: "Why can't we give hope to something with solid evidence?"

"In this kind of thing, even if there is something wrong with your eyes, you still know who is right and who is wrong."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Yes, this kind of result seems normal, but wife, sometimes things that seem like they should be, don't happen to be so."

"I can bet on that."

Seeing Shen Lin's confident look, Lu Xiaorong couldn't help but said: "Since...since you think there is little hope of winning, why do you still go to the United States to file a lawsuit?"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "This is a matter of attitude."

"Only in this way can people see the faces of certain people clearly."

The two chatted for a while and then changed the topic to household matters.

"By the way, my mother called me today." Lu Xiaorong said with a smile: "She told me that a junior high school classmate of mine was looking forward to having a daughter for her second child, but she gave birth to another son."

Lu Xiaorong said with a smile: "Listening to my mother's tone, she seems to be a little gloating."

Looking at Lu Xiaorong with a flowery smile under the light, Shen Lin's heart suddenly felt warm.

He came to Lu Xiaorong and said, "How about we give it a try and see if we can get what we want."

"I think we can."

Lu Xiaorong looked at Shen Lin's smile and naturally understood what he meant. She bit her lip and said, "I also think we can..."

(End of this chapter)

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