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Chapter 1980 Turning Grief Into Strength

Chapter 1980 Turning Grief Into Strength
Shen Lin continued to listen to the parent-teacher meeting, while Fang Xiaomei stood outside the classroom and waited thoughtfully.

Shen Linyun's gentle words did not make Fang Xiaomei completely relieved.

At this time, she was still very anxiously looking forward to the parent-teacher meeting ending as soon as possible so that Director Shen could have time to deal with this matter.

After speaking for another four to five minutes, Teacher Wu’s parent-teacher conference was finally over.

As the parent-teacher meeting ended, Shen Lin and Teacher Wu said a few polite words and then led Fang Xiaomei out of the campus.

For Shen Lin, although this matter was expected, he still had to deal with it.

Just when Fang Xiaomei followed Shen Lin and left, Mr. Xu, who had just argued with Teacher Wu, suddenly slapped his forehead, as if he thought of something.

"Secretary Fang, this girl just now was Secretary Fang!"

Mr. Xu, who had just been talking to Teacher Wu about how to raise children, suddenly slapped his thigh.

"Who is the room secretary?" A parent who had a good relationship with him asked him doubtfully.

Mr. Na Xu said: "Secretary Fang is Director Shen's secretary. I met her last time when I attended the banquet, but I didn't talk to her."

Having said this, he asked the parent with whom he had a good relationship: "Who did the room secretary find just now?"

"How do I know?" The parent who had a good relationship with him said with a smile: "But those who can be here are basically the parents of their children."

"If you want to know, why don't you ask Teacher Wu?"

Originally, the child's parents thought that Mr. Xu would not ask, but before he could finish speaking, they saw Mr. Xu quickly coming to Teacher Wu.

"Teacher Wu, at the parent-teacher conference just now, I was mainly concerned about the education of my children, so I couldn't help but discuss it with you."

Having said this, he asked urgently: "Teacher Wu, I would like to ask, whose parent is the person who just walked out?"

Teacher Wu glanced at Mr. Xu and finally said, "I'm sorry, we can't reveal parents' private information without permission."

"If you really want to know, you can ask someone."

Having said this, Teacher Wu greeted the other parents who were walking towards them.

Unable to get the answer he wanted, Mr. Xu asked anxiously: "Teacher Wu, may I ask, is this parent's surname Shen?"

"Yes!" After a slight hesitation, Teacher Wu finally gave an affirmative answer.

Listening to Teacher Wu's reply, and thinking of Fang Xiaomei's anxious waiting, Mr. Xu patted his thigh heavily.

This time, I was really a bit...

Shen Lin naturally didn't care about the worries of Mr. Xu, who was also a parent. After he got to the car, he received a call from Ma Yuancheng.

As the person in charge of MiKe Operating System, Ma Yuancheng attaches great importance to his products.

In his heart, it can be said that he is full of confidence in winning this lawsuit.

In Ma Yuancheng's view, winning a lawsuit of this magnitude is very normal, and it is something that can be easily won.

But in his opinion, something that should be taken for granted has unexpectedly changed.

how can that be!

When he heard the news, he couldn't believe his ears.

He thought it was his friend who was joking with him on this matter!
But what he didn't expect was that it was true.

This kind of thing is actually true!
Obvious plagiarism, plagiarism that even a layman can see, is actually defined as insufficient evidence.

Ridiculous, isn’t this confusing!
In anger, he dialed Shen Lin's phone number.

"Director Shen, have you heard?" This was the first sentence Ma Yuancheng and Shen Lin spoke on the phone.

Shen Lin could understand what Ma Yuancheng was thinking at this time. He said calmly: "Yuan Cheng, I already know this."

"I remind you, don't get too excited about this matter."

"Although our request was rejected, we can still follow the legal procedures." "What's more, when we fought this lawsuit, we were actually prepared to lose."

"After all, that is their territory, how can they help us?"

Listening to Shen Lin's calm comfort, Ma Yuancheng slowly calmed down.

"Dr. Shen, I...I just think it's too irritating."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Yes, I also find this matter quite irritating."

"Then what should we do?" Ma Yuancheng asked this question again.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "What else can we do? Since they are sticking out their faces for us to beat, why should we be polite?"

"Didn't you say they didn't plagiarize? Then we will develop our MiKe[-] operating system as soon as possible."

"Didn't they just celebrate, then we will just hold a press conference for Mi Ke Er."

Ma Yuancheng said excitedly: "Yes, they are shameless. We are not as shameless as them."

"Let's just hold a press conference for MiKe II. Hmm, I want to see how they can have the face to say there is insufficient evidence."

"Director Shen, I won't disturb you anymore. In ten days, no, five days, I will provide you with the complete MiKe[-] operating system."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ma Yuancheng hung up the phone.

Shen Lin was just about to tell Ma Yuancheng a few words to pay attention to his health and not to be reckless, but he didn't expect that before he could say anything, he had already hung up the phone.

In this situation, Shen Lin could only shake his head and smile.

At this moment, his PHS rang again.

Shen Lin took a look at the caller number and found that it was an unfamiliar number. After thinking for a while, Shen Lin answered the call.

"Hello, Mr. Shen, I'm Yabo." Yabo's somewhat stiff words on the other end of the phone reached Shen Lin's ears.

Hearing Mr. Yabo's words, Shen Lin's face showed a hint of coldness.

He said calmly: "Hello, Mr. Yabo, I just got the news. It seems that this is the gift you want to give me!"

Shen Lin did not hide his sarcasm towards Mr. Yabo at all.

In Shen Lin's view, under such circumstances, it would be embarrassing if he kept hiding it.

Mr. Yabo smiled softly and said: "Dr. Shen, when it comes to business matters, I have always liked a saying, that is, the winner is the king and the loser is the loser."

"If you fail, then you have to admit it openly."

"To be honest, I have always thought that Director Shen is a good friend, so I am telling you this."

"To be honest, I really don't want you, Director Shen, to lose your composure on this matter!"

"After all, this is a lawsuit that you are going to lose."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Mr. Yabo, we have already made preparations for this lawsuit, and we will not give up easily on this matter."

Having said this, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Yabo, I want to give you a piece of advice. This matter has just begun."

"Director Shen, you are a little too impulsive!"

"I'm not calling you to show off."

"The purpose of my calling you is actually for cooperation."

"I still admire you very much, Director Shen, so I still hope that one day we can cooperate in a friendly manner."

Hearing about the cooperation, Shen Lin said calmly: "I wonder what Mr. Yabo is planning to cooperate with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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