Impossible cooperation

Shen Lin sneered in his heart. Although Mr. Yabo's words were very polite, he knew in his heart that there was nothing easy to cooperate between him and Mr. Yabo.

If we talk about cooperation, I'm afraid it's him who will open his mouth.

"Director Shen, the water is very deep when it comes to computer operating systems."

When Mr. Yabo said this, his voice was extremely low: "If you keep doing this, you are likely to suffer heavy losses but gain nothing."

At this point, Mr. Yabo's voice became deeper and deeper: "Dr. Shen, I have always felt that you are a person who can be associated with you."

"So, I hope you can sell me the MiKe operating system."

"As for the price, I will never let you suffer."

"The money you put into the rice shell, I can double it for you."

"I think this is a wiser choice for your investment."

Doubling the money invested is indeed an exciting choice for many people.

But Shen Lin knew very well how valuable the MiKe operating system would be in the future.

After he pondered for a moment, he said coldly: "Mr. Yabo, your sincerity makes my heart cold."

"I think you know very well even if I don't tell you how profitable a computer operating system is."

"Now that everyone knows what's going on, you use such a cheap excuse to fool me. Don't you think your behavior is a bit excessive?"

Mr. Yabo was not angry at Shen Lin's questioning.

He smiled softly and said: "Director Shen, if you can invest in a computer operating system, you naturally understand the value of it."

"But what I want to say is that in my opinion, your MiKe operating system is only worth so much."

“If you want more, you may end up with nothing.”

"So I hope you can be sensible about this matter."

"Instead of being blinded by money."

Listening to Mr. Yabo's obviously threatening words, Shen Lin smiled lightly and said, "Mr. Yabo, I'm very sorry. I think I can still hold on."

"Although we were rejected this time, I think you won't get away with it like this time next time!"

"What's more, the operating system market is not just yours."

Mr. Yabo took a gentle breath and then said: "Director Shen, I think there should be some misunderstanding between the two of us, and the best way to resolve the misunderstanding is for us to be honest and sit together face to face. Let’s talk.”

"I believe that as long as the two of us open our hearts and talk honestly, everything that stands between us can be easily broken."

At this point, Mr. Yabo said: "If Director Shen doesn't agree to the conditions I just mentioned, we can cooperate in another way."

"Such as joint-stock cooperation!"

"We have integrated the MiKe operating system and our Juying operating system. Such a powerful combination will definitely bring greater benefits."

When Shen Lin heard that Mr. Yabo gave him shares, he smiled and said: "If Mr. Yabo can give me 50.00% of the shares, I can consider it."

"If it's any lower, there's no need to talk."

Hearing the condition proposed by Shen Lin, Mr. Yabo had the urge to curse.

In his opinion, this Shen Lin was clearly talking about the lion's mouth.

He alone deserves 50.00%!
Just when Mr. Yabo was feeling secretly resentful, he heard Shen Lin continue: "Mr. Yabo, I have other things to do. Goodbye."

While talking, Shen Lin hung up the phone directly.

When Shen Lin answered the phone, Fang Xiaomei was always by his side.

When Shen Lin hung up the phone, Fang Xiaomei hesitated for a moment, and finally asked: "Director Shen, if the other party agrees to give us 50.00% of the shares, will you really agree to the merger?" Shen Lin looked at Fang Xiaomei. Mei's expression hesitated and said: "Xiao Mei, if the other party really agrees at this time, I think the possibility of my agreement is very high."

"After all, with such a shareholding, although we don't have an advantage, the other party doesn't have an advantage either."

"Everything needs to be discussed with us!"

Fang Xiaomei nodded and didn't ask any more questions.


Shen Lin's PHS phone rang again. He picked up the PHS phone and took a look and found that the caller was his eldest brother Shen Hai.

Chen Hai has now become a professor.

Because of Shen Lin, he not only has a comfortable job, but also has a comfortable life.

It can be said that he is now the freest person in the Shen family.

Seeing his brother calling, Shen Lin answered the call directly: "Brother, what's the matter?"

Chen Hai smiled and said: "Shen Lin, I just heard from my friend that your lawsuit regarding the operating system in Europa was also dismissed."

"This matter won't have much impact, right?"

Shen Lin didn't expect that his brother would be so powerful.

He smiled and said: "It doesn't have much impact."

Having said this, he turned to Shen Hai and said, "Brother, how did you know this news?"

"I have a classmate who works as a reporter there." Shen Hai said in a deep voice: "By the way, my classmate said that he heard from a friend that this news will be spread out soon. "

"You have to be ready."

"Brother, I understand." Shen Lin smiled and said, "Don't worry about this, I can still handle it." '

"By the way, our mother called the day before yesterday and said she hoped you and your sister-in-law would have a second child soon."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "I think you should think about this matter carefully."

When Shen Hai heard what Shen Lin said about the child, he suddenly felt dizzy.

He said to Shen Lin: "Shen Lin, I am willing to do this, but your sister-in-law does not agree."

"She said her career is taking off and she is really busy!"

Shen Hai said: "Well, you should explain it to your family properly later."

At this point, Shen Hai changed the subject and said, "Shen Lin, although I can't help you with business matters, you must be more careful."

"Be more careful."

After hanging up the phone from Shen Hai, Shen Lin began to think about the information sent by Shen Hai.

Shen Lin didn't need to think about the person who wanted to spread the word about this matter, he knew who it was.

He pondered for a moment and then said to Fang Xiaomei: "Xiaomei, please contact the newspapers and magazines that Naxi cooperates with us and publish all the things that our lawsuit was dismissed this time."

"By the way, here are some of the key evidences we provided."

"Also, contact York Hansen later and ask him to cooperate in spreading this news. In addition, you can also find a few exclusive interviews."

"Aren't they going to publicize our failure? Then let everyone know why we failed."

Fang Xiaomei quickly recorded that what happened today made her feel very aggrieved. Shen Lin's words relieved her a lot.

She felt that her boss's counterattack would be coming soon!

(End of this chapter)

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