Back to 84: Getting rich from collecting rubbish

Chapter 1982 We want to become stronger

Chapter 1982 We want to become stronger

On the university campus, Ronaldinho is concentrating on operating the computer.

Lines of text kept appearing under the tapping of his hands.

The MiKe operating system’s office system and MiKe input method are really easy to use.

Just enter according to Pinyin, and the words will appear on the computer screen soon.

Looking at the handwriting reflected in front of him one by one, Xiao Luo felt a sense of accomplishment.

It is very troublesome to revise this graduation thesis. With this computer typing, this tedious task will be much easier in the future.

At least you don't have to copy long papers over and over again like the seniors in the past, even if your arms get sore from copying, you may not be able to pass the exam.

And the reason for this is entirely because one or two words were written wrong.

Mr. Shen’s merits are immeasurable!
"Damn, that's so annoying!" A curse broke the peace of the entire computer room.

You know, the students who come here are basically here to learn computer knowledge, so even if no one explicitly requests it, everyone will remain quiet when entering the computer room.

This sudden curse instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Ronaldinho's face turned a little cold.

He had just opened up his mind and was writing with great literary talent.

Now this sudden sound suddenly interrupted his thoughts like a surge.

Damn it!
Who is this?Why don't you have a sense of public morality?

So, he looked in the direction of the conversation, and immediately found the person who broke the silence.

Now, it was Ronaldinho's turn to be a little surprised.

Because the person who was yelling and scolding was actually the administrator sitting in the control position of the computer room.

This administrator was one of their seniors from the previous year. After graduation, he stayed in school for graduate school and became the administrator of the computer room by the way.

Normally, everyone talks and laughs.

But no matter what, this senior brother has become a teacher in front of some junior students.

Seeing his senior brother's face turn red, Xiao Luo stood up and asked softly: "Senior Brother Qin, what happened to make you so angry?"

"Ronaldo, look at it!"

"I see that you mainly use the MiKe operating system these days."

"Look at these, let alone those of us who know how to use computers, even if we don't know how to use computers, we can tell that Juying Company plagiarized just by looking at these comparisons."

"But these guys in the United States are so fucking blind. Even though there is such conclusive evidence, they gave me insufficient evidence."

"There is not enough evidence to support my sister!"

Ronaldinho didn't pay much attention to Senior Brother Qin's scolding. He subconsciously came to Senior Brother Qin and grabbed the newspaper handed over by Senior Brother Qin.

I saw it clearly written on it: With such obvious plagiarism, MiKe Electronics, which defended its own interests, was defeated!

Looking at this topic, Ronaldinho felt very uncomfortable.

As a student, Ronaldinho, besides studying, is also concerned about current affairs.

Naturally, he also knew about the dispute between Mikeyi operating system and Juyingwu operating system.

When he saw this dispute, Ronaldinho was filled with indignation.

According to his understanding of the MiKeyi operating system, this Juyingwu operating system is simply a complete plagiarism.

Although some changes were made in some operations, most of them just changed the name and were used directly.

In Ronaldinho's opinion, such despicable methods are simply shameless.

He firmly supports MiKe Electronics’ lawsuit. In Ronaldinho’s opinion, MiKe Electronics’ lawsuit is a sure win.

After all, it's too obvious.

According to Ronaldinho, MiKe Electronics will soon be able to safeguard its rights and interests.

However, just when Ronaldinho thought everything was about to settle, he actually saw such a piece of news.Isn’t this simply confusing right and wrong?

There is insufficient evidence, and this evidence has been clearly provided by MiKe Electronics.

"Grandma, you bastard!" Ronaldinho couldn't help but cursed.

A dozen classmates who had been operating computers just now came over one by one.

They looked at the newspaper in Ronaldinho's hand, and all of them looked extremely ugly.

"Isn't this confusing right and wrong?" someone said angrily.

"Hmph, I think this is shameless."

"What the hell? If they do this, aren't they afraid that they won't be able to show their face?"


"Senior Brother Qin, why did they do this?" Someone cursed a few words and then asked Senior Brother Qin.

Senior Brother Qin had calmed down at this time. After hearing this question, he sneered and said, "Why, it's not for profit."

"As computers develop, operating systems will also become extremely important."

"These guys don't want us to have our own operating system. They want us to use their operating system."

"So, they are shameless!"

After hearing Senior Brother Qin's concise and concise answer, Xiao Luo and others also completely understood.

Ronaldinho couldn't help but said: "Senior Brother Qin, I see it says that MiKe Electronics will never give up on this matter. Do you think Director Shen and the others are likely to win next?"

Senior Brother Qin glanced at Xiao Luo and said, "Xiao Luo, this matter should be very difficult."

"After all, the final decision lies with the other party."

Xiao Luo felt a chill in his heart when he heard this.

He knew that what Senior Brother Qin said was true!

"Well, I'm afraid Director Shen is in trouble this time. What he finally researched has been plagiarized, and he can't get justice."

A classmate suddenly said: "To show my support for MiKe Electronics, I will always use MiKe operating system from now on."

"Me too, no matter how cheap the Juyingwu operating system is, I won't use it."

"Count me in, a bullshit plagiarist."

"Me too……"

Listening to these indignant words, Ronaldinho couldn't help but follow: "From now on, when I buy something, as long as MiKe Electronics has it, I will buy MiKe Electronics."

As the administrator of the computer room, Brother Qin sighed and said, "Everyone has this idea. I think we are very brave."

"But through this incident, I think everyone should still focus on learning."

"Only when we ourselves become stronger, others will not be able and dare to bully us."

"For our students, the best way to become stronger is to learn more knowledge."

Xiao Luo had heard Senior Brother Qin say it so many times in the past that his ears were ringing with confusion.

But this time, Senior Brother Qin's words aroused a strong resonance in his heart.

study hard!

You must study hard, and after you finish your studies, you must join MiKe Electronics to help Director Shen fight against those shameless guys.

"Brother, do Director Shen and the others really have no other option?" A classmate sitting next to Xiao Luo asked reluctantly.

Senior Brother Qin said: "Oh, we can only be filled with indignation here. How do I know what countermeasures should be taken next?"

"But I don't think Director Shen and the others will admit defeat so easily. What's more, although they say there is insufficient evidence, I think Director Shen will still win with us."

"Okay, let's do whatever we have to do. If you want to do your job well, you must first sharpen your tools. Instead of wasting your time here, you might as well study hard!"

(End of this chapter)

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