Chapter 1983

Mr. Yin naturally saw the report that MiKe Electronics lost the lawsuit.

He looked at what was reported in the newspaper and sneered in his heart.

Is this playing the tragedy card?
In certain circumstances, the tragedy card is somewhat useful, but it does not mean that as long as you play the tragedy card, it will definitely work.

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Mr. Yin turned to the next page of reports.

This report seems to be more sharply worded than the previous one.

But Mr. Yin didn't take it too seriously.

After all, it was not these reports that decided this matter.

Shen Lin is so sympathetic, is it because he has run out of skills?

Mr. Yabo is right, there are many things, no matter how indignant you are, you are still powerless in the face of capital.

Just when Mr. Yin's thoughts were surging, a phone call came.

Mr. Yin glanced at the caller number and frowned subconsciously.

But then, he answered the phone with a cheerful face and said: "Hello, director, why are you free to call me?"

"If anything happens, send your secretary to tell me, and I will rush to see you without stopping."

Hearing Mr. Yin's words, a burst of hearty laughter came from the other side of the phone: "Mr. Yin, you are also the CEO of the company now. How dare I let you come and see me at will?"

"Haha, I should be the one to pay you a visit."

"Director, you are so polite. In my heart, you have always been my old friend. You have given me a lot of help!"

Having said this, Mr. Yin said solemnly: "Director, if you have anything to do, please feel free to arrange it."

When the person on the other end of the phone heard what Mr. Yin said, his expression suddenly became serious and he said, "Old Yin, I heard that you recently signed a contract with Juying Company?"

"Yes, not only us, but also companies such as Xizhi Company and Sanchen."

"This matter is a chain of cooperation. If we don't join this chain of cooperation, people will not have any cooperation with us at all."

Mr. Yin said solemnly: "I spent a lot of effort in applying to join this cooperation."

The other end of the phone pondered for a moment, and then said: "The Juyingwu operating system is okay, but most of its contents are plagiarized from the Mikeyi operating system."

"Why doesn't your company strengthen cooperation with MiKe Electronics? Instead, it sacrifices the near and the distant, and sacrifices the basics for the weak. Isn't this a bit unreasonable?"

Mr. Yin could tell from the phone that he was unhappy.

For this matter, he knew that he had to give a reasonable explanation.

Otherwise, the person on the other end of the phone will not agree.

"Director, our company's goal has always been to go global and become a large global company."

“And if we want to go global, we need to increase our partners.”

"What's more, there is something I don't know whether to say or not."

The person on the other end of the phone seemed to understand what Mr. Yin was thinking. When he heard Mr. Yin's words, he said calmly: "If you have anything to say, just say it."

"Can't I still let you speak openly?"

Upon hearing this, Mr. Yin hurriedly said: "Director, the thing is like this. In our opinion, although the MiKe operating system is okay now, we are not optimistic about their future."

Having said this, Mr. Yin coughed and said, "Although Director Shen of Mike Electronics has great ideas and ambition."

"I have always admired the hard work of young people like him."

"But I'm not optimistic about the industry he chose."

Mr. Yin coughed and said in a low and solemn voice: "Director, in order to make this decision, I obtained a lot of information."

"I found that Juying Company is bound to win in terms of operating systems." "And after Juying Company went public, their capital was extremely strong."

"In terms of talent reserves and other aspects, MiKe cannot compare."

"If the two sides compete in terms of operating systems, the loser will definitely be MiKe Electronics."

Although we were on the phone, Mr. Yin's voice was full of emotion: "From a personal perspective, I will definitely support MiKe Electronics."

"But if our company wants to rise and our products want to go global, then I think I can only cooperate with Juying Company."

"Become part of Juying's strategic partners."

"I still have my previous thoughts. Our foundation is too weak and it is basically impossible to soar into the sky."

"So at this time, we should work hard on our internal strength."

"Let's do the processing first, and then talk about other things. In this day and age, it's really difficult to stand out. If you don't find some way to integrate resources, there's nothing you can do! So, for an enterprise like ours, both You have to look up at the road and keep your head down while pulling the car."

Mr. Yin's reasonable words made the other end of the phone fall into deep thought. After a long silence, the other end of the phone sighed and said, "Old Yin, do you really have a bad opinion of Shen Lin?"

"Director, Shen Lin is good at making electrical appliances, but the water in computers is too deep, and he shouldn't get involved."

"I think we should talk to him and let him focus on the computer."

"This will be conducive to the long-term development of Mishell Electronics."

After hanging up the phone, Mr. Yin let out a long breath.

He had actually been prepared for today's call.

As for his performance just now, Mr. Yin felt quite satisfied.

What he just said was full of emotion. In many places, it was well-founded and remarkable.

After years of fighting in the business world, what kind of storms has Mr. Yin never seen?What kind of emergencies can he not handle with ease?It’s not in vain that I have experienced so many ups and downs over the years and have experienced so much!
Lying on his boss's chair, Mr. Yin opened a newspaper again and saw the news about MiKe Electronics written on it.

However, this newspaper also published a photo of Shen Lin.

Shen Lin in the photo looked a little high-spirited, but Mr. Yin felt that the young man in the photo must be in a very embarrassed state at this time.


The phone rang again. Mr. Yin answered the call and heard the secretary inside say: "Mr. Yin, this is Mr. Li of Sanchen Company."

Mr. Yin hurriedly said: "Put the phone in for me."

As the call was connected, a somewhat stiff voice sounded on the phone: "Hello, Mr. Yin."

"Haha, hello, Mr. Li. I'm really flattered to receive your call!" Mr. Yin said with a hint of enthusiasm.

In his mind, he began to think about what the person in charge of Sanchen Company wanted to do with him.

Although both are partners of Juying Company, Mr. Yin and Mr. Li do not have much contact.

"Mr. Yin, I took the liberty of calling you this time because I have something I want to discuss with you." Mr. Li said calmly.

Mr. Yin smiled and said: "Mr. Li, this is not the place to talk about things on the phone. Why don't we find a place to discuss it carefully."

Mr. Li refused directly and said: "Mr. Yin, I understand what you think, but I think it would be bad if someone with intentions knew about our meeting."

Mr. Yin was stunned for a moment. Although he didn't express the intention in Mr. Li's words, he could vaguely feel it in his heart.

But he didn't expect that Mr. Yin would actually...

After being stunned for a moment, he said in a deep voice: "Mr. Li, then according to your wishes..."

"Let's talk on the phone." Mr. Li said in a deep voice, "It's not much anyway, just a few sentences."

(End of this chapter)

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