Chapter 1984
Mr. Yin was still very afraid of Mr. Li.

After all, this Mr. Li is a self-made man like him.

Facing such a role, he didn't dare to take it lightly.

Therefore, after hearing Mr. Li's proposal, he said in a deep voice: "Mr. Li, if you have anything to do, just ask."

Mr. Li did not speak immediately, but after pondering for a moment, he said: "Mr. Yin, this time we will follow Mr. Yabo on the platform."

"Once it defeats the MiKe operating system, Juying will make huge profits."

"But when the time comes, we won't get anything. Do you think it's fair?"

Is it fair?
Thinking of these three words in his mind, Mr. Yin couldn't help but feel his heart beat.

As thoughts flashed in Mr. Yin's mind, Mr. Yabo's face appeared again.

It is no exaggeration to say that I have contributed a lot this time following Mr. Yabo.

Although this time's efforts seem to have resisted MiKe Computer, so that his company will not be defenseless against MiKe Computer's offensive.

But thinking about it carefully, I didn't get more benefits.

On the contrary, if Mr. Yabo really defeats MiKe Operating System, then Mr. Yabo’s profits will be even greater.

Thinking of the possible benefits that Mr. Yabo might gain, Mr. Yin felt a dry mouth.

He hesitated for a moment, and finally murmured: "Mr. Li, of course this is not fair."

"But our company doesn't even make operating systems!"

Mr. Yin sighed softly at the end.

It looks like I want it too, but it’s hard for me to do it.

Listening to Mr. Yin's words, Mr. Li said with a hint of deepness in his voice: "In terms of operating systems, we can't compare to Mr. Yabo."

"And I'm not prepared to compete with Mr. Yabo."

"But if Mr. Yabo eats meat, shouldn't he also let us drink some soup?"

"This way it will appear that we are allies."

"We contribute our efforts and do so willingly."

When Mr. Yin heard Mr. Li speak so straightforwardly, he felt that there was no need to hide it.

He smiled and said: "Mr. Li, I very much agree with your opinion."

"I think we should have a serious discussion with Mr. Yabo on this matter."

"But I think it's not enough for us alone. We also need to get Mr. Kazuo Fusui involved."

"I think Mr. Shuangjing is also looking forward to this."

Mr. Li laughed loudly and said, "Mr. Yin, although Mr. Shuangjing and I are also friends, we don't have many interactions."

"I can see that Mr. Shuangjing has always regarded you as a friend."

"I'm afraid I will trouble you, Mr. Yin, by contacting Mr. Shuangjing."

At this time, Mr. Yin fully understood that the reason why the arrogant Mr. Li condescended to contact him was probably here: mainly because of Shuangjing Kazuo.

If it weren't for Kazuo Shuangjing, given the size of his company, he probably wouldn't have been able to get the other party to take him so seriously.

"Okay, I will handle this matter. I believe Mr. Shuangjing is also very interested in this aspect."

The two parties agreed on a time to contact each other again, and then hung up the phone.

Mr. Yin stood up from his seat and after walking back and forth a few times, he made up his mind.

Just when he was about to pick up the phone and contact Kazuo Shuangjing, there was a knock on the door.

Mr. Yin didn't like the urgent knock on the door very much.

But in the end, he said in a deep voice: "Come in."

As the door was pushed open, Mr. Yin saw the vice president in charge of sales in the company walking in.For other people, Mr. Yin can beat and scold him at will, but for this vice president, he must show appropriate respect.

He smiled at the visitor and said, "Mr. Wang, you came just in time. I just got some Dahongpao two days ago. Come and try to see if it is real."

"My friend was bragging to me, saying that his red robe is rare in the world. I want to see if he is bragging to me."

The vice president glanced at Mr. Yin, and finally sat down and said, "Mr. Yin, I'll give it a try."

Mr. Yin took out the tea set, made tea seriously, and then said: "Mr. Wang, what can I do?"

"Mr. Yin, there is a problem with our sales."

"We've received more than a dozen chargeback calls this morning alone."

"Also, some units that had originally reached cooperation intentions with us have also received news that the cooperation may be cancelled."

Mr. Yin's face suddenly became a little ugly.

For a company, one of the primary indicators of whether it can operate successfully is orders.

Once there is a problem with an order, it means there is a problem with the company's operations.

This kind of situation is not what he, Mr. Yin, likes to see.So he asked in a deep voice: "What's the situation? Why is there a problem with our order?"

"Some orders have already been made, and their managers at the time were very excited and wanted to use our products."

"Why is this happening now?"

After hearing the questioning, Vice President Wang's face looked a little ugly.

He knew that Mr. Yin was anxious about this matter. In fact, he was no less anxious than Mr. Yin about this matter.

"Mr. Yin, speaking of this, it is still because of... the lawsuit between Juying Company and Mi Ke."

"Now, although Mihu Company has lost, they have won people's hearts."

"Especially after they posted the reasons why they lost, many people thought they were heroes."

"A hero who was deliberately suppressed."

"So, many of the orders we originally agreed on are now invested in MiKe Electronics."

What Vice President Wang said was actually very reserved.

There were some things that he didn't say at all.

This is naturally to give Mr. Yin face. No matter what, Mr. Yin is his boss.

Looking at Vice President Wang's expression, Mr. Yin understood what he wanted to say.

He signed a contract with Juying Company and gave Juying Company a platform. In the eyes of many people, this is a kind of betrayal.

Taking a deep breath, President Yin said to Vice President Wang: "We must find ways to remedy this situation if we can."

"Vice President Wang, if you think there are any difficulties, you can tell me about them."

"I'll handle the difficulties."

Vice President Wang looked at the unquestionable Mr. Yin and sighed secretly in his heart.He knew that most of these orders were irreversible.

Even if he and Mr. Yin came forward, they would be unable to save the situation and would be of no use.

After all, some things are already difficult to change.

However, since Mr. Yin said so, he could only agree to it first and then implement it.As for the quality of the execution, I believe Mr. Yin, who is well aware of it, will not make it too difficult for him on this matter.

He stood up and said, "Mr. Yin, I will do my best to comply with your request."

Vice President Wang drank a cup of tea and left.

Mr. Yin looked at the low-morale vice president and said with a smile: "Mr. Wang, this is only temporary. When everything settles, you will find that we are the ones who win in the end."

"And our positioning has always been that of a large global enterprise."

(End of this chapter)

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