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Chapter 1985 Don’t let your own people suffer

Chapter 1985 Don’t let your own people suffer
Shen Lin really didn't expect that the sales of various MiKe products would suddenly skyrocket across the board today!

Fang Xiaomei stood beside Shen Lin, looking at the pile of reports with joy.

“The sales volume of MiKe operating system surged by 270% compared with the previous day. The sales volume of MiKe Electronics was three times that of yesterday. The sales volume of MiKe computers surged by [-]% compared with yesterday. DVD sales…”

Looking at these data and the time, Shen Lin was a little surprised.

"Xiaomei, what's going on?" Shen Lin finished reading the report and asked Fang Xiaomei in a deep voice.

Although he already had speculations about the cause of this matter, Fang Xiaomei had first-hand information after all.

Instead of guessing by yourself, it is better to ask Fang Xiaomei directly.

Fang Xiaomei smiled at Shen Lin and said: "Director Shen, according to the feedback from all parties, our consumers feel that our MiKe Electronics has been wronged outside."

"Obviously we lost the case despite having solid evidence, so we use this method to express our concern and support."

"By the way, Mr. Lan also sent people to specifically interview a few consumers. Except for some of them who were originally prepared to buy our products, the rest were just because they were angry."

Having said this, Fang Xiaomei waved her hands heavily.

"Also, Vice President Chen, who is in charge of computers, said that many orders come to us proactively."

"We once competed with Mr. Yin and his company for some orders, but in the end the order fell into the hands of Mr. Yin and his company."

"But now, these orders that had been settled have returned to our company."

"Our MiKe operating system CD-ROMs are sold out in many stores."

"Some customers come up and buy one or twenty plates. When asked why, they say they keep it and give it away. They can't stop them."

Listening to Fang Xiaomei's narration, Shen Lin felt a little moved.

He knew very well that the reason why such a situation occurred was because national justice and patriotism played a role in turning the tide.

After pondering for a moment, Shen Lin said: "Xiaomei, tell the sales department of the operating system and ask them to limit the sales of the operating system."

"Limited sale!"

Fang Xiaomei was stunned for a moment and looked at Shen Lin with an incredible look.

Shen Lin nodded heavily and said, "Yes, it's a limited sale!"

"Each person can only buy one MiKe and one operating system CD."

"If customers don't understand, just tell them that we don't have enough MiKe operating system CDs in stock and we must let everyone consume rationally."

Fang Xiaomei quickly memorized and thought about Shen Lin's meaning.

Soon, she understood that Director Shen did not want those loyal customers of MiKe Electronics to spend their money indiscriminately in order to support MiKe Electronics.

"Okay, I'll act right away."

Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "By the way, you notify all departments and ask them to come up with a discount plan."

"I don't have any other requirements for this plan. I just need to remember one thing, and that is that it is sufficiently favorable."

"Consumers support us, and we must also show a sincere attitude."

"By the way, for the products that have been sold today, consumers can take the invoice purchased today and go to the Mihu Electrical Appliances Mall to refund the extra money they spent."

"No matter what, we cannot be sorry for the consumers who support our rice shells."

Following Shen Lin's request, a preferential plan approved by Shen Lin was quickly put on the market.

In just one day, relying on the sales capabilities of Mihu Electrical Appliances Mall and Jiale Electrical Appliances, it reached the ears of most consumers.

When Miao Zhiwen got the news, he was adjusting the LCD TV he had just purchased at home.

His wife rushed in and said: "Zhiwen, good news, the price of the LCD TV we bought has been reduced." "It has been reduced by more than 300!"

It dropped by more than 300, how is this possible!

MiKe Electronics’ LCD TVs have always been in short supply.

Many times, people who buy LCD TVs will buy them from people who have already purchased them at a higher price.

How can it be possible to reduce the price of such a scarce product?

"It's true, the sales posters at MiKe Electrical Appliances Mall have been posted." My wife said excitedly.

"It's a pity that we have already bought it." Miao Zhiwen said: "The money and invoice have been taken care of, is it possible for us to go over and ask people to return it?"

"No, MiKe Electrical Appliance Mall has issued a notice saying that as long as it is a reduced-price product purchased from MiKe Electrical Appliance Mall yesterday, you can get a refund with the invoice."

The wife said excitedly: "Tell me, what is this Mihu Electrical Appliance Store doing? Why can I get a refund for yesterday's purchase?"

Can I get a refund for yesterday's payment? !

Miao Zhiwen was stunned for a moment and then reacted.

He was not planning to buy this LCD TV this year because his family was not very wealthy.

But when he saw that Mi Keyi's sales system lost the lawsuit despite being reasonable, he suddenly burst into anger.

He wants to support MiKe Electronics and Director Shen!
So he gritted his teeth and bought the LCD TV home.

As far as he knows, many people have chosen to buy MiKe Electronics products to support MiKe Electronics.

This is a spontaneous act.

If I go to refund the money, it can still be regarded as supporting Director Shen, it can be regarded as...

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Miao Zhiwen gritted his teeth and said, "Do you know why MiKe Electronics has reduced the price of such a popular product?"

"I don't know, what's going on?"

"Daughter-in-law, this is what happened. Did you read yesterday's newspaper? MiKe Electronics' own MiKe operating system, despite being completely justified, actually lost a lawsuit outside."

"Why is that? Isn't it because those companies outside don't want us to be good at MiKe Electronics and don't want us to be able to compete with them in high technology?"

"They, this is..."

"This is suppressing MiKe Electronics."

"That's why I decided to buy a TV set in advance to support Director Shen and our own company."

"But Mr. Shen is also kind and righteous!"

"I just discovered that everyone is buying MiKe Electronics products to support MiKe Electronics. They don't want to take advantage of the situation, but actually take the initiative to reduce the price of their own products."

"Since then, our support may not be able to make MiKe Electronics make money."

"If MiKe Electronics doesn't have money, why is it still competing with outsiders in terms of operating systems? So I think we won't refund the 300 yuan."

"Just...just pretend I haven't smoked in the past six months! Such a kindhearted person like Mi Ke Electronics deserves to have Director Shen make a fortune!"

Listening to Miao Zhiwen's words, his wife didn't know what to say.She wanted to say that you should just take the carrot and worry about it, but she felt that her husband seemed to be right. She wanted to say that she would refund the money, but she didn't know why, she just couldn't say it.

At this moment, the PHS at home rang.

This PHS is the treasure of Miao Zhiwen's family and is usually used only when it is important.

Miao Zhiwen answered the phone and listened to the voice: "Mr. Miao, you bought an LCD TV at our Mihu Electrical Appliances Store yesterday. According to our current preferential price, we can give you a refund of 320 yuan. Please bring it with you today." Yesterday’s invoice, come to our service desk to get a refund..."

(End of this chapter)

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