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Chapter 1987 Don’t just look at what’s in front of you

Chapter 1987 Don’t just look at what’s in front of you
"Mr. Yabo, this is the LED TV we produced."

"The largest TV we produce now is 43 inches, but our researchers are still working on a larger 55-inch one."

"I think that after a while, LCD TVs of this level will be available to us..."

Mr. Yabo looked at the LED LCD TVs flashing high-definition images one after another and said with emotion: "Dr. Shen, your industry actually has great potential!"

"If I master the technology in this area, I think I can capture most of our color TV market in a short period of time."

"Moreover, if you use it as a computer screen, although it is a bit big, it can be used in some aspects very well."


Listening to Mr. Yabo's comments, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Our LED LCD display technology has been applied to computers."

"The LCD screens used by most computer manufacturers now basically use our technology."

"Of course, there is a price to pay."

Mr. Yabo looked at Shen Lin who was talking eloquently, and felt more and more that this young man was more difficult to deal with than he thought.

How great it would be if he just made computers instead of getting into operating software!
Unfortunately, he was greedy.

Thinking of the lack of greed, Mr. Yabo sighed, and then followed Shen Lin to the fourth floor of Mi Ke City.

The fourth floor of Mihu City was extremely lively.

It is not only clean and tidy, but also full of life.

Although Mr. Yabo cannot recognize most of the Chinese characters, he still knows English.

This is a place to eat, and there is a whole floor of restaurants. As soon as he went upstairs, Mr. Yabo saw a variety of different foods.

"Mr. Yabo, we have walked all the way and we are a little tired. Why don't we have something to eat here." Shen Lin asked Mr. Yabo with a smile.

Looking at the rows of crowded shops, Mr. Yabo didn’t know what to eat.

But he did feel a little moved in his heart.

He has been to many places, and every time he goes, he hopes to taste the local specialties. At this time, the food on the entire floor greatly increases his appetite.

"Okay, let's taste it."

As he spoke, he said to Shen Lin: "Director Shen, it's my first time here. What's delicious depends entirely on you."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "That's easy to say. The most famous thing here is hot pot."

As he spoke, Shen Lin pointed towards a place that occupied half of the passage: "Mr. Yabo, let's go try Hidilao's hot pot."

"This hotpot restaurant caters to popular tastes, but the service is top-notch, and the steamed tripe is even better."

Naturally, Mr. Yabo would not object to Shen Lin's invitation.

So soon, Mr. Yabo and Shen Lin arrived at the door of Hidilao.

Here at Hi Di Lao, there are still twenty or thirty customers queuing up.

When a waiter saw Shen Lin and the others coming, he quickly came over and said, "Sir, how many of you are there?"

"There are two of us." Shen Lin glanced at Mr. Yabo and said with a smile.

Whether it is Shen Lin's entourage or Mr. Yabo's subordinates, they all have to prepare their own meals. This time, Shen Lin only entertained Mr. Yabo.

"Sir, there are ten tables in front of the two-person table. It will take about three to ten minutes to wait."

"If you can wait, you can come to our lounge and read a magazine or watch TV for a while."

After listening to the waiter's introduction, Shen Lin said to Mr. Yabo: "Mr. Yabo, if you are not in a hurry, how about you wait a moment?"

"Then let's wait." Mr. Yabo glanced at Hidilao and said, "I think this place will never let me down."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Then just wait."

Having said this, he said to Fang Xiaomei: "Xiaomei, please ask someone to help us wait for a while, and I will talk to Mr. Yabo." Just as Shen Lin was speaking, a man came out.

When he saw Shen Lin, his eyes widened instantly, and he greeted him respectfully.

"Shen...Mr. Shen, why are you here?"

Shen Lin glanced at the person who walked out and said with a smile: "Boss Wei, of course we are here to eat."

"Haha, I'm inviting a friend to dinner today."

Wei Yunfa stretched out his hand toward Shen Lin and said, "Mr. Shen, please go inside first."

"In addition to the lobby, we also have a private room, which is generally not open to the public."

"You are here today, and I cannot let you wait outside under any circumstances."

"What's more, you are our major shareholder."

Shen Lin looked around, glanced at Mr. Yabo again, and said with a smile: "Then for the sake of the distinguished Mr. Yabo, I will take advantage of this."

Although Mr. Yabo's Mandarin is a bit poor, he can still understand some words.

After arriving at the private room with Shen Lin, he said to Shen Lin: "Director Shen, have you invested here too?"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "I have a venture capital fund that can invest in some high-quality projects."

"Boss Wei's hot pot project, I think it has great potential, so I invested some money."

"Judging from the current situation, Boss Wei won't let me lose all my money."

Wei Yunfa stood aside and kept silently looking at Mr. Yabo. He felt that this man looked very familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

However, Mr. Yabo's identity is not too important to him. What he only values ​​​​is Director Shen.

For him, as long as he can satisfy Director Shen, he can't control that much as to whether this person is satisfied or not.

"Director Shen is so commendable. The reason why our hot pot restaurant is able to achieve its current results is entirely because of Director Shen's business philosophy."

Having said this, Wei Yunfa hesitated and said: "Director Shen, there is a situation that I want to report to you. Is it appropriate now?"

Shen Lin picked up the water glass and took a sip, then smiled and said to Wei Yunfa: "Boss Wei, there are no outsiders here. If you have anything to say, just say it."

Having said this, he smiled at Mr. Yabo.

"Director Shen, as our store opens, we have received a lot of calls from people who want to join us."

“Some people even came over in person and asked about the conditions for joining.”

Shen Lin was not surprised that Hidilao was asked to join.

He pondered for a moment and said, "Mr. Wei, I think it's a little early for you to talk about joining."

"The most important thing for you now is to build our brand."

"We have only opened five stores now."

"This is still too small and has not formed a brand effect. I think you can rely on the shelves of Mihu Electrical Appliances Store and Jiale Electrical Appliances to fully promote Hidilao."

"Cultivate some management talents who can take charge of their own business, formulate a unified business model, and then talk about joining."

Shen Lin stared at Wei Yunfa and said solemnly: "Attracting some people to join us will bring in money quickly, but it will also easily destroy the signboard we finally put up."

"So in this matter, considering the long-term interests, you have to be cautious."

Wei Yunfa nodded quickly and said: "Dr. Shen, I understand, I know what to do."

At this moment, the waiter began to bring the bottom of the pot, and within a few minutes, the table was covered with various meats and ingredients.

"Mr. Yabo, let's get started."

(End of this chapter)

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