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Chapter 1988 Eating hot pot and discussing cooperation

Chapter 1988 Eating hot pot and discussing cooperation

Hidilao has a wide variety of ingredients, the dishes are fresh and the presentation is very good.

In addition, it is used to entertain the big boss, so it tastes smooth and refreshing, with endless aftertaste.

Shen Lin and Mr. Yabo were enjoying themselves drinking beer and eating hot pot.

"Dr. Shen, have a drink." Mr. Yabo ate a piece of hot-boiled meat and extended an invitation to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin raised his beer glass and touched it with Mr. Yabo, then drank half of the beer.

"Director Shen, judging from the operation of this hot pot restaurant, Director Shen's investment this time is 100% profitable." Mr. Yabo put down the wine glass in his hand and said with a smile.

Shen Lin looked at Mr. Yabo's smile and said calmly: "As long as Mike City does not decline, this place should be able to continue to make money for me."

"Although the profits of this restaurant don't look that huge, if more Hidilao stores are opened, they will be as good as the chickens we have over there."

"By that time, Director Shen will earn countless amounts of money."

Shen Lin looked at the smiling Mr. Yabo and said calmly: "Mr. Yabo, you are telling me this not just for my fun, right?"

"It's natural."

Mr. Yabo smiled and said: "Seeing this pattern, I think the cooperation between Director Shen and I can also be flexible."

"For example, if you sell me your MiKe operating system, I will give you a certain number of shares."

"And I can also guarantee that the dividends given to you every year will be no less than that amount."

Mr. Yabo said: "Director Shen, you have many, many things to be busy with. I think there is no need for you to hang yourself from a tree!"

"what do you think?"

Shen Lin looked at Mr. Yabo's smiling face, shook his head and said, "Thank you, Mr. Yabo, for your kindness, but I cannot agree to this matter."

"Why?" Mr. Yabo's face was a little stiff.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "You and I both know the profit and importance of operating systems."

"So, I will never give such an important thing to others."

"I believe that Mr. Yabo's thoughts on this matter should be the same."

Looking at Shen Lin, who spoke easily but never gave in, Mr. Yabo felt a little cold.

He knew that since Shen Lin said this, it meant that this guy had decided to go all the way and there was no room for maneuver in this matter for the time being!
But he wasn't angry either, as the so-called business cannot be done with justice.

What's more, he felt that Shen Lin refused because he felt that he still had someone to rely on.

Once Shen Lin's reliance is broken, everything will be solved.

"Director Shen, this proposal is always valid. Whenever Director Shen figures it out, I can sign the contract at any time."

For a meal, the guests and the host enjoy themselves.

When Mr. Yabo left, he warmly invited Shen Lin and gave Mr. Yabo a chance to show his loyalty to the landlord when he went to the United States.

Shen Lin naturally readily agreed to Mr. Yabo's invitation.

Mr. Yabo's face became a little solemn as he said goodbye.

He originally thought that he had paid enough attention to Mi Ke Electronics, but now, he felt that Mi Ke Electronics was even more difficult to deal with than he thought.

MiKe Electronics has been treated unfairly, and there are a large number of staunch supporters who spend a lot of money to buy their products to show their full support for them.

Mr. Yabo has never thought about this kind of customer stickiness and loyalty before.

As for MiKe Electronics, they refused to take advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune. Instead, they did the opposite and not only quickly took measures to reduce prices, but also restricted sales!
This young Shen Lin, this guy is so smart. On the surface, these business strategies caused him to suffer heavy losses, but they will soon bottom out and rebound, which not only increases the reputation of Mihu Electronics, but more importantly , let Shen Lin make a lot of money from it!
Judging from the way Shen Lin has adjusted his business operations in recent times, it is far more difficult than he imagined to defeat the MiKe operating system.

Mr. Yabo, who had just returned to the office and was not in a good mood, was about to drink a cup of coffee to relax himself. His subordinates suddenly came over to report that Mr. Yin, Mr. Li and others were here.As he realized the power of MiKe Electronics, Mr. Yabo became more and more aware of the importance of these two people.

So he asked these two people to come in almost immediately.

"Mr. Li, Mr. Yin, you two came just in time. I just made a pot of coffee. Let's try it together."

Mr. Yabo's voice was full of laughter.

Mr. Yin doesn't really like drinking coffee.He felt that this kind of foreign gadget was purely for show, could neither satisfy his hunger nor quench his thirst, and was not very suitable to his taste.As a human being, in addition to being cool when necessary, when it comes to eating habits, it is more comfortable to be down-to-earth.

But this time, in order to have a smooth showdown with Mr. Yabo, he smiled dryly and said: "It seems that this comes sooner rather than later. I can't wait to finally taste Mr. Yabo's coffee this time."

Mr. Li from Sanchen, on the other hand, seemed a little indifferent.

After taking two sips of coffee, Mr. Yabo smiled and said, "I went to visit Mihu City this time and it felt really good."

"Although the quality of many of the products inside is still a little behind, I think if Shen Lin is given more time, he will definitely perfect these details."

"When it comes to business management, I have never been very convinced by others, but now, looking at Shen Lin, I think he is very good."

Mr. Li nodded and said: "Mr. Yabo, I am also somewhat convinced of this Director Shen."

"After all, this is the person who single-handedly forced the Taiyu Group to continue to close in."

Speaking of this, Mr. Li said with emotion: "Some time ago, I met Chairman Jin of Taiyu Group. He hated Shen Lin very much, but he had to admit that in some things, this person really ability."

Mr. Yin remained silent, but in his heart, he believed in the words of these two people.

After all, he had really fought against Shen Lin. To be honest, if it weren't for the help of Mr. Yabo and others, he didn't feel that he was Shen Lin's opponent.

He even had a strong feeling that compared with Shen Lin, he was too far behind.

This deep sense of inferiority made him feel very uncomfortable, but this feeling was deeply imprinted in his heart.

Mr. Yabo sighed and said: "I talked a lot with Director Shen today, what a pity!"

What a pity, Mr. Yabo did not say, but everyone present basically understood.

Listening to Mr. Yabo's emotion, Mr. Yin and Mr. Li quickly looked at each other, and finally Mr. Li said: "Mr. Yabo, this time we come to you because we have something to discuss with you."

Mr. Yabo looked at Mr. Li with a solemn expression and knew that what he was discussing with him this time was definitely not a trivial matter.

He smiled and said, "We are all old friends. If you have anything to say, feel free to talk openly."

"As long as I can do it, I will never let you be wronged."

Looking at Mr. Yabo's smiling face, Mr. Li said: "Mr. Yabo, with the signing of this agreement, MiKe Electronics' products have reached the peak of sales."

"But Mr. Yin and I have suffered heavy losses."

"Especially Mr. Yin, the orders this month are basically zero."

"And this situation, according to our estimation, will continue for some time."

Mr. Li's words made Mr. Yabo's expression become more serious.

He knew very well that Mr. Li had said a lot. Looking at the situation in Mi Ke City, there might be difficulties in selling the products of the two companies.

"You two, I will consider your situation."

"Looking back, I'm going to apply to the board of directors and try my best to help you two get a low-interest loan each."

"I believe that with this money, you two will be able to successfully survive the crisis."

(End of this chapter)

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