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Chapter 1989 Xiao Qiang takes advantage of the situation

Chapter 1989 Xiao Qiang takes advantage of the situation
A low-interest loan!
There was no smile on the faces of Mr. Yin and Mr. Li.

To them, this condition sounds good, but in fact, this condition is not of much use to them.

Especially Mr. Li, what Sanchen Company lacks is not money.

It can even be said that Sanchen Company has very sufficient funds. For them, this low-interest loan can only be regarded as an icing on the cake at best.

They don't need it!
Mr. Li smiled at Mr. Yabo and said, "Mr. Yabo,
Thank you for your kindness, but what I want to tell you is that I cannot accept your kindness now. "

Having said this, he pointed towards Mr. Yin and said: "Mr. Yin has always spared no effort to support you."

"But now that he has sacrificed so much, you only give him a low-interest loan. In this case, Mr. Yin's life will be even more miserable in the future."

"Without the support from below, how will Mr. Yin be able to work in the future?"

Listening to Mr. Li's words, Mr. Yabo's face turned extremely ugly.

He was certain that these two people must have reached some kind of agreement in private. They came here just to negotiate terms, prices, and benefits with him.

It’s not that Mr. Yabo cannot give benefits to his collaborators.

But he didn't like this kind of alliance under the city.

Looking at Mr. Yin's fair and chubby face, Mr. Yabo smiled and said: "Mr. Yin, your contribution is the greatest in our cooperation this time."

"We are all our own people now. If you have anything you want, just tell me."

"As long as I can do it, I will not be stingy in this regard."

Mr. Yin could sense Mr. Yabo's anger from his smiling face.

However, there is no turning back. Now that things have reached this point, he cannot retreat no matter what.

After pondering for a moment, he smiled and said: "Mr. Yabo, I have always felt that it is a great honor for me to cooperate with you."

"This time, Mr. Li and I came together to further strengthen our cooperation."

"We hope that we can invest in Juying Company so that we can truly become a family."

"Of course, Juying Company can also enter our two companies through equity exchange."

"In this way, our cooperation will become closer, and our mutual trust will naturally increase!"

Listening to Mr. Yin's suggestion, which seemed good and fair, Mr. Yabo sneered in his heart.

How come he still doesn't know what the two people in front of him are thinking.

They saw that the operating system could make a lot of money, and they were shy and wanted a piece of the pie.

Mr. Yabo is very disgusted with such a shameless and shameless guy.

But what he saw today, coupled with the importance of Sanchen Company and Yin Company, forced him to suppress the anger in his heart.

"Mr. Yin, Mr. Li, from my own perspective, I welcome your investment in our company."

Mr. Yabo said with a smile: "We have come into contact with each other a lot, and we have gone through many things together through thick and thin."

"For me, it is better to work together with everyone to manage the company than to manage the company with others."

Speaking of this, Mr. Yabo smiled and said: "However, this matter involving shares is not something I can decide on my own."

"I don't think it's better than this. I'll ask the board of directors for instructions on how to handle this matter."

"I believe they won't object too much."

Mr. Yin was still a little uneasy when Mr. Yabo's expression changed.

If Mr. Yabo gets furious at this time and sets up a stall, then he will actually be the one to lose the most.

After all, he has no way out!Fortunately, Mr. Yabo agreed, and he thought this was a good thing.

"Mr. Yabo, I hope to hold 5.00% of the shares in our Juying Company, while Mr. Yin hopes to have [-]% of the shares."

Mr. Li from Sanchen still looked calm. He smiled at Mr. Yabo and said, "Our two shares in the company will not threaten your position."

"And to be honest, if something bad happens to the company in its future development, we can still help you."

"Mr. Yabo, I think we have the ability."

Looking at the extremely sincere Mr. Li, Mr. Yabo wanted to take out the handkerchief from his pocket, throw it on the ground and stomp it a few times, and then block this guy's foul mouth, so as not to see this chubby thick lips. It was flying up and down in front of his eyes, saliva flying everywhere, opening and closing!
15.00% may not sound like much.

But as the person in charge of Juying Company, he only holds 15.00 to [-]% of the shares.This one is quite powerful, he opens his mouth as soon as he comes up and wants [-]%.After all, you are also the leader of a company, so how come you have such a greedy face!
At this time, Mr. Yabo was still a little worried.

He pondered for a moment, and finally said: "I can't make the decision on this matter for the time being. Let's do this. I will submit your request to the board of directors as soon as possible. Whether I can agree or not depends on the decision of the board of directors."

Mr. Li said calmly: "Mr. Yabo, the decision of the board of directors is basically your decision."

"I believe you will not let us down in this matter."

Mr. Yabo snorted and said, "I can only say that everything is possible."

"However, in this process, we still have to try our best to suppress the MiKe operating system."

"Otherwise, everything will be in vain when Shen Lin recovers."

Mr. Li nodded and said: "In this matter, we still follow Mr. Yabo's lead."

"Mr. Yabo, there are some problems at our head office. I will go back in two days."

"If anything happens to Mr. Yabo, you can contact Mr. Yin and ask him to tell me."

Mr. Yabo looked at Mr. Li who stood up and felt increasingly uncomfortable.

He knew very well that Mr. Li's current behavior meant that he didn't take him seriously anymore.

But now, because of the cooperation agreement, and even more so because of the strong rival MiKe Electronics, it was not suitable for him to fall out with Mr. Li.

"Haha, if I have anything to do, I will definitely contact you."

Watching Mr. Li and Mr. Yin leave, Mr. Yabo fell into a dilemma.

He didn't want to give the shares, but if he didn't, would the huge market have to give it away to MiKe Electronics?
He didn't want to do such a thing, but the current situation forced him to make a choice.

Sales of various MiKe products are still rising.

Even Cheng Zhenyuan, the general manager of production, called Shen Lin and asked if he could ask the sales department to slow down.

Because their inventory is almost at the bottom!In major shopping malls, faced with purchase restrictions, young consumers are agitated and even shout, if you can't buy a MiKe operating system, then bring other parts and packaging boxes. Don't blame Mi if you can't use it after you buy it. Shell, it’s all my fault for being sick in my brain!
Such touching scenes emerged one after another during the sales process. While Shen Lin was moved by people's strong support for MiKe Electronics, he also emphasized that people must be advised to consume rationally.

Shen Lin had no choice but to ask Cheng Zhenyuan to continue to increase production.

However, Shen Lin knew very well that this situation was only temporary.

If MiKe Electronics wants to develop, it still relies on its technological advantages.

Late that night, Shen Lin had just slept for two hours when he received a call from Ma Yuancheng.

When he answered the phone, Shen Lin was startled, but when he heard Ma Yuancheng's excited and incoherent words on the phone, he immediately couldn't sleep.

MiKe [-] operating system has been completed!
After hearing the news, Shen Lin suddenly felt that all the sleepiness in his heart was gone.

He knew that their moment of counterattack was finally coming!

(End of this chapter)

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