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Chapter 1990 Rewards and punishments should be clear

Chapter 1990 Rewards and punishments should be clear

After walking back and forth in the study several times, Shen Lin finally decided to go to the research institute.

Although he has seen the research version of the MiKe II operating system a long time ago, he already has a good understanding of the general situation of MiKe II.

But at this time, he still couldn't help but want to take a look.

After walking back and forth in the living room for a few more steps, he said to Lu Xiaorong: "Daughter-in-law, you rest first, I'll go take a look."

Lu Xiaorong was already awake when Shen Lin answered the phone.

Seeing his excited look, I couldn't help but persuade him: "Shen Lin, didn't the research on Mi Ke Er succeed? It's not too late for you to go and see it tomorrow!"

"It's not too late, but I just want to go and have a look now." As Shen Lin spoke, he picked up his coat and said, "I'll come back tomorrow. You can take the baby to bed, so you don't have to wait for me!"

Looking at Shen Lin leaving in a hurry, Lu Xiaorong said helplessly: "Okay, you guys, please pay attention to your safety."

In Shen Lin's home, there are two cars. One is an Audi that Shen Lin rarely drives, and the other is a Bluebird that Lu Xiaorong uses to pick up and drop off his children.

For Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong, their strength is enough for them to buy good cars of various brands.

But for Shen Lin, he doesn't like those more eye-catching cars too much.

Although Audi is not cheap, it is still much more low-key than luxury cars like Ferrari.

After skillfully starting the car, Shen Lin arrived at the research institute in just over 20 minutes.

The entire institute was immersed in excitement at this time.

Ma Yuancheng was discussing something enthusiastically with several colleagues, while Chief Engineer Qi was sitting on a chair, staring closely at the computer screen.

What runs in the computer is naturally the MiKe [-] operating system.

When Shen Lin positioned the MiKe II operating system, he set the target at the level of win97. Although some fine-tuning was made due to hardware problems, the adjustments were not too big.

"Director Shen is here!"

Shen Lin's arrival was quickly noticed, and Ma Yuancheng and Chief Engineer Qi walked over quickly.

"Director Shen, our Mi Ke [-] has been greatly improved compared to Mi Ke [-], and Ju Ying [-] is much worse than us."

Chief Engineer Qi came to Shen Lin and said with emotion: "With this Mi Ke Er, the promotion of computers will be faster."

"I think that with our MiKeEr, we will be able to regain the market we lost some time ago."

Shen Lin looked at Chief Engineer Qi's excited expression and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Qi, since our MiKe [-] operating system has been successfully developed, we will soon give Mr. Yabo a big return gift."

"I am ready to complete the patent registration of our MiKeII as soon as possible."

"Then quickly launch the MiKe [-] operating system."

Having said this, Shen Lin continued: "Give Mr. Yabo and the others a chance to catch them off guard!"

Ma Yuancheng said: "The patent registration here should be very fast, but...but there will be some troubles in the United States."

"After all, that's the territory of Juying Company."

Shen Lin said: "Yuan Cheng, you don't have to worry about this matter. I'll figure it out."

Having said this, Shen Lin said to the researchers gathered around him: "Everyone has worked hard recently. On behalf of MiKe Electronics, I would like to thank everyone for their hard work."

"Also, everyone should try to relax as much as possible tonight, but you can't delay coming here at ten o'clock tomorrow."

"Because our financial staff will cash in all your rewards at ten o'clock!"

"Everyone gets the money and goes back to sleep."

The researchers who were originally excited by the success of Mi Ke Er suddenly became even more excited when they heard what Shen Lin said.

"Dr. Shen is awesome!" "Thank you, Mr. Shen!"

"Director Shen, I support you!"


The crowd was abuzz, and for a moment, the entire hall felt like it wanted to explode.Although Ma Yuancheng was very excited, looking at the performance of his subordinates, he couldn't stand it for a while.

"Everyone, be quiet. Let's wait until Director Shen finishes speaking before we talk again." Ma Yuancheng shouted loudly.

As the head of the research institute, Ma Yuancheng's words were very effective. The excited researchers gradually calmed down.

After Shen Lin carefully operated the MiKe [-] operating system, he went to the small conference room with Ma Yuancheng and Chief Engineer Qi.

Mi Ke Er has been researched, and the researchers can take a break, but as the person in charge of the company, they still have a lot of things to do.

"Director Shen, the company is at a critical moment. I know that it will cost a lot of money to compete with Juying Company this time. I still have enough money now. If it is not as good as my share, I will not give it away yet." Chief Engineer Qi sat down. After that, he said to Shen Lin.

Chief Engineer Qi's words were very sincere and calm.

At his level, there is no need to use such small means to improve his status.

Ma Yuancheng heard what Chief Engineer Qi said and quickly expressed his position: "Director Shen, my monthly salary now is tens of thousands, and I live and eat here every day, and there is very little place to spend money."

"Instead of lying in the bank, it is better to use the good steel on the cutting edge and let the company promote the MiKe [-] operating system first."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Chief Engineer Qi, Yuan Cheng, I appreciate your kindness. What MiKe Electronics needs are you good employees who will advance and retreat with the company and share weal and woe!"

"But what I want to say is that our MiKe operating system is not losing money, and MiKe Electronics' other businesses are also in very good shape."

"So the company is not short of money."

"I also know that you don't need much money now, but you can't shirk the money you should get."

"If you two shirk it, how will you let others get it?"

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said: "If we don't get any money in the end, it will affect the morale of our entire team."

"In that case, it will be detrimental to the development of the company."

Having said this, Shen Lin continued: "As for the MiKe operating system, I am ready to promote it to be launched on Europa."

"Hey, when the time comes, we will use the money to fight a war of attrition with Juying Company."

Listed in Europa!

Not to mention Chief Engineer Qi, even Ma Yuancheng had not thought of such a situation. They were a little dizzy thinking about Shen Lin's words.

"Director Shen, is this okay?"

"I have already asked people to go through all the procedures in advance. As long as we make a decision, we can go on the market tomorrow."

Shen Lin said: "But now, I don't think it is the best time to go public."

"After all, we still need some time to apply for the patent of MiKe[-]."

"When we have almost completed the application for the second patent of Mihu, we will launch this operating system at the product development conference."

While Ma Yuancheng was thinking about the meaning of Shen Lin's words, he said: "Dr. Shen, what should we do during the promotion of the MiKe [-] operating system?"

Shen Lin looked at Ma Yuancheng who looked like he didn't know what to do next, and said with a smile: "You, what you need to do now is to have a good rest for two days."

“Of course, if you don’t want to take a break, then while patching the loopholes in MiKe [-], start the design and development of the MiKe [-] operating system.”

"After all, Juying Company will not admit defeat so easily!"

(End of this chapter)

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