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Chapter 1991 A man who takes charge of his own business

Chapter 1991 A person who takes charge of his/her own duties

MiKe [-] was developed successfully!
However, it cannot be launched immediately, and it will still take some time to complete the registration of the patent part.

Although the registration of Mi Keyi's patent did not prevent Juying Company from plagiarizing, plagiarism also had a considerable impact on Juying Company.

Take the case of MiKe Electronics being dismissed. Mr. Yabo paid a heavy price.

Therefore, Shen Lin will never relax when it comes to patents.

That night, Shen Lin talked a lot with Chief Engineer Qi and Ma Yuancheng.

There is the future of the MiKe operating system, and there are also development ideas for the MiKe three operating systems.

Shen Lin found that he had fewer and fewer ideas to offer the two of them, but the two of them paid more and more attention to Shen Lin's opinions.

In the eyes of Ma Yuancheng and Chief Engineer Qi, the ideas put forward by Shen Lin were clearer and more concise than what they could have thought of.

And many of them were beyond their imagination, but the viewpoints put forward by Shen Lin gave them a feeling of enlightenment and enlightenment!
Finally, at five o'clock in the morning, the three of them, who had enjoyed their conversation, returned to the lounge.

Before Shen Lin went to bed, he directly dialed Fang Xiaomei's phone and asked her to immediately make arrangements to distribute bonuses to the employees of the institute.

Finally, Shen Lin said to Fang Xiaomei that it was nothing important, so don't disturb me, and he fell into a deep sleep.

At noon, Shen Lin woke up from his sleep, had lunch with Ma Yuancheng, and then returned to his office.

Fang Xiaomei had been waiting outside Shen Lin's office for a long time. When she saw him coming back, she quickly reported the bonus issue.

Because Shen Lin had already heard Ma Yuancheng's report on the specific matter, so after Fang Xiaomei reported the approximate figures, he stopped him and said, "Xiaomei, we can just let the finance department follow up on such matters in the future."

"By the way, these days, you should focus on our patent application."

"If Ma Yuancheng and the others encounter any difficulties, please contact me immediately."

"By the way, contact Lawyer Zhang as soon as possible and ask her to apply for patents in all aspects as soon as possible."

Fang Xiaomei already knew about the successful development of MiKe[-] operating system through the payment of bonuses.

Her heart was also filled with excitement.

Upon hearing Shen Lin's arrangement, he immediately smiled and said, "Director Shen, I will definitely pay close attention to this matter. Please rest assured."

"By the way, this morning, Mr. Cheng called and said that the person in charge of Yufei Company is coming to Beijing to visit you."

"Mr. Cheng said that he originally wanted to call you, but your phone was turned off, so let me tell you that this matter is very important."

Yufei Company!

Information about Yufei Company quickly appeared in Shen Lin's mind. This is a large enterprise mainly engaged in refrigerators and freezers.

It has developed very rapidly in the past few years. Back then, it was one of the leaders in the field of refrigerators.

However, as Mihu Electronics has more and more business, and has established a separate business department for home appliances such as refrigerators, Shen Lin pays less attention to this aspect.

What are the people from Yufei Company doing to me?
At most, they should just connect with Cheng Zhenyuan.

He didn't understand what Yu Fei Company wanted to do with him, but since Cheng Zhenyuan said it was important, Shen Lin had to accept it.

He believed that Cheng Zhenyuan would not joke about such a thing.

"Xiaomei, if people from Yufei Company come, just invite them in to see me."

"By the way, prepare a copy of Yufei Company's information for me."

Fang Xiaomei took out a folder from a stack of documents in her hand and handed it to Shen Lin: "Director Shen, this is the information I collected about Yufei Company."

"If you want to know anything else about Yufei Company, I will investigate again."

Looking at the materials handed over by Fang Xiaomei, Shen Lin felt very satisfied.A secretary who can prepare everything for himself in advance is so worry-free.

In many cases, such forward-looking work, done in detail, can save you a lot of work.

Fang Xiaomei is still very good in this aspect.

But having Fang Xiaomei as an assistant seems a bit unfair!

In Shen Lin's opinion, Fang Xiaomei is the kind of person who can stand alone as long as she cultivates her carefully.

"Xiaomei, how long have you been my secretary?"

Seeing that Shen Lin took the information and didn't read it, but instead asked himself this question, Fang Xiaomei felt a sense of panic.

Could it be that I did something wrong?
"Director Shen, I have been your assistant for nearly three years." Fang Xiaomei said carefully.

Shen Lin nodded and said: "Xiaomei, your current level is already P5. In our Mihu Electronics, you are also considered a senior manager."

"But if you are always asked to be a secretary, it will be almost impossible to advance to P6."

Fang Xiaomei is very clear about the situation of P6.

The current P6s are almost all vice presidents of various business units.Although she is following Shen Lin now and is very majestic, but compared with P6, she thinks to herself that there is still a big gap between her and P[-].

"Director Shen, I will definitely work hard, and I am very satisfied with my current position."

Fang Xiaomei said timidly: "I still want to study with you for a while."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Studying is naturally a good thing, but Xiaomei, if you keep studying but don't practice it yourself, it will be in vain in the end."

"I think you should think about whether to enter the various business departments of MiKe Electronics, or go to the MiKe Electrical Appliances Mall to practice."

"I'm very satisfied with your work, but you can't always be an assistant."

"While you are young, you should go to the front line to learn and exercise."

Xiaomei, who was looking at the house, wanted to refuse, but Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "Xiaomei, think about this matter carefully, and don't rush to give me an answer now."

Fang Xiaomei nodded solemnly.

She knew very well that as a secretary next to Shen Lin, even the heads of the business department, such as Qiangzi, Cheng Zhenyuan and others, were very polite to her.

But if you want to get real training, you have to eventually take a management position.

However, she was not too willing to leave Shen Lin now.She still understands this principle.

"Director Shen, let me think about it carefully."

After watching Fang Xiaomei leave, Shen Lin gently shook his head.

Although he was a little reluctant to let Fang Xiaomei, a handy secretary, leave, talent was rare and he couldn't let Fang Xiaomei be his secretary for the rest of his life.

This is not a fair thing.

Fang Xiaomei should still get more training while she is young. Only in this way can she go further.

After thinking about Fang Xiaomei's matter, Shen Lin started to look at Yu Fei's information. After flipping through four or five pages, Fang Xiaomei's number was dialed.

"Dr. Shen, Mr. Zuo from Yu Fei is here. Do you have time now?"

Seeing that there was still a thick pile of information, Shen Lin pondered for a moment and said, "Mr. Zuo, please come to the reception room. I will be there in a moment."

After putting down the phone, Shen Lin stopped reading the information. Instead, after moving slightly, he walked towards the reception room with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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