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Chapter 1992 Invitation to Cooperation

Chapter 1992 Invitation to Cooperation

In the MiKe conference room, Zuo Yunfeng, the head of Yufei Company, was drinking tea at this time.

He is in his 40s, a bit fat, and seems to be easy to get along with.

In the eyes of many people, becoming the head of a well-known large factory is definitely something to be proud of, but for Zuo Yunfeng, under the current situation, he has no sense of achievement at all.

Ever since he took over Yufei Company a year ago, Zuo Yunfeng has felt a lot of pressure on his shoulders.

Not to mention the payment of various benefits, as Shenfei's various products have become unsalable, even the basic salary has begun to have problems.

Zuo Yunfeng knew the reason for this situation very well.

First, their own products are updated slowly and have low technical content, so their competitiveness in the market is getting worse and worse.

He also thought about changing these, but the increasingly severe market competition made him feel powerless, anxious but unable to do anything.

This time he hurried over to find Shen Lin, not just to reminisce about old times.

Looking at the living room of MiKe Electronics, which was definitely four or five times smaller than his own company, what he was thinking about was the sales of MiKe Electronics refrigerators.

Although MiKe Electronics' refrigerator sales are not number one, its sales increased last year.

And the profits are not low either.

As far as he knows, the reason for such a good development trend is not only the excellent quality of MiKe refrigerators, but also the name of MiKe Electronics.

For example, recently, the MiKe operating system has been unfairly treated outside. I don’t know how many people have generously donated money to strongly support MiKe Electronics.

When mentioning this kind of situation, Zuo Yunfeng was so impressed that he fell into admiration.

"Mr. Zuo, welcome!"

Just when Zuo Yunfeng was thinking about what would happen next, he saw a young man in his 20s, dressed casually, striding in.

Although Zuo Yunfeng was seeing this young man for the first time, he was no stranger to him.

Because he had read too much news about this person.

It is difficult to put one's own mark on the company of MiKe Electronics.

For example, when people mention their Yufei Company, few people think of Zuo Yunfeng.

But when it comes to MiKe Electronics, everyone's first reaction is to immediately think of its leader, Shen Lin.

When mentioning Shen Lin, people will immediately think of MiKe Electronics.

Mi Ke and Shen Lin can be said to have been connected and inseparable.

"Director Shen, please forgive me for intruding." Zuo Yunfeng stood up and shook hands with Shen Lin.

The people who came with Zuo Yunfeng also stood up.

After Shen Lin shook hands with Zuo Yunfeng, he nodded and shook hands with the visitors one by one. This kind of detail work naturally made him more approachable, which made everyone feel more favorable to him.

Because the two of them are not familiar with each other, it is impossible to talk about family affairs, so the most talked about is work matters.

"Director Shen, this Juying Company is really shameless. We can be said to be filled with righteous indignation at what happened to your company!"

Zuo Yunfei said: "But I believe that Mikeyi Operating System will do better and better under the leadership of Director Shen."

Shen Lin listened to Zuo Yunfei's consolation and said with a smile: "Mr. Zuo, as the saying goes, when the troops come, the water will come and the earth will cover it up. Although Juying Company has plagiarized our products, it is not easy for them to replace us." Things. Our researchers and I adhere to one principle: always be imitated and never surpassed!”

"Not to mention our own people, even in Europa, our MiKe operating system still has the advantage."

"I believe that a company that relies solely on plagiarism to succeed will not last long."

"They not only lost their reputation, they also lost their credibility."

"Who will trust a plagiarizing company in the future, and who will trust a company that clearly plagiarized others and still won the lawsuit?" Shen Lin's words made Zuo Yunfeng nod his head frequently.

If it were me, I would never feel at ease facing such a partner.

After all, such low-level and despicable methods can be used, and even if such methods are used, the case can be won.

He would definitely stay away from such a sinister guy.

"What Director Shen said is very appropriate, so our company has recently established a principle that when purchasing products such as computers, MiKe products must be the priority."

In this sentence, the meaning of goodwill is very clear.

Shen Lin looked at Zuo Yunfeng with a smile on his face and said with a smile: "Mr. Zuo, we can't thank you enough for your strong support of our company!"

"Today you come to our Mihu Electronics. I dare not say anything else. But one thing can be guaranteed. You must have a good drink with Mr. Zuo."

Zuo Yunfeng smiled and said: "Dr. Shen, I would like to toast you a few more times!"

"Although I am a few years older, I am still a newbie in the home appliance industry. I even invited Director Shen to give me some advice."

Having said this, he glanced at the vice president next to him and said, "Director Shen, there are some things that I hope to discuss with Director Shen alone."

Talk alone!
Shen Lin pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, "Of course it's okay."

While speaking, Shen Lin waved towards Fang Xiaomei and others, and Fang Xiaomei and others left quickly.

When only Shen Lin and Zuo Yunfeng were left in the reception room, Zuo Yunfeng said: "Dr. Shen, I am here this time to avoid speaking secretly in front of people."

"I believe Director Shen also understands the situation of our company."

"Our company's life has not been easy, especially in the recent period. Due to poor product sales, we have only been paid half salary for three months."

Zuo Yunfeng said: "I have estimated that if this situation continues, no matter how frugal we are, we will not be able to pay even half a month's salary next month! After all, if you only reduce expenditure without increasing revenue, you will not be able to cure the symptoms. Treating the root cause is not a strategy to save the factory.”

"I came here for one purpose only, which is to hope that Director Shen can invest in our Yufei Company."

Invest in Yufei Company!

Shen Lin looked at Zuo Yunfeng, who looked calm, and fell into deep thought.

Although Yufei Company is encountering difficulties now, there is a saying that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Today, Yufei Company is still a big company.

But joining Shenfei is not a simple matter.

Once you invest in Shenfei, you will not only face Shenfei's resources, but also the heavy burden of Yufei Company.

Seeing Shen Lin's silence, Zuo Yunfeng continued: "The solution proposed above for Shenfei is to introduce cooperation and product upgrades."

"And they also started to help us contact external partners."

"However, as the person in charge of Yufei Company, I still really want to cooperate with a reliable company, so that I can protect the company's most basic interests."

Speaking of this, Zuo Yunfeng said: "Director Shen, the first partner I thought of was MiKe Electronics. Therefore, I came to you rashly without making an appointment with you in advance!"

Looking at Zuo Yunfeng who looked calm, Shen Lin felt a little tangled in his heart.

Yufei Company has a lot of assets. If it is merged with Yufei Company, the refrigerator division of MiKe Electronics will definitely soar into the sky and become a leading company in the industry.

However, Shen Lin feels that this kind of merger also has a lot of hidden dangers.

So after he pondered for a moment, he said to Zuo Yunfeng: "Mr. Zuo, thank you very much for your regard for me, but I need to think about this matter carefully."

"My company can't just say anything. I need to discuss it with other members of the board of directors."

(End of this chapter)

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