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Chapter 1996 Opportunity and Crisis

Chapter 1996 Opportunity and Crisis

Changlong Hotel!
In the largest private room, Shen Lin, Lan Weidong and others were entertaining Zuo Yunfeng and others.

Although Shen Lin himself advocates frugality, sometimes the importance that should be shown still needs to be shown.

Half of the food has been served, and Shen Lin's bottle of wine has been finished.

At this time, most of the people's faces had some blushes.

At this reception banquet, everyone basically talked about friendship and not about work matters.

Lan Weidong is a good drinker, and he used to be friends with the sales manager of Yu Fei Company.

So with two people present, the atmosphere at the wine table was extremely warm for a while.

"Director Shen, thank you very much for your reception. I would like to propose a toast to you." Zuo Yunfeng held the wine glass and said to Shen Lin with a smile.

Although they are both chairman of the company, Zuo Yunfeng is very aware that there is a big gap between him and Shen Lin.

The most intuitive point is that he is only the manager of Yufei Company, while Shen Lin is the owner of MiKe Electronics.

Although there are many small shareholders in MiKe Electronics, Zuo Yunfeng is very aware of the gap between himself and Shen Lin.

What's more, the current Yufei Company is incomparable to MiKe Electronics.

Shen Lin responded to Zuo Yunfeng's toast and said with a smile: "Mr. Zuo is too polite. We are all our own people, so don't say such disrespectful things."

"Let's have a drink together."

Following Shen Lin's suggestion, everyone present drank a drink together.

As the glass of wine was drank, everyone's interest suddenly became more enthusiastic.

After Zuo Yunfeng drank a few more glasses of wine, he said drunkenly: "Dr. Shen, do you have any thoughts about our affairs?"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Mr. Zuo, originally I planned to talk to you about this matter tomorrow."

"But since you asked today, I will tell you directly."

"Regarding this matter, I exchanged opinions with the members of the board of directors of Mihu. If we are allowed to take over Yufei Company, we need to agree to these conditions."

"The first condition is that Yufei Company's current burden is too heavy. When we take over Yufei Company, Yufei Company's burden must be as agreed..."

"The second condition is that I think Yufei's management is too bloated."

"If we, MiKe Electronics, are allowed to enter Yufei Company, then Yufei Company's existing management will need to be adjusted."

"and also……"

When Shen Lin was speaking, everyone present had fallen silent.

Especially the senior executives of Yu Fei Company who came with Zuo Yunfeng pricked up their ears to listen to Shen Lin's conditions.

For them, they are very clear about the current situation of Yufei Company.

I know that Yu Fei must now introduce new partners so that Yu Fei Company can develop.

The conditions of rice shell electrons are directly related to their future.

However, after Shen Lin's conditions were stated one by one, most people's faces became a little ugly.

The vice president of Yufei Company who was sitting next to Zuo Yunfeng said in a deep voice without waiting for Shen Lin to finish the conditions: "Director Shen, don't you think your conditions are too harsh?"

“The reason why we were the first to consider MiKe Electronics was because we didn’t want Yufei Company to take advantage of others.”

"It's not that our Yufei company can't find investors."

Zuo Yunfeng waved his hand towards the vice president and said, "Old Chen, Director Shen hasn't finished speaking yet, what do you want to say?"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Zuo, from our point of view, if we invest in Yufei Company, these conditions must be met."

"Otherwise, we might as well build a new factory ourselves." "Of course, cooperation is a matter for both parties. No one can force this."

Zuo Yunfeng looked at Shen Lin with a smile on his face and knew that with his own help, the possibility of making Shen Lin change his mind was slim.

If Shen Lin's conditions were followed, then Yufei Company would not have much to do with him.

So after thinking for a while, he said: "Dr. Shen, thank you for your understanding."

"Come, let me toast you again and wish your business prosperity."

Shen Lin raised his wine glass and said with a smile: "I also wish Mr. Zuo that his wishes will come true."

The two of them laughed and said nothing.

Because the cooperation was destined to fail, the following reception ended in a hurry.

After Shen Lin politely sent Zuo Yunfeng and others away, he prepared to return to his office.

Lan Weidong followed Shen Lin with one finger. Although he had drunk a lot of wine, his spirit was extremely sober at this time.

"Director Shen, although Yufei Company is in decline now, they still have a lot of assets. If they can be merged, it will definitely bring us considerable benefits."

Listening to Lan Weidong's opinion, Shen Lin waved his hand and said: "Yu Fei Company has good assets, but there are some things that we need to deal with in advance."

"If you don't handle it well and jump into it rashly, there will be endless troubles."

"And we can't just look at the benefits, but also look at the risks involved."

Having said this, Shen Lin said: "Forget it, let's leave this matter as it is."

"How are the sales at the mall these days?"

Although Lan Weidong felt that it was a pity to give up Yu Fei Company, he would definitely obey Shen Lin's decision.

When he heard Shen Lin's question, he suddenly smiled and said, "Director Shen, the sales of our various shopping malls have been rising sharply in the past few days."

"Preliminary estimates indicate that sales revenue in the past few days has increased by 50.00% year-on-year. Although it is not as good as the previous two days, it has stabilized."

"If we continue at this level, our Mihu Electrical Appliances Market will be able to double its profits by the end of the year compared to last year."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Old Lan, you should worry more about the shopping mall. Let's not worry too much about doubling or not. My requirement is that we must increase customer recognition."

“We must give up the places where benefits should be given.”

While Shen Lin and Lan Weidong were chatting, Zuo Yunfeng and others had already returned to the hotel.

Although they all drank, no one at this moment had any intention of resting.

"Shen Lin is so arrogant!" the vice president known as Lao Chen said loudly: "We came to him because we want to introduce cooperation."

"But he's good. His condition is not only to swallow us in one bite, but also to let us deliver it to his mouth with joy."

"If you ask me, he is dreaming!"

Zuo Yunfeng did not say anything, but looked at several other subordinates.

These subordinates all had gloomy faces at this time, and they all looked a little unhappy.

"Mr. Zuo, I agree with Lao Chen. Let's go back. That company in Lion City is very interested in investing in us."

“I think it’s better to cooperate with others than with MiKe Electronics.”

"They're just so harsh."

Zuo Yunfeng listened to what everyone said, slowly took a cigarette and lit it, took two heavy puffs and said: "Then let's go back tomorrow."

"I still don't believe it. Without Shen Lin and MiKe Electronics, we can't survive."

(End of this chapter)

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