Chapter 1997

The departure of Zuo Yunfeng and others was expected by Shen Lin.

After all, if the two parties did not reach cooperation, they would naturally not stay.

As for the failure of this cooperation, Shen Lin didn't feel any pity in his heart.

Although Yufei Company is a piece of fat, it is undeniable that it is also a hard nut to crack. As a company with a responsible person, Shen Lin must start and finish everything.

If you don't negotiate in advance, what happens next will be very troublesome.

So Shen Lin would rather agree first than to compete later.

What's more, the sales of Mihu refrigerators are also very good. If a sum of money is spent to expand a new factory, the effect will not be bad.

Before Zuo Yunfeng left, he called Shen Lin.

It means that because the company has other things, I won't come to say goodbye to Director Shen.

Shen Lin understood Zuo Yunfeng's euphemistic expression.

That is, if the business is not concluded, there will be no need to trouble Shen Lin.

Shen Lin was also very personable and wished Zuo Yunfeng and his party a safe journey.

After dealing with Zuo Yunfeng's matter, Shen Lin called Fang Xiaomei to his office.

Shen Lin has already made arrangements for Fang Xiaomei's whereabouts.

"Xiaomei, since you haven't decided whether to go to MiKe Electronics or MiKe Electrical Appliances Store, I'll make the decision for you."

"You go to Mihu City."

Fang Xiaomei has always been very conflicted about leaving Shen Lin.

She didn't want to leave Shen Lin's side, but what Shen Lin said was very reasonable. She couldn't always be a secretary.

In this case, she began to wonder where she should go.

MiKe Electronics is very important to the MiKe System, but the MiKe Electrical Appliances Store is not bad either.

But just when she didn't know what to choose, Shen Lin decided to let her go to Mihu City.

Fang Xiaomei is very clear about the importance of Mi Ke City.

After all, the construction of a Mihu City costs a lot of money.

And now, pulling out Mi Ke City alone reflects the importance Shen Lin attaches to Mi Ke City.

"Director Shen, I will definitely live up to your expectations." Fang Xiaomei looked at Shen Lin and said in a deep voice.

Shen Lin nodded and said: "Xiaomei, you should understand the situation of MiKe City. This time, MiKe City is listed separately from MiKe Electrical Appliances Mall in order to allow MiKe City to develop better."

"I am going to let Sun Kang be the person in charge of Mihu City. After you go there, you will become the deputy manager of any one of the five Mihu cities."

"According to your level, even serving as Sun Kang's deputy is enough."

"But you don't have first-hand knowledge of the operating conditions of Mihu City, so I think you should be down-to-earth and take it step by step."

"Only in this way can we take on big responsibilities."

Fang Xiaomei instantly understood what Shen Lin meant. Although the position given to her by Director Shen was lower than her own, it was to cultivate her ability to be independent.

Although the deputy general manager of Mihu City is good, it is difficult for her to be recognized for her abilities.

However, to serve as the deputy manager of any shopping mall in Mihu City, and then become the manager of the mall, doing this step by step and achieving results step by step will lay a solid foundation for her future development.

"Thank you, Director Shen, for considering me. I will work hard and never embarrass you."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Okay, as long as you have the energy."

Having said this, Shen Lin said: "Before you leave, I will give you another task, which is to find a secretary for me."

"I trust your vision."

Fang Xiaomei felt excited after hearing Shen Lin entrusting such an important matter to herself.The last one who was arranged like this by Shen Lin was Liang Jialuo. Fang Xiaomei had always felt that although she was very valued in front of Shen Lin, her importance was definitely not as important as Liang Jialuo's.

But now, she felt that Shen Lin valued her as much as Liang Jialuo.

"Director Shen, I will definitely choose a competent secretary for you."

After reporting on several tasks, Fang Xiaomei left Shen Lin's office.

Sitting at her desk, Fang Xiaomei's heart was filled with reluctance and expectation.

What she was reluctant to give up was getting used to working next to Shen Lin, and what she was looking forward to was how she could show off her talents when she became the person in charge of Mihu City.

Just when her mind was in chaos, Lan Weidong walked in accompanied by Sun Kang.

Seeing these two people, Fang Xiaomei was stunned for a moment, and instantly understood the purpose of their visit.

She quickly stood up and greeted Lan Weidong and Sun Kang.

Lan Weidong looked at Fang Xiaomei and said with a smile: "Xiaomei, I was originally worried that Sun Kang would be under too much pressure in Mihu City."

"If you go over like this, haha, you can take a lot of pressure off of him!"

After hearing what Lan Weidong said, Fang Xiaomei hurriedly said: "Mr. Lan, I am just a soldier under Mr. Sun. If you want to share the pressure with Mr. Sun, it must be you."

Sun Kang also knew that Fang Xiaomei was going to follow him. Although he felt a little awkward about this arrangement, he did not object to it.

After all, Mihu City is very important, and it is impossible for Shen Lin not to arrange for his own people.

What's more, the position Shen Lin assigned Fang Xiaomei was not to check and balance himself, but more like assigning Fang Xiaomei to exercise.

Of course, with Fang Xiaomei's past, Shen Lin could not hide any news about Mi Ke City.

And he, Sun Kang, had never thought about where he could hide from the sky and cross the sea secretly.

"Xiaomei, your arrangement is only temporary. Director Shen mainly wants to train you." Lan Weidong said: "After you go over, don't let down Director Shen's hard work!"

Having said this, he continued: "Xiaomei, please see if Director Shen is free now? If so, Sun Kang and I will go there."

Fang Xiaomei agreed and called Shen Lin.

Watching Lan Weidong and Sun Kang walk into Shen Lin's office, Fang Xiaomei began to think about how to carry out her next work.

Just as all kinds of thoughts were running through her mind, a phone rang.

Fang Xiaomei answered the phone, and Qiangzi's voice came from inside: "Xiaomei, are you busy?"

"Hello, Mr. Qiang, I am helping Director Shen sort out some information. Can you arrange anything." Fang Xiaomei respected Qiangzi and other general managers who were responsible for one aspect.

Qiangzi said: "Xiaomei, I heard that Director Shen is planning to arrange for you to go out and exercise. This is a very rare opportunity."

"If you stay as a secretary, although you can still improve, your improvement will be limited."

"Only by going to our business department or shopping mall to practice, can you go further."

"I think it won't take long for you to be able to take charge of one party."

Hearing Qiangzi's words, Fang Xiaomei couldn't help but be humble.

Qiangzi and Fang Xiaomei chatted some more about work, and then said in a deep voice: "Xiaomei, have you decided on Director Shen's secretary?"

After hearing Qiangzi's question, Fang Xiaomei understood what he meant by calling.Immediately he said: "Director Shen hasn't confirmed it yet, he is asking me to find it first."

"Xiao Mei, then I have found the right person. Let me recommend someone to you. I think she is particularly suitable!"

As Qiangzi spoke, he introduced this person's situation.

Fang Xiaomei was very familiar with this kind of thing. She only said she would report it to Shen Lin and would not express her opinion casually.

However, although she dealt with the hadron, this was only the beginning...

(End of this chapter)

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