Chapter 1998 One stone kills a thousand waves
Dongzhou, MiKe Electronics!
Cheng Zhenyuan was sitting in his office, drinking tea and reading documents.

Although Shen Lin did not have to worry about most things after he restructured his business units. He only had to hold carrots and sticks to urge the heads of each business unit to work hard. However, when all kinds of trivial matters came together, there were Quite a few.

Of course, everything that comes together is a big deal.

Cheng Zhenyuan, who is in his 50s this year, has always been recognized as the number two figure in Mihu Electronics.

Ever since Shen Lin placed his main office in Beijing, he has basically been solely responsible for everything in Dongzhou.

But Cheng Zhenyuan also has self-awareness. He knows his own ability, which is what makes him stand out from the crowd.

If it weren't for Shen Lin, I might still be squatting at home.

Therefore, he never had any objection to Shen Lin's arrangements.

"Mr. Cheng, you are busy!" A voice full of enthusiasm suddenly sounded.

Looking at the person who walked in through the door, Cheng Zhenyuan was not angry. He put down the documents and said, "Fat Aunt, what's the matter?"

Although the fat aunt is careless, she is his right-hand man.

As the person in charge of the company's internal climate, Fat Auntie dares to speak and act, and even the heads of some business departments are a little afraid of her.

What's more, her qualifications are old enough, and she can be considered a person who can speak in front of Shen Lin.

Fat Aunt and Cheng Zhenyuan were not polite. They sat down and said, "Mr. Cheng, you have something to say."

"We received reports from employees that Xiao Ma, the deputy manager of our electric vehicle division, is dishonest."

As soon as the fat aunt said this, Cheng Zhenyuan put down the documents in his hand.

Dishonest is not a good word for evaluation, but this pony's abilities are pretty good.

"Please explain in detail." Cheng Zhenyuan said solemnly.

"As far as I know, this little pony is very active now and plays all kinds of tricks. He has a wife of his own, and now he is hooking up with a female teacher from outside. He says that the red flag at home is not down, but the colorful flag is flying outside!"

"It makes the family uneasy and has a bad impact on us."

At this time, Cheng Zhenyuan had already picked up the pen he had put down.

He originally thought that Fat Auntie had heard about Xiao Ma's dirty hands and feet at work.

If that's the case, he really has to be careful, at least not under the lamp.But he didn't expect that the fat aunt was actually talking about his lifestyle.

Cheng Zhenyuan doesn't care too much about his life style.

"So, Fat Aunt, what do you think?" Cheng Zhenyuan asked.

"I think that although this pony is capable, such actions that damage the company's reputation will ruin the reputation of our MiKe Electronics."

"I think he should be suspended from his position as deputy manager."

"De is not qualified. He is not suitable to be the deputy manager." Fat Auntie said firmly: "Otherwise, the atmosphere of our company will be ruined by him."

Listening to Fat Aunt's firm words, Cheng Zhenyuan said: "Fat Aunt, this pony is quite capable."

"Director Shen even praised him a few days ago."

"If you transfer him away like this, it won't look good on Director Shen. In my opinion, it's better to give him a wake-up call and give him a warning first so that he can deal with the internal conflicts in his family."

"If it can't be handled well and it doesn't stop, we will deal with him again."

The fat aunt said: "Old Cheng, you are just trying to make trouble!"

"If we let him handle it, it won't have the deterrent effect we want."

"I think it's better to demote him first."

"If the negative impact of his lifestyle cannot be eliminated, he will be removed from office directly!"

Listening to the fat aunt's insistence, Cheng Zhenyuan was a little helpless.

Although he can't keep his word, even Qiangzi and the others will basically listen to the things he arranges.But when it comes to Fat Auntie, it doesn't work anymore.

But he also knew that Fat Auntie did this for work.

Moreover, what the fat aunt said is not unreasonable.

"Okay, then let's do what you said." Cheng Zhenyuan sighed and said, "These young people get confused after they have money. They should be given some strength."

After chatting for a while with the fat aunt, Cheng Zhenyuan picked up the documents again, but he found that the fat aunt had no intention of leaving at this time.

"Fat Aunt, are you okay?" Cheng Zhenyuan and Fat Aunt have known each other for many years. Looking at her like this, he knew that she was okay.

The fat aunt hesitated for a moment, then said: "Old Cheng, did you know? Director Shen has already prepared to send Fang Xiaomei to Mihu City, and is now selecting a new secretary."

Cheng Zhenyuan was naturally aware of this matter. When he decided to let Sun Kang manage Mike City, Shen Lin mentioned Fang Xiaomei's matter.

In Cheng Zhenyuan's view, Fang Xiaomei has been very good at being with Director Shen in the past few years. She is the backbone of the company. Young people like this should be given more training.

Being a secretary all the time is indeed a bit humiliating.

"I know, what's wrong?" Cheng Zhenyuan asked casually.

"I'm talking about Lao Cheng, why are you so stubborn!" The fat aunt couldn't help but said: "Old Cheng, our MiKe Electronics is the foundation of the entire MiKe Group. You think, if Director Shen's secretary If it’s not from our MiKe Electronics, what will the electrical appliance market and logistics think of us?”

"I heard that Guangzi is busy selecting capable candidates to compete for the position of Secretary Shen!"

Cheng Zhenyuan looked at the fat aunt who was gearing up, and said helplessly: "What does Director Shen value? It's work, not the secretary."

"Aren't you making such a fuss!"

The fat aunt said: "Oh my Mr. Cheng, having a secretary like Fang Xiaomei by Director Shen's side can save us a lot of things!"

"If you don't want to take care of this matter, leave it to me."

"I know there are many capable young people in our company."

"We must not let the MiKe Electrical Appliances Mall steal the spotlight this time."

Looking at the fat aunt who looked like she was about to charge into battle, Cheng Zhenyuan also felt that it was good to have a secretary to the chairman from his side.

He immediately said: "Okay, since you want to take on this job, I will leave this matter to you."

"You choose carefully, don't let it slip by then!"

When the fat aunt heard that Cheng Zhenyuan had entrusted this important matter to her, she was immediately elated and promised happily: "My dear Mr. Cheng, just don't worry, I will definitely handle this matter for you. Absolutely nothing will go wrong.”

"Okay, you go ahead and get busy, I'll choose now."

Looking at the excited fat aunt, Cheng Zhenyuan shook his head.

However, he also understood in his heart that if he worked beside Shen Lin for a while, he would have a bright future in MiKe Electronics.

Take Fang Xiaomei as an example. She has good abilities. If she performs well again, she may be able to become the person in charge of Mihu City in a few days.

For many people, this is an elusive position.

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Cheng Zhenyuan focused on a fax sent from Shen Lin.

Shen Lin wants to advance the winter launch of Mihu by one month, and wants the production department to make product production adjustments.

Cheng Zhenyuan knew very well why Shen Lin adjusted the time of the winter press conference.Although he agreed with Shen Lin's arrangement, he didn't quite understand why Shen Lin insisted on entering computer operating systems.

In his opinion, the computer operating system has never been profitable from its launch to the present.

Now I have experienced a lot of setbacks outside.

Director Shen is also determined to increase investment in this area. Now, for the sake of the operating system, the winter conference has been moved forward, which is a bit putting the cart before the horse.

I hope there won't be any problems at this press conference.

(End of this chapter)

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