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Chapter 1999 He doesn’t have that strength

Chapter 1999 He doesn’t have that strength
The news that MiKe Electronics will hold a winter press conference in advance spread very quickly.

It can be said that in just one day, many people already know it.

For many media, this news made them find the news to report, and the companies that are competitors of Mihu Electronics paid great attention to them one by one.

After all, this is related to their survival plan.

As MiKe Electronics becomes stronger and stronger, it has formed a super brand in the home appliance industry.

For products of the same quality, many people who buy them only recognize MiKe Electronics. This situation puts a lot of pressure on many friends.

However, what these friends discussed the most was why MiKe Electronics suddenly held a press conference in advance, and what the content of this winter press conference was.

But Juying Company, which had just had a tit-for-tat confrontation with MiKe Electronics, was now discussing the purpose of MiKe Electronics.

Mr. Yabo was sitting behind his desk, silently looking at the information about the winter new product launch conference of MiKe Electronics. Opposite him, sitting there were Mr. Yin and Vice President Jin of Sanchen Company.

Sanchen Company is a large company, and as the boss, Mr. Li cannot stay here forever.

So after he and Mr. Yin had a showdown with Mr. Yabo, he left a vice president to continue the discussion with Mr. Yabo, and then he went back to the head office.

"Mr. Yin, why did Shen Lin hold this winter press conference? Among us, you know MiKe Electronics and Shen Lin the best."

Mr. Yin suffered the most from this cooperation. Many of the promised orders fell through directly because of this cooperation.

There are even many people who have strong opinions on Mr. Yin.

Now when he hears Mr. Yabo asking himself, his first thought is to ignore Mr. Yabo.

After all, Mr. Yabo did not respond to the conditions he proposed.

But his reason told him that now he was tied to a rope with Mr. Yabo.

If he had a falling out with Mr. Yabo at this time, it would not do him any good.

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Mr. Yin said with a smile: "Mr. Yabo, since MiKe Electronics lost the lawsuit with you, the sales of various products have increased significantly."

"At least, in terms of computers, their sales this month are already twice as much as ours."

Having said this, Mr. Yin sighed and said, "Our life is getting more and more miserable!"

"Some people in our company have even started to say that I have management problems."

Why didn't Mr. Yabo understand Mr. Yin's other intentions? He said in a deep voice: "Mr. Yin, the most important thing for us now is to figure out what MiKe Electronics is going to do."

Having said this, he glanced at Vice President Jin of Sanchen Company, whose expression remained unchanged, and said, "Of course, we will never let our partners suffer."

"Mr. Yin, you can rest assured on this."

Mr. Yin had already said what he wanted to say, so he stopped at this time.

"Mr. Yabo, I think Shen Lin moved up the winter press conference this time in order to sell goods."

"After all, now, MiKe Electronics is in the sympathy of consumers, just like a tragic hero."

“Nowadays, many people buy their products from MiKe Electronics.”

“Taking advantage of this period to hold a winter press conference will make MiKe Electronics’ new products a great success.”

"In this way, Shen Lin can turn bad things into good things."

Mr. Yin's words made Mr. Yabo nodded slightly.

Although he comes from a technical background, he also has extensive knowledge in business operations.

In Mr. Yabo's opinion, Shen Lin's attitude of mourning the soldiers is exactly the time when it can be turned into profits.

However, Mr. Yabo did not say anything, but looked at Vice President Jin. "Mr. Jin, what is your Sanchen Company's opinion on this matter?"

Vice President Jin was very respectful to Mr. Yabo. He smiled and said: "Mr. Yabo, our views on this matter are similar to those of Mr. Yin and others."

"This is all a business method."

"So I think we don't need to pay attention to this matter at all."

"Let's just continue to promote your Juyingwu operating system."

Mr. Yabo frowned after listening to Vice President Jin’s suggestion.Although his Juying operating system has been selling well in the United States recently, its sales here have been a complete failure.

Except for Mr. Yin, whose products use the Juyingwu operating system, there are simply very few other buyers.

In this case, although Mr. Yabo was very angry, there was nothing he could do.

After all, if others don't buy it, he can't buy it just because he wants it.

Ignore Shen Lin?

When Shen Lin holds a winter press conference at this time, will they focus their marketing on MiKe Electronics products, and the investment in MiKe operating system will be greatly reduced?
Thoughts kept surging in Mr. Yabo’s mind.

He pondered for a moment and then said: "Mr. Yin, Vice President Jin, I wonder if you two have any way to snipe the sales of MiKe Electronics."

"If we let MiKe Electronics' products sell well and thus obtain more funds, it will not be of any benefit to us."

Mr. Yin remained silent. He had no choice in this regard.

Vice President Jin, after pondering for a moment, said to Mr. Yabo: "Mr. Yabo, I think this matter is not impossible."

"If Mr. Yabo can come forward again, please ask Mr. Kazuo Shuangjing to organize some giants in the home appliance industry to sell a batch of goods at cost price."

"As a result, MiKe Electronics' products will become unsalable."

"I think that although some people will complain about MiKe Electronics, there will never be anyone who thinks they have too much money."

"Not to mention that no one would ignore the advantage in front of them and take advantage of others in vain."

Mr. Yabo nodded. Although Vice President Jin’s method is very simple, it is quite practical.

As long as the price is reduced, no matter how good Shen Lin's products are, customers will be lost.

It's just that if you step forward, the favors you owe will all be yours.

From the bottom of his heart, Mr. Yabo was unwilling to do this.

But looking at Mr. Yin who was motionless, he knew that there was no need to rely on Mr. Yin.

"I can ask Kazuo Shuangjing to come forward in this matter." Mr. Yabo said: "In addition to Shuangjing Xinsheng, I also have several friends in the home appliance retail industry."

"Ask them to help us, and let's make the noise bigger."

Listening to Mr. Yabo's confident words, Mr. Yin felt a little uneasy for some reason.

After a moment's hesitation, he turned to Mr. Yabo and said, "Mr. Yabo, is it possible that Shen Lin is making an attempt to make a fool of himself?"

"Will they make any other moves?"

Mr. Yabo looked at Mr. Yin who looked solemn and smiled and said: "Mr. Yin, you are also an old man in the computer industry. Do you think MiKe Electronics, after releasing the MiKe operating system, in such a short period of time, Can a better operating system be developed?"

"If Shen Lin told you this, would you believe it?"

(End of this chapter)

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