Chapter 2000 News about Mi Yuan

Shen Lin was not aware of the discussion between Mr. Yabo and others.

For Shen Lin, although the winter conference is regarded as a means, the winter conference is after all a major event for MiKe Electronics.

Advance is advance, but it should also be done as a priority.

The protagonist of this winter conference is MiKe’s latest PHS.

Shen Lin has already used this PHS phone called MiKe [-] Pro.

Not only has the material of the black PHS been improved, but according to Shen Lin's request, the original straight phone has also been turned into a clamshell.

In his previous life, Shen Lin also used flip phones. His favorite was a flip phone from Motorcycle.

Not only is the screen large, it's also ultra-thin.

At this time, Shen Lin was holding such a flip phone.

Open, close, open, close again!

Holding the flip-top PHS, Shen Lin really felt like he had returned to his previous life.

It's a pity that although cameras are now added, the quality of the photos is only a few hundred thousand pixels.

It is far from the tens of millions of pixels of later generations.

While Shen Lin was playing with the PHS, Fang Xiaomei opened the door and walked in.

Now Fang Xiaomei has begun to hand over the work, and her new appointment has been basically confirmed.

The deputy manager of Jingli Rice Shell City.

Although he is only a deputy, everyone knows that after working as the secretary of the big boss for so many years, he is Shen Lin's confidant.

If it weren't for Fang Xiaomei's average appearance, and the fact that her big boss always kept himself clean and had a good reputation, I don't know how many people would gossip about Fang Xiaomei.

"Director Shen, this is the document you want to deal with." Fang Xiaomei handed a stack of documents to Shen Lin out of habit.

Shen Lin turned over a copy and said, "Xiaomei, is there anything important?"

"Director Shen, most of them are routine reports. What needs your attention is a request from Mr. Cheng regarding the removal of the vice president of the business department."

Fang Xiaomei had already read through most of the document and introduced it to Shen Lin very seriously.

Shen Lin knew very well about the dismissed vice president.

He glanced at the document and said in a deep voice, "I know about this matter. Mr. Cheng has already called us to discuss it."

"Director Shen, here is some information about the new secretary. Please take a look." As Fang Xiaomei spoke, she handed Shen Lin another thick stack of paper.

Shen Lin took a look and saw that there were thirty or forty reports.

Opening one at random, I saw it read: Chen Yuexiang, female, 22 years old, graduated from...

In addition to the basic information, there are also photos on it, which is obviously to make it easier for you to choose.

Shen Lin looked at the thick pile and said directly to Fang Xiaomei: "Why are there so many?"

Fang Xiaomei also said helplessly: "Director Shen, as soon as everyone heard that I was going to be decentralized, not only the branches recommended, but also some business departments, all recommended candidates."

"In order to give you a wider selection, I did a preliminary screening and eliminated those that were really unsuitable, and these are the only ones left."

Fang Xiaomei was also a little exhausted physically and mentally at this time.

She originally thought that it would be a happy thing for her to personally select a successor.

However, as more and more people recommended it, Fang Xiaomei felt more and more that this was really not something she could do.

It's so hard!

Some of the people who recommend it really can’t offend themselves.

However, there is only one position for secretary Shen Lin, and it is very difficult for her to do it.

Shen Lin looked at Fang Xiaomei who looked uncomfortable, smiled and said, "You made this matter complicated yourself."

"It's actually pretty simple."

"Let's do this, you use the name of the chairman's office to notify MiKe Electronics, MiKe Electrical Appliances Mall and MiKe Logistics."

"Let them recommend only one candidate for secretary in each aspect." "Then invite these three people to come to Beijing for a unified assessment."

"Wouldn't it be easier this way?"

The method Shen Lin said was very simple, clear and efficient, but Fang Xiaomei was afraid that doing so might offend others at first.

"Xiaomei, don't worry. This is a decision made by the company, not your personal decision."

"Whoever feels uncomfortable has nothing to do with you."

"By the way, please mention one thing in the notice. The secretary does not need to be too beautiful."

Hearing what Shen Linjia said, Fang Xiaomei couldn't help but laugh, and then said: "Okay, Director Shen, I will make arrangements right away, and I will select my replacement as soon as possible."

After sending Fang Xiaomei away, Shen Lin couldn't help but shook his head.

The last time he asked Liang Jialuo to choose a secretary for him, he basically didn't worry about it too much.

At that time, it seemed that there were not that many people running for election.

However, Shen Lin didn't have to worry too much about this matter. Just let Fang Xiaomei pay attention to such matters.

The secretary's report was still on the table. Shen Lin picked it up and saw a familiar photo on the report.

Mi Yuan!

How can Mi Yuan recommend it?
Isn’t she doing a good job in the external product sales department of MiKe Electronics?During this period of time, she basically stayed in Pengcheng.

Suspicious in his heart, Shen Lin flipped through Mi Yuan's information.

There is nothing else about the content, except that in the marital status column, it says divorced.


Is Mi Yuan divorced?

I remember the last time I saw her, she had just married a university lecturer.

Life seems pretty good.

Why did you get divorced so quickly?

What exactly is this situation?
Shen Lin was a little curious. He still had Mi Yuan's phone number in his PHS.

Almost instinctively, Shen Lin wanted to call Mi Yuan and ask what happened.

But in the end, Shen Lin's call was not dialed.

There are various situations when a person gets divorced. At this time, I called to ask, for what purpose?

As thoughts surged in his mind, Shen Lin suddenly had the idea of ​​transferring Mi Yuan to him.

But in the end, Shen Lin suppressed this thought.

Nothing happened between the two of them, and I even had a dream about Mi Yuan.

If two people get along day and night, isn't this an obvious test of their determination?

As a friend, it's okay to give Mi Yuan appropriate care. As for other things, it's better to take matters into your own hands and keep a proper distance.

As thoughts flashed one by one, Shen Lin had already made a decision in his mind. He silently put Mi Yuan's information back into the secretary's pile of materials, and then looked at the information again.

However, for a long time, one thought has been lingering in his mind, that is, why did Mi Yuan get divorced?
This is less than a year’s work!
But no one could answer this kind of question for Shen Lin.

When he was about to get off work, Shen Lin's phone rang. When he answered the call, he heard Hadron's voice coming from inside.

"Brother Shen, are you busy now? I have something I want to report to you."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Qiangzi, if you have anything to say, just tell me."

"Brother Shen, my subordinates reported that in the past two days, many foreign electrical appliances have begun to reduce their prices significantly."

“And there are quite a few brands involved.”

"I feel like they are doing this for our winter conference?" Qiangzi said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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