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Chapter 2001 Price Reduction Frenzy

Chapter 2001 Price Reduction Frenzy
It is normal for a product from a foreign home appliance brand to drop in price.

But now, a bunch of foreign brands are all cutting prices, which is absolutely abnormal.

After all, with the increase in raw materials, most products are now increasing in price.

And these Mihu Electronics have just announced a new product launch conference, and there are a lot of electrical appliances here with price cuts. In such a situation, even without thinking, you can guess that someone is causing trouble.

Shen Lin said calmly: "It is their right for them to lower prices."

"By the way, are their prices lower than ours?"

"Brother Shen, their price reduction is a lot lower than the original price."

"But because their prices are generally higher than ours, after price cuts, they are still much higher than ours."

Hearing what Qiangzi said, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Then what are you worried about?"

"The competition between our products and those foreign brands depends on our quality."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said with a smile: "What they surrendered to them should have little impact on us."

When Qiangzi heard what Shen Lin said, he smiled and said, "Brother Shen, you just need to know what's going on. I'll continue to pay attention to their actions in this regard."

"By the way, Brother Shen, the secretary I recommend to you this time is a top student from an undergraduate school who specializes in business management."

"I think this little girl has very good abilities."

"There is absolutely no problem taking over from Fang Xiaomei."

After listening to Qiangzi's recommendation, Shen Lin said calmly: "Qiangzi, I will consider this matter. You should be busy with your own affairs."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Lin ignored the secretary recommended by Qiangzi, but thought about the price reduction of foreign home appliances.

Shen Lin was not in a hurry about this situation.

After all, in terms of quality and reputation, MiKe Electronics' products have always been as good as foreign products.

Just as various thoughts were surging in Shen Lin's mind, Fang Xiaomei stepped in.

"Director Shen, I just received a call saying that Mr. Chu from Rainbow TV has arrived in Beijing and wants to visit you."

Rainbow TV!

Although MiKe TV is now unique and can be said to be the best with its LCD TV, Rainbow TV's sales are also very large.

The products they make are basically low-end.

Although the profit is not too high, the total sales volume is very large.

It can be said to be a color TV giant alongside MiKe Electronics.

Because they are both in the home appliance industry, there has been some competition between Mihu and Rainbow TV.

However, no matter what, Shen Lin still had to give him some face when the boss of Rainbow TV came to visit.

"Xiaomei, please give me a call back and tell me that I am waiting for Mr. Chu to arrive at any time."

"Also, if it is convenient for Mr. Chu tonight, I hope to invite Mr. Chu to have a meal."

Fang Xiaomei agreed and returned to her office to make a phone call.

Soon, Fang Xiaomei came over to report that Rainbow TV was with Mr. Chu and was preparing to visit Shen Lin at MiKe Electronics in half an hour.

While Shen Lin was arranging people to prepare for the reception, he was thinking about what Mr. Chu of Rainbow TV was doing here.

Rainbow TV’s sales are very good.

After all, nowadays, many people are switching to color TVs, and the cheap Rainbow TV is very competitive at the low end.

Although it is not as profitable as Mihu, it is still possible to make a profit.

I don't have much contact with Mr. Chu. Does he really need to come to visit me?

Could it be related to LCD TV?
Half an hour later, Shen Lin arrived at the foot of the office building. When a black car stopped, Shen Lin greeted it with a smile.

Mr. Chu is 50 years old. He is tall and dressed in a suit. He looks smart and capable, giving people a sense of resoluteness.

As the person in charge of a large factory with thousands of employees, he would definitely stomp his feet, enough to make the ground tremble.He is different from Zuo Yunfeng.

Although they are both at the helm of large factories, the difference is that Zuo Yunfeng has already had financial problems.

But Mr. Chu's Rainbow TV has been growing like a rainbow and is still selling well.

After all, people want to buy a color TV, but the sales of washing machines are not as popular as color TVs.

Also, there are not many small factories that can compete.

"Mr. Chu, welcome!" Shen Lin smiled and extended his hands after Mr. Chu got off the car.

Looking at Shen Lin's outstretched hands, Mr. Chu responded with a smile: "Dr. Shen, how can I bother you to wait for me here? It's really a sin!"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Mr. Chu, we are old friends. Isn't it right for me to come and wait for you in advance?"

Speaking of this, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Chu, this is not the place to talk. Let's go upstairs. I have prepared tea."

"Hahaha, Director Shen, when I came this time, I made a special trip to our Wuliangye factory and got a few boxes of aged wine from them."

"Let's have a good drink this time."

Mr. Chu waved his hand and said, "How about the taste of their old wine?"

Shen Lin usually doesn't like drinking much, and his drinking capacity is average.

But now, with Mr. Chu talking about this, Shen Lin can only risk his life to accompany the gentleman.

"Then I'm in luck." Shen Lin said with a smile, "This time I really got Mr. Chu's favor."

While the two were chatting and laughing, they arrived at the conference room that had been prepared long ago.

After the guests and hosts were seated, Mr. Chu said angrily: "Dr. Shen, after reading about the MiKe operating system, I was so angry that I couldn't sleep."

"Those companies outside just don't like us."

"Hehe, not only are we technically blocked, but once our technology surpasses theirs, they will plagiarize shamelessly."

"Not to mention plagiarism, why don't you shamelessly give us insufficient evidence?"

"This is your brother who has a big heart. If it happened to me, I would be so angry that I would scold them!"

Although Mr. Chu's words were somewhat exaggerated, they were actually his true feelings.

Shen Lin looked at Mr. Chu, who looked solemn, and said with a smile: "Mr. Chu, I am also very angry about this matter."

"But when it comes to operating systems, we at MiKe Electronics will not give in."

Mr. Chu said: "Dr. Shen, what I admire most is your brother's perseverance. If you ask me, you can't just take advantage of those guys."

"Grandma's, all these shameless things, what the hell."

"You still have the nerve to come to our side to hold a press conference."

"It's really embarrassing!"

Having said this, he continued: "Some people hold up stinky feet and don't even want to lose face."

"Thankfully, I always thought that he was still a character!"

Although the person Mr. Chu was talking about was not named, both Shen Lin and Mr. Chu knew who he was talking about.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Everyone has his or her own ambitions. People may think this foot looks a bit like a pig's trotter. What can we do?"

While the two were chatting and laughing, they felt a lot closer.

After chatting for more than 20 minutes, Mr. Chu said: "Dr. Shen, the main reason I came here this time is to discuss one thing with you."

"We at Rainbow TV are preparing for a big price reduction!"

"I wonder what you think, Mr. Shen?"

(End of this chapter)

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