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Chapter 2002 Shen Lin’s Credibility

Chapter 2002 Shen Lin’s Credibility

After Mr. Chu explained his plan, he looked very relaxed.

But those who are familiar with Mr. Chu will understand that Mr. Chu is very nervous at this time if he sees Mr. Chu's fingers constantly tapping his thighs.

What can make Mr. Chu nervous are major events related to success or failure.

At this time, Mr. Chu was indeed a little nervous.

He knew very well that the success of this plan mainly depended on Shen Lin's support.

If Shen Lin supports it, everything will be easy to talk about.

If Shen Lin does not support it, his price reduction plan may not be implemented.

After all, now in the entire color TV industry, everyone is paying attention to MiKe Electronics.

Shen Lin looked at Mr. Chu's smile, and a hint of understanding suddenly rose in his heart.

In the previous life, Mr. Chu and Caihong TV relied on the secret of price reduction to knock foreign color TVs into pieces.

It can be said that that time, Rainbow TV confirmed its status.

Now, Mr. Chu is getting ready to make another move.

It seems that Mr. Chu has begun to prepare to follow the old path of his previous life.

It's just that in the previous life, Mr. Chu's price reduction was decided by themselves.

There is basically no discussion with friends and businessmen like myself.

But this time, Mr. Chu personally came to ask for his opinion.

Shen Lin picked up the tea cup and took a sip of water, but did not respond immediately.

He was thinking about the impact that price cuts would have on MiKe Electronics.

After thinking about it secretly, Shen Lin said to Mr. Chu: Mr. Chu, I admire your plan very much. "

Shen Lin's words suddenly made Mr. Chu's heart hang in his throat.

The price reduction frenzy he wants to set off may have much less effect if it is not supported by MiKe Electronics.

The feeling when hearing Shen Lin's words made him feel that Shen Lin didn't support him.

In Mr. Chu's opinion, this should be normal.

After all, Shen Lin's MiKe Electronics is now selling all kinds of products.

Many people have great approval for MiKe Electronics.

It can be said that when many customers buy things nowadays, half of them will choose MiKe Electronics.

In this case, how could MiKe Electronics be willing to throw away its profits?

After gently rubbing his hands, Mr. Chu began to think about how to persuade Shen Lin.

But just when he was about to say his words, Shen Lin said: "So, I support your decision."

"For ordinary color TVs, we can reduce prices simultaneously."

Having said this, Shen Lin pondered for a moment and said: "We can also selectively reduce the prices of our old models of LED LCD TVs."

President Chu's words to persuade Shen Lin were already swirling in his heart. He didn't expect that Shen Lin would give him a big gasp.

This situation made Mr. Chu feel helpless for a moment.

But fortunately, this result was what Mr. Chu wanted.

So he smiled and said to Shen Lin: "Director Shen, with your support, our company can do things boldly and confidently."

"But my price reduction this time is a bit big."

At this point, Mr. Chu hesitated and said: "On some color TVs, we are planning to reduce prices by about [-]%."

After saying this result, Mr. Chu's eyes fell on Shen Lin again.

Although Shen Lin had just agreed, the numbers he was talking about now were really scary.

With a [-]% discount, many factories have to sell their goods at a loss!

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Chu, please give us the price reduction ratio of the color TVs that need to be reduced, and we will reduce the prices together." "Don't worry, we will never let you fight alone."

Mr. Chu was a little confused for a moment.

Why is Shen Lin so easy to talk to this time?

I originally thought that convincing Shen Lin would take a lot of effort, but I didn't expect that it would be so easy.

Shen Lin agreed so happily, was there something hidden in it?

So he hesitated for a moment and said: "Dr. Shen, do you have any additional conditions?"

"There are no additional conditions, I just want to vent my anger." Shen Lin said with a smile: "What's more, so many of our color TV manufacturers have already developed, and it's time for them to give up their market share."

Shen Lin did not refer to them specifically, but Mr. Chu understood the meaning of Shen Lin's words at this time.

He smiled and said: "Director Shen, my purpose of lowering the price this time is just to survive in the competition."

"Do you think we can really defeat them?"

Shen Lin looked at Mr. Chu, who looked suspicious on his face, and said with a smile: "As long as they not only fail to make money with us, but will lose money, they will naturally go as far as they can."

"Don't worry, there's no problem."

Coming out of the small conference room, Mr. Chu was a little confused.

He originally thought that the negotiation with Shen Lin would be a long-term process.

There may even be huge twists and turns here.

But I didn't expect that everything would go so smoothly.

It can even be said that everything is so natural.

Shen Lin and him simply agreed.

"Old Mo, do you think Director Shen is sincere in his promise to us?" Mr. Chu, who was not too confident, asked his vice president of sales after getting in the car.

Lao Mo scratched his head and said, "Mr. Chu, what happened today really went smoothly beyond my expectation."

"If you hadn't asked me, I would have thought that you had already communicated with Shen Lin on this matter."

"However, although this matter is a bit strange, I think we should still believe Shen Lin. After all, he has no need to deceive us in this matter."

"After all, Shen Lin's reputation is not of ordinary value."

Lao Mo's last words were somewhat arbitrary, but no one in the car had any doubts about his words.

Even Mr. Chu thought what he said made sense.

There is no need for Shen Lin to use his own reputation to deceive others.

After all, his reputation is worth more than Rainbow TV in the eyes of many people.

Mr. Chu pondered for a moment and said, "I don't think Mr. Shen will lie to us about this matter. In this case, let's follow the predetermined steps."

"However... we won't announce price cuts for so many products at the moment, and we will do it step by step."

“After Mihu Electronics follows up, we will announce all the products with reduced prices.”

Mr. Chu's decision was confirmed by Rainbow TV.After Lao Mo and others agreed, none of them said a word.

Sitting in the car, Mr. Chu thought about Shen Lin's cheerful expression of agreement, and his confidence suddenly increased a lot.

This matter should be possible, otherwise Shen Lin would not agree so happily.

And once this happens, although their Rainbow TV may not be able to compete with MiKe Electronics, it will definitely be able to establish its own position.

By then, my life will be much better.

However, Shen Lin responded so quickly to the decision that he had finally made up his mind.

Could it be that he had already planned this?
Or is it that he has just made a start and he understands the pros and cons here and agrees to cooperate with him?

The gap between himself and Shen Lin can't be that big.

(End of this chapter)

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