Chapter 2003 You are too good
In Yangcheng, Mi Yuan came to the office looking a little haggard.

As the export department of MiKe Electronics, Mi Yuan and his colleagues simply set up their office in an office building in Yangcheng.

The autumn trade fair has just ended, so the work of Mi Yuan and others is no longer as stressful as before.

"Sister, why do you look so tired today?" A colleague who had a good relationship with Mi Yuan asked Mi Yuan with concern.

Mi Yuan rubbed her shoulders and sighed: "I don't know what happened to the little ancestor at home yesterday. He just refused to sleep in the middle of the night. My eyelids trembled when I told the story, but she is kinder. The more she talks, the more energetic she becomes!"

"I have no choice but to stay up until about three o'clock in the morning."

After hearing Mi Yuan's words, the female colleague showed sympathy on her face.

"Then do you want to rest for a while? Anyway, at this time, Lao Yu won't be checking the post."

Mi Yuan smiled and said: "Forget it, I'd better not cause trouble for Lao Yu."

"Anyway, I don't have much work today. I'll take a nap at noon to relax!"

Although she said this, Mi Yuan felt uneasy in her heart.Although there are parents and nannies taking care of the family, the mother is sick and the child is noisy, so the father doesn't know if he can take care of her.

As for the nanny, although she can help, Mi Yuan is always a little worried.

So at work, she now just does her job well, and as for other things, she rarely pays attention to it now.

"Sister, have you heard? Director Shen is looking for a new secretary!" Gu Xiaolan quietly came to Mi Yuan's side and said mysteriously.

Is Shen Lin looking for a new secretary?

What is going on here?
Although she had made up her mind not to have anything to do with Shen Lin anymore, when she heard the news about him, Mi Yuan's heart still felt like a calm lake suddenly throwing a stone into it, causing ripples.

After the setback of Mi Ke Yi operating system, nothing will happen to him, right?
Although Mi Yuan thought about it, this unhappiness would definitely not defeat Shen Lin, but she knew very well that Shen Lin would definitely be unhappy with such an unacceptable result.

"What, is the room secretary incompetent?"

Mi Yuan has met Fang Xiaomei in the past and feels that although this girl is not very beautiful, she has really strong execution ability.

He does things neatly and neatly, which is more than enough as a secretary.

Can't such a secretary satisfy Shen Lin?
"No, it's a perfect fit. It won the boss's favor." Gu Xiaolan said, "I have been a secretary for three years, and now I have suddenly become the deputy manager of Mihu City."

"Some people say that this is just a temporary position for grassroots training. Once the transition period is over, Director Shen will immediately adjust her to a more important position."

"By that time, the spring breeze will be even more triumphant and the horse's hooves will be faster..."

Mi Yuan didn't take Gu Xiaolan's envy to heart.

Since there was nothing wrong with Shen Lin, she felt relieved.

She didn't want to get involved in Shen Lin's life anymore. The man who once made her heart miss had become a thing of the past in her emotional world.She hoped that when she faced him again, she could be calm and calm.

However, it is undeniable that she is always looking forward to the fact that this beloved man can live a better life and that he can do a better job in his career.

"By the way, I heard that this time, all the companies under our group recommended new secretary candidates to Director Shen." Gu Xiaolan said quietly: "I heard that we recommended you."

If the first half of Gu Xiaolan's sentence seemed normal to Mi Yuan, then the last half of her sentence sounded like a sudden thunder explosion in the plains.

The company I recommend is actually me!

How can this be?

How could he become Shen Lin's secretary? If he became Shen Lin's secretary, that wouldn't be...

For a moment, Mi Yuan felt really mixed emotions.

At this time, there was only one thought in her mind, that is, no matter what, she could not be Shen Lin's secretary.

Just when Mi Yuan was worried, she heard someone say: "Sister Mi Yuan, congratulations!"

"You and Director Shen are old acquaintances. If you become Director Shen's secretary, you will really take advantage of the right time, location, and people. By then, you will be soaring to the sky!"

"Maybe you can become the head of the business department sometime!"

"Yes Mi Yuan, we might ask you for help in the future!" Listening to these words, Mi Yuan didn't know what to say for a while.

Does she want to tell everyone categorically that she will never work for Shen Lin as his secretary?In this case, wouldn't it mean that there is no silver here, 300 taels, and the waiter next door didn't steal it?

While there was a lot of discussion in the office, Yu Qingyou, the manager in charge of export, came over.

Although Yu Qingyou, who is in his 40s, usually smiles, everyone is still very wary of him.

This person is shrewd in doing things, and he also handles things steadily and ruthlessly. He is the kind of person who is approachable with a smile on his face and can get things done quietly.

However, Yu Qingyou respects Mi Yuan very much.

Although he is the supervisor, he will adopt Mi Yuan's opinions most of the time as his deputy.

"Everyone, if you have nothing to do, hurry up and summarize this year's work. In addition, plan what we will do next year."

Yu Qingyou said: "Although this year's results are good, if we don't get good results at next year's trade fair, we won't be able to explain it to our superiors."

Having said this, he said to Mi Yuan: "Mi Yuan, come to the office with me."

Mi Yuan followed Yu Qingyou to the small office separated by glass. Yu Qingyou asked Mi Yuan to sit down and said, "Mi Yuan, this time is really a pity!"

Mi Yuan was stunned, what did Yu Qingyou mean?

Through this period of understanding, Mi Yuan knew that Yu Qingyou had good abilities and was not evil-minded. Although the two of them had a working relationship, they got along well.

"Mr. Yu, what's the pity?"

Yu Qingyou said: "This time Director Shen wants to hire a secretary, the first thing I think of is you."

"Your personal abilities are very strong, which is obvious to all."

"To be honest, if you hadn't gotten married and had children at that time, you should have been responsible for the work here."

"This step is slow, and every step is slow. I think it is a rare opportunity for Director Shen to find a secretary."

"So I took this opportunity to recommend you."

"Thinking about the past three or four years, you are definitely better than Fang Xiaomei."

Speaking of this, Yu Qingyou sighed: "What a pity. Just now a notice came from the president's office asking the three major members of our group to recommend one person."

"And Director Shen also made a request, saying that he had requirements for the secretary's appearance."

"Just two words: average!"

"Director Shen's request is really special. He directly rejected a large number of outstanding candidates."

"This includes you."

Mi Yuan was a little dumbfounded when she heard Shen Lin's strange request.

Average looking!
This is really a rare request for a secretary.

Nowadays, as the number of bosses increases, especially in Yangcheng, no matter which company, big or small bosses, the requirements for recruiting secretaries are the same: good facial features and good looks.This means that it is obvious that they all want a female secretary who is talented, beautiful, smart and capable.

Fortunately for this guy, he actually made such a request to the secretary next to him.

"Mi Yuan, don't you and Director Shen have many friends in common? I think you should seize this rare opportunity and let those old friends help you play the drums."

"In this case, maybe it can really happen."

"After all, the final candidate has not been decided yet, and no one knows what the outcome will be. As long as you work hard, everything is possible!"

Mi Yuan smiled and said: "Mr. Yu, thank you very much for your concern for me, but I am really not suitable for the position of secretary!"

"This is what young girls do. Now I can't even take care of the children all day long. How can I still have time to be a secretary?"

"However, thank you, Mr. Yu, for always thinking of me and taking care of me more thoughtfully than I thought. It's no exaggeration to say that you take care of everything. I feel very satisfied working here, which is pretty good."

(End of this chapter)

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